New Fallout 3 Screenshots

Polynikes said:
Also, using a pre-existing IP is easier than coming up with a new one.
AND gives more money. Unless they put a 3 after the title, in which case people tend to ignore it because "they haven't played 1 and 2"...
Welp, I'm looking forward to it still.
Sorta looking forward to Tiberium, too. The in-game movie they put out recently kinda turned me off, but I'm mostly hoping for interesting multiplayer out of it anyway. For all of Renegade's faults, and it's got tons, it was kinda fun online. Mostly because it was released before Battlefield 1942, but still. If Tiberium has some sort of large-server base and harvester defending/attacking vehicle driving multiplayer like Renegade, with all the multiplayer advancements made since then, it could be pretty slick. Doubt it'll take Battlefield 2142's place in my gaming time though.
Yuck... they managed to turn one of the greatest games of all time, into that?

Looks boring and horrible. I wouldnt play that for as many years as i've played fallout 1, 2 and tactics. Hope to god they stand back and redesign a megaton(lol) of it.

Rather write "Fallout 3" up the side of my slightly erect penis and play with that for 3 years.

In My Opinion...
generalissimofurioso said:
That must be why EA is making Tiberium...

Another FPS set in the C&C universe, because the fans must really want it.

haha, nice troll attempt. have you ever actually played renegade? i have, at a lan, with friends. you know what? the general idea was that this game is a piece of trash. people like rts games, and they like fps games. but to make a shitty rts mixed with a shitty fps makes for a shitty game. also, tiberium is not renegade 2, it's not a sequel. my point was that renegade is being swept under a lot of rugs and people are trying to forget about it.

i appreciate you taking the time to troll me today though. it's always nice to have a chat with my fans.
junkevil said:
generalissimofurioso said:
That must be why EA is making Tiberium...

Another FPS set in the C&C universe, because the fans must really want it.

haha, nice troll attempt. have you ever actually played renegade? i have, at a lan, with friends. you know what? the general idea was that this game is a piece of trash. people like rts games, and they like fps games. but to make a shitty rts mixed with a shitty fps makes for a shitty game. also, tiberium is not renegade 2, it's not a sequel. my point was that renegade is being swept under a lot of rugs and people are trying to forget about it.

i appreciate you taking the time to troll me today though. it's always nice to have a chat with my fans.
Huh, wasn't renegade a piece of trash? From what I played, it was boring as hell... And i played like 2 hours or something. Uninspired boring crap... Man were those levels bad...
junkevil said:
generalissimofurioso said:
That must be why EA is making Tiberium...

Another FPS set in the C&C universe, because the fans must really want it.

haha, nice troll attempt. have you ever actually played renegade? i have, at a lan, with friends. you know what? the general idea was that this game is a piece of trash. people like rts games, and they like fps games. but to make a shitty rts mixed with a shitty fps makes for a shitty game. also, tiberium is not renegade 2, it's not a sequel. my point was that renegade is being swept under a lot of rugs and people are trying to forget about it.

i appreciate you taking the time to troll me today though. it's always nice to have a chat with my fans.

R.I.P. Starcraft Ghost ~_~
Vandictive said:
Yuck... they managed to turn one of the greatest games of all time, into that?

Looks boring and horrible. I wouldnt play that for as many years as i've played fallout 1, 2 and tactics. Hope to god they stand back and redesign a megaton(lol) of it.

Rather write "Fallout 3" up the side of my slightly erect penis and play with that for 3 years.

In My Opinion...

That was a vile disgusting and absolutely hilarious way to finish a post.
Well im not that great myself, but the mesh work on the mutants is horrible. Did beth forget how to use normal mapping suddenly? Hate the lazy generic texturing as well, looks like crap, and since looks is all Fo3 has going for it, thats not good. Cant see why anyone would be impressed.
junkevil said:
haha, nice troll attempt. have you ever actually played renegade? i have, at a lan, with friends. you know what? the general idea was that this game is a piece of trash. people like rts games, and they like fps games. but to make a shitty rts mixed with a shitty fps makes for a shitty game. also, tiberium is not renegade 2, it's not a sequel. my point was that renegade is being swept under a lot of rugs and people are trying to forget about it.

i appreciate you taking the time to troll me today though. it's always nice to have a chat with my fans.




I own Renegade (came with a bundle I picked up to replace my damaged RA2 discs), and I am of the impression that many C&C fans hated it (along with many FPS fans).

My statement about Tiberium was meant in jest, especially since I personally don't know anyone who played C&C3 and said to themselves "Boy! I sure do wish someone would make a FPS with RTS elements of this series! That would rock because I'm sick of having to formulate strategies and just want to kill things!"
zioburosky13 said:
Simeon said:
but bethesda actually has a TRACK RECORD of fucking up games based on PnP series.
Not just PnP title. Others like Terminator series and IHRA racing.

Simeon said:
They fucked up the H.P. Lovecraft game that was based on call of Cthulhu a year or two ago. They took the PnP mechanics...and made it real time and first person.
Call of Cthulhu is plagued by lack of support of its developer. Bethesda just published it. I admit it, playing a FPS game in Lovecraft myths is unlike any other FPS games out there due to the psychological game-play. But that's the only good about it.

A lack of support caused by the developer (Headfirst) going under as soon as Call of Cthulhu was published...

I dont think anyone at HF was prepared to write a patch for a game they
a) No longer was being paid to develop.
b) No longer had access to the source code.
Morbus said:
Simeon said:
R.I.P. Starcraft Ghost ~_~
Come one, admit it: you only wanted to play the game because of the hot chick...

the hot chick that's a GHOST.

speaking of that, it's sorrowful how much better the SC2 devs communicate with their fanbase than bethesda.
Simeon said:
the hot chick that's a GHOST.
Just like Kerrigan used to be... :)

Simeon said:
speaking of that, it's sorrowful how much better the SC2 devs communicate with their fanbase than bethesda.
No it's not: it's endearing.
Those leg armor parts look weird to me. Anyway could be good option to make yourself own armors from junk found around, and wear many parts separately instead of one full design made by some brotherhood. I mean opportunity to use skills science and repair much often, they could be used to make own armors and weapons (known as "upgrade" from old Fallouts)

Sadly i dont hear nothing special about changes in details of skills, stats and perks instead of changes as new 3D graphic. I hope this dont be just another 3-D shooter, but in Fallout style.
Just thought I'd let you know, Bethesda considers you dirty pirating lawbreakers for keeping these pictures up, and essentially delete anything linking to NMA off their forums. :twisted:

Well, anything linking or related to the images, at least. Because screenshots are considered copyrighted material now, I guess.
Grimhound said:
Just thought I'd let you know, Bethesda considers you dirty pirating lawbreakers for keeping these pictures up, and essentially delete anything linking to NMA off their forums. :twisted:

Well, anything linking or related to the images, at least. Because screenshots are considered copyrighted material now, I guess.
They are copyrighted material, but NMA isn't selling them. We are a non profit site. The only argument they could possibly use would be the DNA, but we didn't sign that, so they can't complain.

I still think Grimhound is a plant :revolution: but he's right, NMA has no link on the fansites list for a couple of months now, that's a bit excessive.

And people aren't even linking to NMA anymore on the forum, because all the links are being censored. :Bizarro:

Edited for goofyness
If bethesda had their way, they'd put a non-disclosure clause in the EULA so upon buying their games you couldn't go spread the word that you'd been horribly tricked into buying a box of absolute shit.

I find their repeated insistence that they communicate with the fan community rather hilarious when you consider how little they have actually "released" about FINO3.

Almost every bit of information we have about this game, that has any sort of merit, has come from stealthy manuevering on the part of NMA members and screenshots that bethesda doesn't want anyone to see unless they've put money into the pockets of the private media outlets that spew the complete bullshit that bethesda pretty much wrote for them, which praises their unfinished game as if it were made by god and is the be all and end all of video gaming.

If we don't keep the screenshots up, Bethesda gets their way, and nobody will even have a chance of knowing what this game is going to be like without shelling out dough to find out.