New Fallout 4 gameplay released

I suppose we couldn't help the Fiends against the First Recon either.

It's difficult to help someone who tries to shoot you on sight. The same way you couldn't help the Jackals or the Vipers. :)

I really hope "attack on sight" enemies are the sort of thing that are purely the cause of a technological limitation and are something we're going to be able to grow out of with new technology. "Attack the PC no matter what" is easy to code, but "that guy has power armor and a minigun, so maybe our ambush with baseball bats is ill-considered" or "I know that guy, let's not kill him" or other sorts of AI behaviors are far more interesting.

The sorts of Raiders who attack heavily armed people and continue attacking until you die or they do probably will not survive very long in the wastes, so most of the ones you meet should show some discretion.

Of all the games I know, I Am Alive manages this best: If you point a gun at a thug that only has a melee weapon he will put his hands in the air, for a while, if you keep him on gunpoint for too long and don't constantly yell at him he will think you are bluffing him with a unloaded gun (which isn't unlikely to be the case given how ammo is scarce in this game) and then come at you. If you are trying to surrender multiple enemies, they will slowly and sneakily spread around as they feign surrender to try and encircle you. It works really well.
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Considering there are already AI overhaul mods that actually work rather well I am just gonna go with Bethesda are just a bunch of lazy bastards.
I was talking with people who said they hated New Vegas why. After like a 50 post conversation, they finally came out and said "I liek the action in 3 better!"

I mean, there's nothing objectively wrong with preferring explosions and giant robots to choice, consequence and genuinely touching characters and well crafted stories, but I just don't get why they aren't playing the newest Call of Duty instead of an RPG...
I was talking with people who said they hated New Vegas why. After like a 50 post conversation, they finally came out and said "I liek the action in 3 better!"

I mean, there's nothing objectively wrong with preferring explosions and giant robots to choice, consequence and genuinely touching characters and well crafted stories, but I just don't get why they aren't playing the newest Call of Duty instead of an RPG...

Because Fallout has been absorbed by the CoD fanboys who got into Fallout 3 because of the nuclear explosions.
Skills are gone.



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I hope it is not like it looks, but did those guys have access to that kind of weaponry and still were losing people to raiders? I mean, what the glowing fuck?

Actually there is not really a limitation here. AI is all about scripts. So it would not be the most difficult thing in the world for a developer. There are already mechanics where enemies flee in Fallout 3, I think. It all depends how much effort you put in to the AI.

While not a strong limitation indeed, either your engine takes into account the fact there are conditions for different behaviours (and the behaviours themselves, obviously), or your scripts will rapidly devolve into spaghetti code. Also, it means there are lots of individual things to take into account. Some can be fixed by embedding conventions in the scripting language and engine (for example, putting a "combat rating" for characters based on sensible things, like the armour your are wearing and the weapon you are holding, but this would be recursive, the weapons would need a rating themselves, etc, so you can put a threshold for NPCs to decide under which conditions they'll fight you), but doing it in the scripts themselves is unwise to say the least.