RE: what the used?
Well, I don't think any of us listed all our Dos games, I even missed a couple off of my list. But you have roughly 300 Games?! Damn, get a life
I have about 150 all in all. And for some reason, I don't think that Wasteland was ever released in England. Also, I had about 30 games on the commodor 64, which I sold about 6 years ago.
[TABLE border=5' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='15' bgcolor='#000000' bordercolor='#808080' bordercolorlight='#C0C0C0' bordercolordark='#000000][TR][TD]
[TABLE border=0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#000000][TR][TD]
[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]
Well, I don't think any of us listed all our Dos games, I even missed a couple off of my list. But you have roughly 300 Games?! Damn, get a life

[TABLE border=5' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='15' bgcolor='#000000' bordercolor='#808080' bordercolorlight='#C0C0C0' bordercolordark='#000000][TR][TD]
[TABLE border=0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#000000][TR][TD]
[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]