New Fallout Project

The only farm animal in Tactics is the Brahmin, but there is a dog and wolf and giant rat in tactics that you might be able to use. All of which I have converted :)
The wolf and the dog I have already uploaded to NMA, I am justing running the autoclipping over them to make them smaller and I will upload the 1.1 version of these files
Yes, the start map is hardcoded (probably location too). You could always make a bogus map that teleports you elsewhere if you want to avoid having to use a loader/patch. Or just name your first map since it'll override the orginal one, unless you planned on keeping that map of course.

I don't remember exactly how the start position is determined in maps (other than through city.txt). So it's either hardcoded in the game in which case you'll still have to script teleportation givne it doesn't fit your needs; or it's actually in the map (I have vague memories about being able to set a start point in the mapper but it's probably not even true).
I have a question. I'm putting together the first design document, and it would help to understand what I can do, and how to accomplish it.

I don't know much about how variables and scripts are handled. I know there are some global variables that go through the whole game, such as variables that reflect the PC and the party.

However, can I set quest flags? Will these quest flags change if I leave a map?

As far as I can tell, I can make new prototypes for critters and items. Is there anything in the game we can't add? I'm guessing we can't add new perks and traits.
I heard they modified an unused Perk. I don't know for certain. It would nice if we could add Perks obtained by quests.
Wild_qwerty said:
I am told that perks are hard coded, and the pilot perk jsut modifed an unused one.

Hmmm, sounds like a programing monkey needs to do an edit allowing more perks..................
I wanted to update people on our progress so far.

Since there is already a project named Fanmade Fallout, we have changed our name to Fanout.

We have a new website in the works.

The design document is 95% done. We're compiling team feedback, and making some minor changes. The design document does not feature any concept art, maps, or dialogue, and it's currently sitting at 30 pages.

Yep, that's 30 pages of pure NPC descriptions, locations, and quests just for one town. I'm really happy with the depth and ideas we've got currently for the demo. In my mind, this is what a MEDIUM sized town should be like in Fallout.

The size and scope of the demo will be a little larger than what we initially planned, and we are considering adding on another mapper.

We have a new scripter, and a new artist on the team, and we may be adding more scripters. If you have any experience scripting in FO, please drop us a line.

We're also stick looking for an artist to draw some faces for the talking heads.

Our website is located at:
There's a little bit more to making talking heads than just the FRMs, you need to make the LIP files for them as well.
I've got two volunteers who want to try and make some talking heads for us. If you can send me some info on them, I'd greatly appreciate it!

As always, you're the best.

I was going to download the crazy talk program and crack it. Have you tried it yet?
They tied a tracking to device to me sorry, but after a bit of investiagation you would be better off using 'Poser' to make the heads rather than crazzy talk (could technicaly be done, but would be a bit of fiddling around)
Yep, that's 30 pages of pure NPC descriptions, locations, and quests just for one town. I'm really happy with the depth and ideas we've got currently for the demo. In my mind, this is what a MEDIUM sized town should be like in Fallout.

It makes me shiver that you wrote a 30 paged design document just to explain the concept and basic properties of your game, that’s over 25,500 words, that sounds like really bad designing to me, a good designer is someone who can work with in the limits and can manage to write what seems to be a 30 paged design document into about 10 pages. A design document the size of that will also dramatically slow down your development team, which in turn will cost you more time and resources.

You've fallen for the ol' newbie mistake that a big design document means a well designed game.
I think that's a rather assumptive statement considering you haven't read the document. You assume the length has something to do with the style in which it's written rather than the ammount of content.

The town just has a lot of NPCs, quests and depth.

Instead of an NPC having one small fetch or FedEx quest, the town is quite dynamic. There are various factions at play, and you'll find youself going back and forth in this town.

I assure you that organization is not a problem in the document. And I could have rambled on about each NPC, and made the document five times as long. I didn't.

The document doesn't contain any concept art, maps, nor dialogue. Each NPC has about two paragraphs to dscribe them. A few key NPCs get lengthier descriptions.

If only you could read the document...
Oh, he could, but Design Documents are usually meant to be confidential while the game is in production.

Of course you could release a Non-Confidential version with all the secret stuff cut out, but that'd be pretty pointless, most likely.
Especially if your Design Document is mostly about the story and what would be the GameMaster's knowledge in a Pen & Paper game.