New Fbos shots

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TheBigL said:
just read ALL these posts here.

and as for you Roshambo when I am saying you are childish is by the things you did to my profile, also I found insolts to be childish too.

second I did read the article.

and I also I stop caring about editing couse you made me angry with your little kid stuff.

looks like you are making so big and strong here by the little kiddy stuff you are foing to me. but geuss what it makes you more idiotic then I am.

all you did is missing my point and for that insolting me.
the thing was that I said games shouldnt be jujde brfore played and they all agreed here.
lol he is doing it to you as well?

look no sense in beeing angry on him. it's a waste of energy ;) welcome to the club TheBigL.

Seems to be pretty common in here to miss the point and then slam down with an attitude ...
Legshot said:
TheBigL said:
just read ALL these posts here.

and as for you Roshambo when I am saying you are childish is by the things you did to my profile, also I found insolts to be childish too.

second I did read the article.

and I also I stop caring about editing couse you made me angry with your little kid stuff.

looks like you are making so big and strong here by the little kiddy stuff you are foing to me. but geuss what it makes you more idiotic then I am.

all you did is missing my point and for that insolting me.
the thing was that I said games shouldnt be jujde brfore played and they all agreed here.
lol he is doing it to you as well?

look no sense in beeing angry on him. it's a waste of energy ;) welcome to the club TheBigL.

Seems to be pretty common in here to miss the point and then slam down with an attitude ...

hahah you too could not tolerate his insolting any more?
TheBigL said:
and as for you Roshambo when I am saying you are childish is by the things you did to my profile, also I found insolts to be childish too.

Thank you for whining and not paying attention to the real topic.

second I did read the article.

Then offer some concrete proof that you did, rather than consistently whine without any backing like the majority of your posts have been.

and I also I stop caring about editing couse you made me angry with your little kid stuff.

Bullshit, you were doing it long before. Poor excuse, try another one. No, wait, don't bother. If it was anything like the last one, it too will be pathetic and transparent.

You also presumed to tell people what to do on my forum. Hasn't that sunk into your vacuous cranium yet, or are you still trying to sort out the echo?

looks like you are making so big and strong here by the little kiddy stuff you are foing to me. but geuss what it makes you more idiotic then I am.

Funny, you seem to be the one who doesn't quite get it. We're on the discussion and have shown that we've taken a look at what makes the game. The setting is a MAJOR thing in ANY game, and they have shown it was botched. Run Like Hell was also flawed to an extreme, another little project of Chuck's.

Then, the game is also being cut in half to be split into two parts. Uh...yeah. So much for story integrity.

Do you understand now or do I have to ban you for your own sake?

all you did is missing my point and for that insolting me.
the thing was that I said games shouldnt be jujde brfore played and they all agreed here.

You certainly are a self-delusional little shit, aren't you?
TheBigL said:
hahah you too could not tolerate his insolting any more?

If people can only argue with an attitude and by name calling it's somewhat a waste of time even reading their posts. I it's not a very hard thing to stick to facts if you have reached some age. At least you should believe so.

There seem to be some unwritten forum rules for some people which you have to believe in here to be welcome. If you don't share em you're the one who has no clue and who only talks shit. Seesh if it wasn't for Fallout and some pretty cool guys in here I would be off for good.

But it's a cool site, we two only seem to be run into the forum bullys or something ;)

To_L1K said:
\callvote enable idiot muting
One vote for To_L1K for an insulting, pointless not helpful post in any way. Way to go mate :lol:
heh. "my give up" (c) Jar-Jar Binks. its up for you two people.. cya in tha mornin
And sorry, i cannot control my anger towards morons after 6 pages of a pure moronothon, so i made a pointless post, sue me, you guys made 6 pages. my point clear enough, or ya want me to chew it for ya?
Roshambo said:
TheBigL said:
and as for you Roshambo when I am saying you are childish is by the things you did to my profile, also I found insolts to be childish too.

Thank you for whining and not paying attention to the real topic.

second I did read the article.

Then offer some concrete proof that you did, rather than consistently whine without any backing like the majority of your posts have been.

and I also I stop caring about editing couse you made me angry with your little kid stuff.

Bullshit, you were doing it long before. Poor excuse, try another one. No, wait, don't bother. If it was anything like the last one, it too will be pathetic and transparent.

You also presumed to tell people what to do on my forum. Hasn't that sunk into your vacuous cranium yet, or are you still trying to sort out the echo?

looks like you are making so big and strong here by the little kiddy stuff you are foing to me. but geuss what it makes you more idiotic then I am.

Funny, you seem to be the one who doesn't quite get it. We're on the discussion and have shown that we've taken a look at what makes the game. The setting is a MAJOR thing in ANY game, and they have shown it was botched. Run Like Hell was also flawed to an extreme, another little project of Chuck's.

Then, the game is also being cut in half to be split into two parts. Uh...yeah. So much for story integrity.

Do you understand now or do I have to ban you for your own sake?

all you did is missing my point and for that insolting me.
the thing was that I said games shouldnt be jujde brfore played and they all agreed here.

You certainly are a self-delusional little shit, aren't you?

1.) ohh wait!?! :shock: were you talking on the toppic all along!

2.) I read the article, and why the hell should I "rpove" it to you?
You want to belive/ belive! you dont? dont.

3.) I NEVER did it exsept the 2 times I had no choise ( my pc exploded with NMA pages and it crashed when I etited posts so I was afraid editing, I fixed that after reinstalling my pc.

4.) I was telling my opinion not like you FORCING your opinion just because I dont agree with you.

5.) and what your reason will be for banning me?
"I banned him because he insolted me after I insolted him for soo long"

6.) It was just my thought, that why I asked him.
Legshot said:
There seem to be some unwritten forum rules for some people which you have to believe in here to be welcome. If you don't share em you're the one who has no clue and who only talks shit.

It's called "lurking", net trash. Thank you for proving you are quite likely younger than my time in and around the game industry. It also isn't much to expect that when you get into a conversation, you should have some knowledge of what you are attempting to talk about. Telling people to not do something on someone else's forums when it goes quite contrary to how it is run - that is a good indication of being a complete netnewbie.

Seesh if it wasn't for Fallout and some pretty cool guys in here I would be off for good.

You already are. I doubt many will miss you.

TheBigL said:
1.) ohh wait!?! :shock: were you talking on the toppic all along!

It isn't really that surprising for you to finally get it after all this time.

2.) I read the article, and why the hell should I "rpove" it to you?
You want to belive/ belive! you dont? dont.

Well, everything you've posted points out that you're quite clueless, especially when it comes to game development.

3.) I NEVER did it exsept the 2 times I had no choise ( my pc exploded with NMA pages and it crashed when I etited posts so I was afraid editing, I fixed that after reinstalling my pc.

Liar. You've done it far too many times for that to be believable. Once or twice is one thing. Diarrhetic posts are another.

4.) I was telling my opinion not like you FORCING your opinion just because I dont agree with you., you were not. You were telling people to stop criticising the game because they haven't played it yet. Unfortunately, everyone else but your clueless self has been around and seen how this game looks like a giant shit sandwich.

5.) and what your reason will be for banning me?
"I banned him because he insolted me after I insolted him for soo long"

No, for being too stupid to be allowed to live. If I can't take you out of the gene pool, I will remove you from my presence as those who don't bother to figure out what they are attempting to talk about before they talk about it are nothing but a waste of time and bandwidth.

6.) It was just my thought, that why I asked him.

Thank you for posting completely out of context. You know, the purpose of the quote button is so you can easily reply to individual elements instead of just reposting the same post over. Of course, that's just another facet of your piss-poor observation skills. No wonder you can't tell how bad F:POS's design is, you can barely use a message board.
Can't we all...


shut the fuck up.

The game looks like shit, the concepts behind it are shit, the people behind the game are shit developers, and the blatant whoring of Fallout name is shit.

Most likely, this game is going to be shit.

You have a point there BigL. The surest way of proving something is to test it. But it definitely doesn't mean it's the only way. Maybe you're one of those brave (or unbelievably stupid) individuals who might dip their fingers into a steaming pile of corn-studded shit in the hopes of tasting an exquisite hot fudge. Most of the board's members are not that way, and would rather follow the rule of Ockham's razor.

So please stop telling everyone here that they should eat sh... I mean follow your views.

And you've been out argued, unless you're a glutton for punishment, there's no point in extending the pain.

Oh, and by the way, I noticed that this board has implemented a spellchecker since the last time I visited, there's no excuse in not using it.
You are an asshole Roshambo, you are probobly always gets beaten in school and your money is taking from you by more powerful nerds like you.

"look at me I am the mighty adim" "I can say what ever I want on everyone I want""ha TheBigL said somethingthat I dont agree with lets change his status so everyone will think I am cool and he is suck""I know stuff before they happen couse I am a mighty power ranger, and I know F:BOS will suck ha!"

"damn I am bored lets humilite ThebIgL a little more before I ban him couse I have no life at all"

"OMG he made a spelling mistake, lets show I am very powerful and corect his mistake MHAHAHAH I am so evil"

"I read an article that says that F:BOS will suck"
"Lets say bigL is lier so that It will make me more powerful and it will make him like fool hihihi he willl never belive what hit him"

"yo bigL all your base are belong to me!"

You poor monkey. you canot be a part of commutity ( the real life people damass ), your place is in the zoo.
You know this is getting nowhere, I really close to closing this thread...

Most of the insults are actually your own faults guys, had you read the background stuff and did a little digging before making any statements, then you wouldn't have been bashed..
TheBigL said:
You are an asshole Roshambo, you are probobly always gets beaten in school and your money is taking from you by more powerful nerds like you.

LOL. That's funny.

Seriously though bud, you're about to be reamed a new asshole. Although the entertainment factor of your posts is quite high, give up while you can.
Dude, look at your post count. Now look at my post count. Now compare our registration dates. Now look at your custom title. Get it? Stop fucking posting so much, give other people a chance to speak their mind without you spamming every thread you enter. Rosh is doing what he's doing because you won't shut the fuck up. You've made 260 posts in 9 fucking days for christ's sake, at this point nobody gives a fuck what you say.
Ancient Oldie said:
TheBigL said:
You are an asshole Roshambo, you are probobly always gets beaten in school and your money is taking from you by more powerful nerds like you.

LOL. That's funny.

Seriously though bud, you're about to be reamed a new asshole. Although the entertainment factor of your posts is quite high, give up while you can.

I am giving up I am FUCKED UP kid :cry:
looks like I am the only one here who thinks that people shouldnt insolt each other no metter what. well I lost I hope you are happy Roshambo and I didnt ment the stuff I said. you just was really mean to me.
Montez said:
Dude, look at your post count. Now look at my post count. Now compare our registration dates. Now look at your custom title. Get it? Stop fucking posting so much, give other people a chance to speak their mind without you spamming every thread you enter. Rosh is doing what he's doing because you won't shut the fuck up. You've made 260 posts in 9 fucking days for christ's sake, at this point nobody gives a fuck what you say.

lets asuume you are right and no one gives a fuck about me then why toinsolt me if you dont care?

so what man I was seek these whole week, made a surgery yesterday, thats why is my post acount is high I havent spammed exsept for here with Roshambo.
Sorry about that Odin, I messed up one of my edits and ended up double posting. Unless there's a problem with the forums code... nah, I fucked up. Delete that last post if you want.
TheBigL said:
so what man I was seek these whole week, made a surgery yesterday, thats why is my post acount is high I havent spammed exsept for here with Roshambo.

What the hell are you blathering about? Oh wait, just stop talking for once.

You have been beaten. Roshambo's comebacks will kick your ass any day of the week.

Furthermore, unlike Paladin Solo, I would not be sad to see you go. At least he added something to the debate, even if it was just the whipping boy. You just seem to get in the way.

Murdoch said:
TheBigL said:
so what man I was seek these whole week, made a surgery yesterday, thats why is my post acount is high I havent spammed exsept for here with Roshambo.

What the hell are you blathering about? Oh wait, just stop talking for once.

You have been beaten. Roshambo's comebacks will kick your ass any day of the week.

Furthermore, unlike Paladin Solo, I would not be sad to see you go. At least he added something to the debate, even if it was just the whipping boy. You just seem to get in the way.


fine with me at least you havent insolted me.
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