RE: That's it!! You've convinced me!
>- Oh you want abusive? Morte's
>Litany-of-Curses has won me so
>many battles
>Actually, I haven't used it all
>that often, and frankly, Trias
>was a complete putz.
Yeah he was easy to kill (you'd think an angel would be invincible), but Morte's Litany made it so Trias couldn't cast any spells. It also lowered his guard and reduced him to trying to bitch-slap Morte. I had Vhailor lob that loser deva's head right off. That guy diserved it.
>Simple - let he go into
>stealth mode {right-click, special abilities...
>I'm not sure if it's
>called hide in shadows like
>in BG, or you can
>simply assign a key for
>it}, walk to the enemy
>and BOOM!, she'll do about
>three or four times the
>usual damage {provided she *hits*
>him or her}. Hell, with
>spiked gauntlets of ogre power
>she could take out a
>Curst guard in two hits.
>Gethreleth, in three. Oh, BTW,
>if any hostiles see her
>while she's trying to go
>shadow, it'll fail. Just round
>a corner or hide behind
>a rock if necessary.
Does she move out of stealth mode once she strikes? Her pick-pocket skills kick ass, 100% success rate.
>- I haven't encountered "Nordom"...
>He's in the Modron maze {you
>must set it to "hard",
>though}. Nice fella, and give
>him the Optix targeter and
>he'll be one mean cube.
Oh okay... better change the difficulty.
Last questions: What is the secret to the Mosaic Crypt in the catacombs? That guy inside the Embraced Crypt said there was some sort of secret about that crypt, but all I find is that it shoots ice-knives at me and drops goo from the center. Also is there any way to actually see the Silent King? I can't get permission and I don't feel like killing ghouls just to see him.
I hope he's not like the Godsman secret project.. sheesh that was boring.
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