RE: About humor...
>I don't particularly take to British/Euro
>humor anyway, it is too
>silly and stupid. Shows
>like Monte Python, Mr. Bean,
>Red-Green, Red Dwarf, etc. try
>too hard to achieve a
>laugh out of silliness.
>I expected a higher refinement
>of humor when I first
>watched such shows but never
>found it.
Like American humor is that refined. You've had masterpieces like "Dumb and Dumber", "There's something about Mary" and "Ace Ventura". Offcourse this is only a small selection to illustrate my point and I infact enjoyed all these movies,but you can't exactly call them refined
>I don't particularly take to British/Euro
>humor anyway, it is too
>silly and stupid. Shows
>like Monte Python, Mr. Bean,
>Red-Green, Red Dwarf, etc. try
>too hard to achieve a
>laugh out of silliness.
>I expected a higher refinement
>of humor when I first
>watched such shows but never
>found it.
Like American humor is that refined. You've had masterpieces like "Dumb and Dumber", "There's something about Mary" and "Ace Ventura". Offcourse this is only a small selection to illustrate my point and I infact enjoyed all these movies,but you can't exactly call them refined