New Governmental interference

Well Wooz69, what if they took away your right to protest as you may be a terrorist? as the, "commitee for state security", er i mean Homeland security is trying to get leglislation to curtail protests by increasing the cost of liscensing. So no liscense no protest, you protest you are arrested under the patriot act. The pieces are in place for shit like that to occur. Only one thing stands in the way of that, the Supreme court. As a 16 year veteran of the US Marine Corps, i took an oath to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States, not the government. If the Government starts to curtail the rights enshrined by the constitution, it will not be long my friend. And i am not alone,by far.

I think we got into a little misunderstanding here.

In no way I support, or approve the US government and its current civil-rights stripping activities.

What I pointed out was that, in my opinion, a full-scale civil war would be impossible, nowadays, in a country such as the United States. The "revolution" would be wiped out, brutally, in its initial phases, especially under the near(?)-totalitarian legislations in place today. That doesn't mean I agree with it or think it's the right way to solve the "mecontentment" problem. ( Is everyone happy? No? Well, we'll *make* everyone happy! *smack* )

To illustrate what I said, take the example of Baltimore riots in the 60's...