New Jedi Critter. Need a critter maker and a scripter.


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
(Ignore the frist few posts, Ive changed plans somewhat.)

I am considering starting on an edit of the robe.FRM to make a new unit.

A dark Jedi, with lightsaber.

This would require making a new set of .frm's as well as possibly* adding the weapon to the game. (proably with a +25 or so to DR for the saber)

I'd be willing to do all of the .FRM's, but would need someone who knows what they're doing to make the new weapon, and do the scripting for the encounter

Suggestion's/ideas ?

*instead of making the saber a weapon, the new unit could simply fight unarmed, but with the .frm made so he attacks with a saber. If feasible, add a 'broken saber' to the unit's inventory as a souvenir after you kill him
There are already a few different coloured Robes in Fallout






I would sugest that you use the attack seqeunce for either the ripper or the sledge hammer for this new critter FRM. As you are not making it for other armours it should be possible to actaully finish it :)
Thanks for the .FRM file names.

Yeah, I was thinking of using a hammer to start with. Wouldnt have to edit AS much that way.

The guy would have extreme HtH perks, and Slayer, and be set up to do mass dammage per attack.

So going head to head would be suicide, you run and shoot. And keep shooting.


While Im at it, I might make two differnt one's.

A good guy with a blue or green saber, and a bad guy with a red saber who attacks you. Have which one you get be random. Once per game.

Maybe make the good guy one able to join you, as a medic/mele whupass guy.
Or let them fight each other! I not ure wether you maybe want to use the attack FRMs from the hammer but the draw weapon FRMs from the Knife and once he draws the weapon add the light saber "blade" onto the last frame to indicate he has just turned it on. But then again the different weapon FRMs migt not line up in the same place :?
Just have the hammer missing it's head.

That way, when they do the inactive motin, twirling it and such, its like theyre playing with the saber hilt.

When they attack, the blade will appear.

Im thinking, since Im going to use the purple robe since it can also use all of the other weapons, redo it to were the saber is the punch attack.

Of course, that would dissable powerfise and such, unless you just made a new weapon and only assigned it to a jedi unit.

But I aint a programmer, so Ill leave that up to whomever winds up doing that.

btw, is there a quick way to extract the FRMs to a usable format ?

Im using the frame animator program to view them, and taking screenshots to modify them (well, when I was playing earlier I was) is there a way to extract all 6 angles at once ?


NM, figured out how to extract.
Ok, looking at the way its looking, Ill use the knife one's, and just add a saber blade that extends when attacking.

That way, I change the least amount.
Hmmm, that might acutally be the best as then the "draw" weapon frames will line up better.

You might find ths useful as well.
DA = Knife Idle
DB = Knife Walk
DC = Knife Equip
DD = Knife Unequip
DE = Knife Dodge
DF = Knife Thrust
DG = Knife Slash
DM = Knife Throw

I think the knife is actually the only melee weapon that has "Thrust", "Slash" and "Throw" though if you use throw you will then need to edit another FRM for the throwing sequence. Might be easier to just ignore that to begin with.

Also as long as you keep all of the FRMs the same size the best way would be to over write the original frame in the FRM as then you will keep all of the alignments (its a major pain to redo all of those, trust me I am just about finished the alignments for an entire set of animations for the Environmental armour form FOT)
Thanks, that list will be useful, as Im just begaining to figure out the coding system used.

I'll ignore throw, since it's going to be a HtH attack for the new critter.

Pple dont throw their hands, though that could be a funy Ghoul, one that throws parts at expense of hitpoint damage :p


The first set is coming along nicley :) I might post some screens of the frames that Ive got debugged in a bit.

Heres the complete .FRM file, Ive aligned it and will wait til I see it ingame to decide weather or not to do more.

Ok, whats the next step to get it ingame ?

Anyway, here are the rough stats.

I assume that now someone with coding skills is needed to make new critter, if so just use all of the regular purple robed figures FRM's from the game, but replace the punch and kick one's with this. Also, make their mele dammage quite high, and if possible make it so their unarmed attacks can trigger the cut in half with a laser animation sometimes (if possible of course.)

The new critters stats will be something like this

Jedi Master (think tough deathclaw, but Jedi)

HtH skills around 150
Slayer perk
Extremly high DR/AC, to somewhat simulate the lightsaber deflection

Jedi Knight (think regular deathclaw)

HtH skills around 110-120
Slayer perk
Extremly high DR/AC, to somewhat simulate the lightsaber deflection, but lower than Jedi Master.

Jedi Padawan (think baby deathclaw)

HtH skills around 90-100
No slayer perk
Much lower DR/AC but keep it in a respectable range
OK it looks good so far, but it needs more work on the alignment still, his feet slide backwards when he thrusts forward to attack with it.

Within in Frame animator select view and then tick the "Hexes" button. You can now see where he is in comparison to the hex. Now shift his alignment so that his feet are in the hex and dont slide backwards out of it.

Nice work though :) If you want I could put to tegether some brief instructions on how to name the new FRM.

REM Rename Unarmed
Copy HAROBEAA..frm %1AA.Frm
Copy HAROBEAB.frm %1AB.Frm
Copy HAROBEAE.frm %1AE.Frm
Copy HAROBEAK.frm %1AK.Frm
Copy HAROBEAL.frm %1AL.Frm
Copy HAROBEAN.frm %1AN.Frm
REM Copy HAROBEAS.frm %1AS.Frm
REM AS = Throw
REM Copy HAROBEAQ.frm %1AQ.Frm
REM AQ = Punch
REM Copy HAROBEAR.frm %1AR.Frm
REM AR = Kick
Copy HAROBEAO.frm %1AO.Frm
Copy HAROBEAP.frm %1AP.Frm
Copy HAROBEAT.frm %1AT.Frm

REM Rename Deaths
Copy HAROBEBA.frm %1BA.Frm
Copy HAROBEBB.frm %1BB.Frm
Copy HAROBEBD.frm %1BD.Frm
Copy HAROBEBE.frm %1BE.Frm
Copy HAROBEBF.frm %1BF.Frm
Copy HAROBEBG.frm %1BG.Frm
Copy HAROBEBH.frm %1BH.Frm
Copy HAROBEBI.frm %1BI.Frm
Copy HAROBEBJ.frm %1BJ.Frm
Copy HAROBEBK.frm %1BK.Frm
Copy HAROBEBL.frm %1BL.Frm
Copy HAROBEBM.frm %1BM.Frm
Copy HAROBEBN.frm %1BN.Frm

REM Rename Fall/Stand
Copy HAROBECH.frm %1CH.Frm
Copy HAROBECJ.frm %1CJ.Frm

REM Rename Target Grid
Copy HAROBENA.Frm %1NA.Frm

This should rename the extra FRMs you need for you new critter. Just copy it into a RenFRM.TXT file and then change the extension TXT to RenFrm.BAT. The command to run the program is:
renfrm newfrmname

eg: renfrm NAJEDI

This would rename the FRM to NA (NPC Androdgoness) JEDI (FRM Name), the last two letters represent the FRMs action
Well, I dont have that much of a clue what that means at the moment, other than a list of the .FRM's for the critter.

No worries, Ill read it over 'n over til I do get it, and do some trial and error.

Thx fer the help. This is gona actualy be done :D


ok, Ive got a generalidea what to do now :)
If you only want to test how the critter looks in the game, I think wout would be quite easier, to rename it to "HAROBEAQ.frm"(or whatever..) and overwrite the existing one :wink: Hmm, I'll try it..
Yeah Wild, Im gona do that later.

Once I get the alignment done properly (which Im on my way to having done)

that said, Buxbaum, the guy will jump around a little, since it isnt aligned properly yet, but is slowly getting done.
Its a slow process.... I have had a quite a few new critters for MR and of course had to redo them them a few time too... Drives you crazy so times :)
Heres what Im doing.

Usng frame animatior, select to view the hex's

Make a screen cap.

Edit the screencap down to just the grid.

Save the grid.

Paste the pics of each animation onto the grid, then remove the grid/replace with a blank bg.

Save all at same size.

That seems to be working for me :)
If you used Frm2Bmp from the Team-X Website
It will extract all of theBMP in one go for you. Maybe you could also use FRM Workshop to simply 'replace' an existing frame with the new one. This way you shoudlnt have to adjust the alignment. Of course this will only work for modifing existing critters :)
I'll bookmark that page and check it out when I have time, thx for the link.

And glad ya like it Buxbaum.

How did it look ingame ? Like the guy was doing footwork, or like he was teleporting around ?

Anyway, in next few days I should have the fixed one up.