New Jedi Critter. Need a critter maker and a scripter.

really ? :D

Glad ya like. Now what needs to be done is associate the laser death animation with that, since saber's slice pple in half with ease :)

That will wait til I finish teh mod though.

Oh, btw, lets move this topic to the SW mod thread.
Good work! You have picked it up very quickly. I have naerly finished writing my new tutorial on how to make critter FRMs and will soon post it in the public Forum of Mutants Rising
If it is necessary to transfer a FRM-file in BMP simply open FRM in FrameAnimator, and then choose item of menu 'Save Project...' The Program will keep all frames FRM as BMP-files in the place specified by you and will keep in the FPR-project of the reference to them. You can always edit BMP - files in any accessible editor (excuse but while BMP-files only 32-bit colors), and then generate FRM anew, having opened FPR-project.
I didn't know that :) I havent had to edit any of the BMPs yet, but I will need to later on when I create a Flame thrower FRM for the Environmental armour.
What Ive done is to take a blank grid from frame animatior, and save that as a template, then paste the frame's over it, and align them properly to the center.

It's working good so far.
I use this steps:
1. Create 3DMAX scene for stay/run/walk/shot/death animation
2. Generate BMP-images, as result of animation reendering in 3DMAX (Walking (for creation ??????AB.FRM) with actual offsets of a character figure on the image )
3. Load BMP-images in FrameAnimator and make FPR-project
4. If need make Walk/Run animation - set FrameOffset[direction][1].X and OffsetWizard tune FrameOffset[direction][1].Y, otherwise set FrameOffset[direction][1].X=0 and FrameOffset[direction][1].Y=0
5. Set FramesOffset[direction].X and FramesOffset[direction].Y - use mouse or function 'FramesOffset...'
For Walk/Run animation:
Initial Frm Offset[direction] = FramesOffset[direction] + FrameOffset[direction][1];
Jochua said:
Initially FrameAnimator reflected, as means of creation of animated FRM-files on the basis of a series of BMP-pictures which generates on an output 3DMAX. FrameAnimator is able to cut off huge empty fields on edges of the target image and keeps relative displacement of a figure of the character on the staff
After assembly of the FPR-project it was necessary to expose only correct values FramesOffset for each direction and FrameOffset [1] (for the first frame in each collection). I use OffsetWizard for the correct task of this displacement. I fix displacement on X, and OffsetWizard prompts displacement on Y. Then cyclic reproduction of animation by game goes smoothly and at walking the character is not misdirected

Guh ?

pls use puncuation, and explain what the hell yer talking bout.

K, thx, bye.

(I think you were trying to explain something, but Im not sure. please edit for clarity.)
@Jochua, are you the Jochua who made Frame Animator? I was the one who emailed you the other day about the action frame.

I still cant get the offsets wizard to work, is there any chance you could translate the instructions from Russian to English? I put them through an online transalter before I posted them here, but they are still a little unclear.
The offset of the first frame in each direction is used, when the sequence of animation of walking (??????AB.FRM) goes in cycles. Let's assume, the animation of walking contains of three frame. Let's assume, this animation at its reproduction by game actually moves the character on one game hex. Means, that your character could walk further, the game repeats this animation many times, while the character will not reach the necessary place. Each time, when it is necessary to game anew to begin to draw animation, game calculate a new position of the first frame concerning an absolute position of last drawn frame (FrameOffset [direction] [3]), adding to it offset of the first frame (FrameOffset [direction] [1]). OffsetWizard helps to calculate correct value FrameOffset [direction] [1] .Y on the basis of given by you FrameOffset [direction] [1] .X. Then the character does not do jerks at cyclic reproduction of animation of walking or running. OffsetWizard is used for adjustment only of first frame for each direction.

P.S. Excuse for bad English of the on-line translater. Therefore can not help correctly translate the documentation. I am sorry...
I see what your saying.

The program alligns the first frame, and bases the other ones off of it, so if the person is walking, it could end in a hex outside of the starting hex.
For an illustration
How does Frame Animator run in command line, and can I run it it a *.bat (batch file)?

I will soon post the new tutorial for Critter creation in the Mutants Rising mod section. I have converted another 10 critters from Fallout Tactics in the last two days using the method in my tutorial.
Only opens the FPR-project, if a path to it specify as a parameter :(
How it should work? Maybe, I shall try to complete
Could you add a function to the program that copies the 'Frame Offset' for an orientation to all the other frames in that orienation?

Or have the option to export the frame offsets from a different FRM and then import them into the new FRM. For critters with a different walking animation for each weapon this would be very good

This would save me lots of time for movement frames.
2 Wild_qwerty

Well, I shall try

Use of a FrameAnimator


3D-model of the character


1 - character
2 - camera ('Ortographic Projection' (3DMAX))
3 - a light source for creation of a shadow (set 'Cast Shadows', use 'Ray-Traced Shadows', set 'Check Decay' switch to None (3DMAX))
4 - an any light source (set 'Check Decay' switch to None (3DMAX))
5 - one-colour plane for create background colour and shadow of character on the image
a1 - angle of the camera (-25.7)
a2 - angle of a light source for a shadow (-75.7)
a3 - turning angle of the camera (-150, -90, -30, 30, 90, 150)


1,2,3,4,5 - package of animation for 'South East' direction (AB0000. BMP-AB0004. BMP). For create of the images do not use 'Anti-Aliasing' (3DMAX)
'StayFrame' does not included into a package 'AB', but included into a package 'AA'


The frame
1 - actual dimensions of the image
2 - target image of the character
3 - empty edges (do not delete them manually. Set option 'Edit\Options\Autocutting', and FrameAnimator will cut off these edges before creation of a FRM-file)
4 - background (is interpreted, as transparent)
5 - the logic border of the frame (if an option 'Edit\Options\Autocutting' is not checket, the logic border coincides with actual dimensions of the image). For the different frames in a package of animation these dimensions are various.
H, W - height and width of the frame
OffsetX, OffsetY - the offsets of the logic centre (In FrameAnimator is values 'FramesOffset [direction] .X' and 'FramesOffset [direction] .Y')


Tuning of animation
1 - the frame of the still character (does not included into animation of walking)
2 - frames of animation of walking
3 - repeat of animation of walking (repeats so long as the character will not reach the necessary place on a map)
dx1, dy1 - offsets of the first frame at the moment of a beginning of animation:
FirstOffset [direction] .X = FramesOffsets [direction] .X + FrameOffsets [direction] [1] .X
FirstOffset [direction] .Y = FramesOffsets [direction] .Y + FrameOffsets [direction] [1] .Y
dx2, dy2 - offsets of the next frame of animation. In FrameAnimator it is values 'FrameOffset [direction] .X' and 'FrameOffset [direction] .Y'. FrameAnimator calculate these offsets automatically, if you have not manualy cut off empty edges of source images!!!
dx3, dy3 - offsets of the first frame at repeated reproduction of animation. In FrameAnimator it is values 'FrameOffset [direction] [1] .X' and 'FrameOffset [direction] [1] .Y' (set value X and use the button 'OffsetWizard' for calculate of correct value Y).
It's hard to tell, you really need to try it on a FO2 background. It may look allright as a GIF on a webpage, but when in game the white around the sword may look dodgy :?