I took this from NMA, I hope they won't mind

Anyway, I don't do it this way (like it's written here) in LIGHTWAVE, but I guess this will help him more, 'cause he uses 3DMAX. The angles are compatible, though.
1 - character
2 - camera ('Ortographic Projection' (3DMAX))
3 - a light source for creation of a shadow (set 'Cast Shadows', use 'Ray-Traced Shadows', set 'Check Decay' switch to None (3DMAX))
4 - an any light source (set 'Check Decay' switch to None (3DMAX))
5 - one-colour plane for create background colour and shadow of character on the image
a1 - angle of the camera (-25.7)
a2 - angle of a light source for a shadow (-75.7)
a3 - turning angle of the camera (-150, -90, -30, 30, 90, 150)