First time out of the vault

I've been working on this for about a week now writing dialogue, gathering images, editing images to make items and portraits etc.
The idea is to add more areas and more items for exploration that blend in with the existing campaign to provide more challenging gameplay, opportunities to trade and more fun. After the player completes a mission then a new special encounter map is unlocked on the world map which has NPCs that can open up new areas on the world map and so on. Plenty of unique of items which are picked up on one map and, if carried by the player, elicit a reaction from an NPC on another map and so on.
So.... if anyone wants to jump on board with this project and, crucially, has experience with the map editor, sprites and crafting dialogue then I'd really appreciate some help with this. I'm going to keep working on this myself, seeing what I can do with the 1.27 Tools but... I'm completely new to Fallout Tactics, it may take more time than I can spare!
To give an idea of what I'm doing, here's a write-up of the first Side Quests I've made along with some image files of my notes with dialogue for a couple of the maps. Consider all of this as an example of how the Side Quests will function.
MAPS/MISSIONS (so far (24th June))
South Grand Bridge Saint Louis (see attached image for dialogue and images)
The player arrives on a stretch of road lined with crumbling buildings and leading up to a bridge with an exit point on it. Two prospectors greet the player and inform them that hostile Raiders have holed up in underneath one of the buildings in a basement section. As soon as the player enters the basement they're attacked by two heavily armed Vault Security officers. After killing the Vault Dwellers another one appears and tells the player that their Vault needs the Medical Supplies that are being stored here. The Player can take the items here (lots of medical stuff, why are super stimpaks so bloody rare in the game?) along with the unique 50lb "Assorted Chemicals" item, and loot the corpses of the Security Officers for the unique "Half Melted Laser Rifle" and "Body Armor Parts". The last surviving Vault Dweller in the basement kills herself and her corpse can be looted for the unique items "Vault Dwellers Shopping List" and "Kansas State Map". The map instantly opens up 4 areas on the world map; Vault Expedition points 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Vault Expedition Point 4 Forest Park, Saint Louis
The map markers name changes to Forest Park after the player has visited it. A small marketplace built around Forest Park Zoo full of non-hostile raiders with slaves on display in the animal cages. Plenty of people to trade with. Probably the largest and most populated map in this mod. (There could be a 'Free The Slaves' mission later)
Vault Expedition Point 3 Hospital Ruins outside of Saint Louis
A large hospital with a collapsed entrance- basically the map only consists of a street with a dead semi-eaten Vault Security Officer. He has some unique items which are used elsewhere; "Body Armor Parts", "Smashed Laser Rifle" and a "Note for Penelope". After the player has examined or searched the Security Officer a fearsome Boss creature appears and attacks. It carries the item "Partially Digested Body Armor Parts".
Vault Expedition Point 2 Funeral Home
A Funeral Home and Service Chapel in the middle of a large empty cemetery. Plenty of gravestones outside and coffins in the building- along with feral ghouls. The only unique item of interest is the "Vault-Tec Diary" dropped on the floor of the storage room. When the Diary is examined it reveals the location of the Unknown Vault that the Vault Security Team came from.
Vault Expedition Point 1 US Army Barricade
A long stretch of clear highway with a looted and broken military barricade- lots of cars and army trucks. The area is full of many decomposed bodies (skeleton sprites if they exist) and bones that cause a choking fog to appear on the map which greatly impairs the perception of the player and his/her recruits and slowly eats away at their HP. The corpses and cars can be looted for miscellaneous items, the soldiers have guns and ammo, and a medical tent near to the exit point on the map has a handful of healing items. When the player approaches the exit point they're attacked by a Ghoul Sniper. When his health reaches a low point he calls out for the player to stop, "maybe they can work this out peacefully". The player can kill the Ghoul and take his stuff, or the player can end combat and talk to him. He says that his name is Hephaestus and that in the fog he mistook you for raiders. Since you're soldiers and probably have a Medic he offers to take you back to his home, where his wife is in desperate need of surgery from a Doctor.
A small garage near to the US Army Barricade on the world map. Hephaestus and his ghoul wife require the skills of one of your doctors (a 250+ skill check is required, so the following events won't occur until late in the game), then they'll be willing to offer their services to the player: Hephaestus can take your "Smashed (and) Broken Laser Rifle/s" and turn both of them into a single "Wattz 2000 Experimental Rifle", and he can craft a unique suit of armor from the "Body Armor Parts" that the player will find around the other maps as well as make other things that the player can bring him.
Unknown Vault (see attached image for dialogue and images)
A single map consisting of a deserted stretch of highway leading into a large cave. Inside the cave is a prefabricated parking zone/loading bay and a massive Vault Door. Outside of the cave is a Vault Dweller girl who freaks out when the player approaches, but doesn't do anything until the player speaks to her with the unique item "Vault Dwellers Shopping List" (recovered from South Grand Bridge) in their inventory. She tells the player to wait while she informs the Overseer about this, and she disappears. Inside the cave the player can communicate with the Vault via a terminal by the door. First the player is greeted by Acting Head of Security Sidacco who threatens them with Laser Turrets if they try to leave or do anything to the Vault Door, then he connects them to the Overseer, who informs the player that the Vault is in desperate need of the chemicals that the Security Team were sent out to find and she offers the player Guns, Ammo and Water if he/she can find the unique item "Assorted Chemicals" (recovered from South Grand Bridge) and bring them back to the Vault. After this conversation the player can speak with Sidacco via the Terminal and gain exp. points by talking to him with the items "Note for Penelope" (recovered from Vault Expedition Point 3) and "Vault-Tec Diary" (recovered from Vault Expedition Point 2). When the player does speak to him with the "Assorted Chemicals", he tells the player to put the items in the container beside the terminal, and wait a few hours. Upon returning to the Vault the player finds notes from The Overseer, Sidacco and the Vault Girl as well as two unique "Wattz 2000 Recharger Rifles" (that don't require energy cells) ...the notes explain that while they're grateful for your help, they don't want anything to do with you anymore. Apart from the Vault Girl who's fallen in love with you.
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