The Measure Of Integrity
The Measure Of Integrity
... someone want to explain how such a "beautiful engine" can make people look that hideous? ...
Bethesda hates people.
Nice forest screen shots.
Trees and soil erosion are more important than people.
Some reviewers seem to have gotten over excited.
These tree huggers must have sprouted such immense 'wood',
they'll never get their pealed pants back on until the sap runs.
Oblivion got glory holed as ART, by the wettest of the third party gushers.
Well. Hitler's architectural drawings were deemed capable amateurism, post card quality, but his scale figures were judged as at best, stick figures. Interesting profile of ART and integrity. Perhaps this is the aesthetic tradition that Bethesda aspires to. The visual construct got the time and development money.
Post card pretty.
The NPC people and the illusion of human interaction did not rate the attention. Cartoonish scale figures, under rendered.
Where did Oblivion work?
Where did Oblivion fail?
Consider that is where their true intent is proved.
Oblivion was a calculated commercial product.
The openly reported, shipped, dysfunctional game system appears proof of shovel ware ethics,
until an official patch proves intent to deliver a full game experience.
In these days of bait and switch, a game box containing a game is an achievement of some ... measure.
From many reports there was A GAME IN THE BOX!
A great game was not cost effective.
A 'good' game was 'good' enough for the altered states of bliss ninnies.
Perhaps this 'good enough' attitude testifies to the contempt Bethesda has for the gaming consumer as a whole.
Lawyers, used car salesmen, and game publishers: Hype masters.
The hype --- and the lies there in --- was as engineered as Oblivion's ugly picture of humanity.
The hype -- and the lies there in -- are as much of this product as the wistful vistas and the poorly programed leveling.
From many reports, the product does not contain a stand alone game engine, but a mod engine. It's a paint by numbers set with all the Radiant AI faces PRE rendered ............ non-human.
The product is the true witness of the design, and ethical integrity of Bethesda - Zenimax.
Short answer Rosh.
Bethesda hates people.