Sorry for interjecting this into busy newstimes, but our last poll asking for thoughts on Bethesda's Fallout 3 concept art and teaser clearly no longer has any relevance, so it was time to cut it. The results were a big hit for "looks ok" (25.35%) and "looks awesome" (23.55%). People also thought the game'd suck (3.39%), that it looks ok but they need to work on it (7.18%), that concepts looked good but not Fallouty enough (4.36%), that the trailer looked good but the power armor was bad (4.35%). Others thought they didn't show us anything (15.94%) or it was just hype (4.74%). Ron Perlman! (10.50%) and "what concept art and teaser" (0.63%) mopped up.
Sadly, we also have to report that there were some distinct oddities with this poll. Not only did "looks ok" and "looks awesome" grow at an odd exponential rate after the poll was already up for a while, the poll had a bizarre rate of 283 votes per day (even 381 votes per day until we turned the IP checking clock up). This opposed to the range of 19-88 votes per day we usually get.
We've always had a pretty insecure poll system in which you could easily vote multiple times, but it looks like this is the first time some people felt the need to take abuse of that. While we review the poll system, we won't be running any polls with serious questions anymore for a while. And our streak of joke-polls begins with "Groin shots, will you miss them?"
Sadly, we also have to report that there were some distinct oddities with this poll. Not only did "looks ok" and "looks awesome" grow at an odd exponential rate after the poll was already up for a while, the poll had a bizarre rate of 283 votes per day (even 381 votes per day until we turned the IP checking clock up). This opposed to the range of 19-88 votes per day we usually get.
We've always had a pretty insecure poll system in which you could easily vote multiple times, but it looks like this is the first time some people felt the need to take abuse of that. While we review the poll system, we won't be running any polls with serious questions anymore for a while. And our streak of joke-polls begins with "Groin shots, will you miss them?"