New premade chars

The_Pastmaster said:
How do you make new premade chars like Chista or Narg?
I know that Smackrazzor did one...

You'd have to edit the .gcd files in \premade, and there is a separate file for the characters biography. But the gcd files are binary so you'll have to experiment with making changes and see what happens.
I used to have a self-made prog for this a long time ago... could edit both char and biography, calculated skills depending on stats, etc., etc... alas, it was never completed, and thus released for public, and it was so long ago I'm not sure I still have it... wasn't really a need for it, either.
Well, I didn't really *throw it away*. It just got lost somewhere on the way - I've changed two computers and had a complete HDD "clean-crash", so a lot has gone missing.

Hmm... I just found two old versions. Take a look at the 'most complete' one over here and tell me if that goes for you. I also have a text file with HEX offset for each and every stat in the .gcd file, so if you're feeling haxor, you can do it manually.
Well I have and idear for three... But balansing
them is not my "Area of Competense" Cause I play with the same Char every time I play
Stat value offsets in .gcd files. I think it's all of the stats, though I can't be sure. There are many empty spaces in the .gcd, I haven't been able to see any effect from changing their values.
Offset  | Stat 
4-7     | Basic Strength
8-B     | Basic Perception
C-F     | Basic Endurance
10-13   | Basic Charisma
14-17   | Basic Intelligence
18-1B   | Basic Agility
1C-1F   | Basic Luck
48-4B   | Basic Normal Threshold
4C-4F   | Basic Laser Threshold
50-53   | Basic Fire Threshold
54-57   | Basic Plasma Threshold

60-63   | Basic Explosion Threshold
64-67   | Basic Normal Resistance
68-6B   | Basic Laser Resistance
6C-6F   | Basic Fire Resistance
70-73   | Basic Plasma Resistance
7C-7F   | Basic Explosion Resistance
88-8B   | Age
8C-8F   | Male/Female (0/1)
AC-AF   | Extra Hit Points
B0-B3   | Extra Action Points
B4-B7   | Extra Armor Class
BC-BF   | Extra Melee Damage
C0-C3   | Extra Carry Weight
C4-C7   | Extra Sequence
C8-CB   | Extra Healing Rate
CC-CF   | Extra Critical Chance
D4-D7   | Extra Normal Threshold
D8-DB   | Extra Laser Threshold
DC-DF   | Extra Fire Threshold
E0-E3   | Extra Plasma Threshold
EC-EF   | Extra Explosion Threshold
F0-F3   | Extra Normal Resistance
F4-F7   | Extra Laser Resistance
F8-FB   | Extra Fire Resistance
FC-FF   | Extra Plasma Resistance
108-10B | Extra Explosion Resistance
10C-10F | Extra Radiation Resistance
110-113 | Extra Poison Resistance
11C-11F | Extra Small Guns
120-123 | Extra Big Guns
124-127 | Extra Energy Weapons
128-12B | Extra Unarmed
12C-12F | Extra Melee Weapons
130-133 | Extra Throwing
134-137 | Extra First Aid
138-13B | Extra Doctor
13C-13F | Extra Sneak
140-143 | Extra Lockpick
144-147 | Extra Steal
148-14B | Extra Traps
14C-14F | Extra Science
150-153 | Extra Repair
154-157 | Extra Speech
158-15B | Extra Barter
15C-15F | Extra Gambling
160-163 | Extra Outdoorsman
170-18B | Name
190-193 | Tag skill 1
194-197 | Tag skill 2
198-19B | Tag skill 3
19C-19F | Tag skill 4
1A0-1A3 | Trait 1
1A4-1A7 | Trait 2
1A8-1AB | Char points
I wasn't planning to, since, as I said, I didn't need one, but seeing how people are/get interested, I just might... :)
Shadowbird said:
Offset | Stat
4-7 | Basic Strength
8-B | Basic Perception
C-F | Basic Endurance
10-13 | Basic Charisma
14-17 | Basic Intelligence
18-1B | Basic Agility
1C-1F | Basic Luck
48-4B | Basic Normal Threshold
4C-4F | Basic Laser Threshold
50-53 | Basic Fire Threshold
54-57 | Basic Plasma Threshold

60-63 | Basic Explosion Threshold
64-67 | Basic Normal Resistance
68-6B | Basic Laser Resistance
6C-6F | Basic Fire Resistance
70-73 | Basic Plasma Resistance
7C-7F | Basic Explosion Resistance
88-8B | Age
8C-8F | Male/Female (0/1)
AC-AF | Extra Hit Points
B0-B3 | Extra Action Points
B4-B7 | Extra Armor Class
BC-BF | Extra Melee Damage
C0-C3 | Extra Carry Weight
C4-C7 | Extra Sequence
C8-CB | Extra Healing Rate
CC-CF | Extra Critical Chance
D4-D7 | Extra Normal Threshold
D8-DB | Extra Laser Threshold
DC-DF | Extra Fire Threshold
E0-E3 | Extra Plasma Threshold
EC-EF | Extra Explosion Threshold
F0-F3 | Extra Normal Resistance
F4-F7 | Extra Laser Resistance
F8-FB | Extra Fire Resistance
FC-FF | Extra Plasma Resistance
108-10B | Extra Explosion Resistance
10C-10F | Extra Radiation Resistance
110-113 | Extra Poison Resistance
11C-11F | Extra Small Guns
120-123 | Extra Big Guns
124-127 | Extra Energy Weapons
128-12B | Extra Unarmed
12C-12F | Extra Melee Weapons
130-133 | Extra Throwing
134-137 | Extra First Aid
138-13B | Extra Doctor
13C-13F | Extra Sneak
140-143 | Extra Lockpick
144-147 | Extra Steal
148-14B | Extra Traps
14C-14F | Extra Science
150-153 | Extra Repair
154-157 | Extra Speech
158-15B | Extra Barter
15C-15F | Extra Gambling
160-163 | Extra Outdoorsman
170-18B | Name
190-193 | Tag skill 1
194-197 | Tag skill 2
198-19B | Tag skill 3
19C-19F | Tag skill 4
1A0-1A3 | Trait 1
1A4-1A7 | Trait 2
1A8-1AB | Char points

In regard to the offsets you just showed us, do I just type in a number and change them? I mean where is my limit, from what to what?

For example, Char points? Is that my limit 1A8 to 1AB? Sorry, very new to the whole hex editing. Last time I tried Hex edit, I think I gave my character 99 years.
Did you really have to quote the whole list?

This is why there is any need for a prog at all. Yes, you just type a number. Your limit is the four bytes - open Windows calculator, set it to "scientific", type in the number you want, and then switch to hex to see if it fits in the four bytes (8 digits/letters). All other limits are set by the game. No offence, but I've really no time to explain the basics of data types and hex to you right now, do a Google search or something.
Starting from ground-up, but it's going swell. Not much, but good. Already can load and save characters in Fallout, saving Fallout 2 .gcd results in some corruption. I had actually done more (up to HP, AP and AC - including all stat calculations and maximum/minimum value checking (did you know Fallout has its own "integer maximum value"?), but then I found a way to do stuff much more efficiently (I have to code less so I can code faster), so I had to go back the few steps and start again. I am also thinking wether to increase the program window size and put all stats and skills in one winoow, or do a spearate page for skills (like original FCC).

FCC @ 2005-02-18

Oh, and it's not brown and yellow, those are just the colors I've set in Windows.