new reno arms

I can think of two reasons:

1 You are walking/standing behind the fence, and trust me: Eldridge doesn't like it when people start walking behind the fence in his shop

2 You have already visited the Enclave: after your visit to the Enclave, Eldridge becomes bugged and always attacks if you ask him for weapon upgrades. Per mentions it in his walkthrough (the reversed barter modifier bug!)

Hmpf! :wink:
a lot of times your NPC's will follow you and accidently go in the back. id recommend getting your weapons upgraded for free though by Algernon in the back.
New Reno Arms is a buggy place in general. If you unlock the back door, the NPCs do go through the fence. As mentioned, asking Eldrige to upgrade after finishing the game will make him wig out on you. I _Think_ that if you have a particularly high barter skill, he will do upgrades for free... I know that some poele do, though. why is this useful, if Algernon does them for free, also? Because you can barter with ihm and use the "Barter Trick" to get infinite upgraded weapons and thereby arm your party with a lot of good weapons if you care to.

I'll explain. Superior forms of weapons are totally new items. The old one are not upgraded, but rather *replaced*. If you ask for an upgrade, then one text level before actually paying, enter barter, and drop it, then leave barter and agree, the game will give you a new weapon full of ammunition. The old one will still be on the floor. Pick it up and repeat until you've got as many of the weapon as you please. This trick has far-reaching implications wherever you pay for something in dialogue from someone with whom you can barter.

Furthermore, there are some notable items to be found laying around the place... upstairs there's a 9mm Mauser pistol (Better than a 10mm but when you get it it's largely useless), and an NCR Holotape that you cannot actually use. A dog blocks access to a container which I think has some items, but they're not worth the super-stimpacks it'd take to wipe out the dog. Downstairs there's all sorts of neat stuff, but the only one of note here is the Easter Egg, an item that was supposed to have far-reaching uses but now does... nothing! But it's funny.
Lord 342 said:
The old one will still be on the floor. Pick it up and repeat until you've got as many of the weapon as you please. This trick has far-reaching implications wherever you pay for something in dialogue from someone with whom you can barter.

Too bad the GR doesn't have upgrades :evil:

Lord 342 said:
Downstairs there's all sorts of neat stuff, but the only one of note here is the Easter Egg, an item that was supposed to have far-reaching uses but now does... nothing! But it's funny.

You mean the Wasteland reference or is there something I missed?

Farva said:
a lot of times your NPC's will follow you and accidently go in the back.

NPC's wandering off behind the fence have ho significance to the matter of Eldridge attacking, only your movement has.
Lord 342 said:
Downstairs there's all sorts of neat stuff, but the only one of note here is the Easter Egg, an item that was supposed to have far-reaching uses but now does... nothing! But it's funny.

euh wtf?

downstairs of new reno arms there'z this kid walking around that upgrades ur weapons for free! no bartertrick needed... (as was said before)

he's a retard but more of an idiot savant when it comes to upgrades! :twisted:

just make sure you go back up the stairs during daytime (upgrading makes time pass, an hour or so i believe), if you go back up during the night the boss will come to the back to "sleep" and he'll shoot you on sight...
Downstairs there's all sorts of neat stuff, but the only one of note here is the Easter Egg, an item that was supposed to have far-reaching uses but now does... nothing! But it's funny.

The only useful thing in that basement (next to Algernon and his free weapon upgrades) is the Electronic Lockpick, methinks. The Small Energy Cells are good too, of course, but you can find them elsewhere too, n'est-ce pas?

The Easter Egg Lord 342 is referring to can only be... the Easter Egg (in the well hidden pot next to a mattress, if I remember correctly).

What I don't understand is: what far-reaching uses was it supposed to have? I just thought it was one of those mindless thingies that ruined the setting in more than one way? Was I wrong? :roll:
Blade Runner said:
What I don't understand is: what far-reaching uses was it supposed to have? I just thought it was one of those mindless thingies that ruined the setting in more than one way? Was I wrong? :roll:

That's why I think he's referring to th H-thingy not the E-thingy, because the former had an important use in the precedessor, as well as in Fallout 2 itself (although not exactly in New Reno Arms :)

Damn... it's so hard to express one's thought without spoiling :D
Did I ever generate a lot of quotes...

Anyway, Yes, I mean the "Easter Egg". It's just an Easter Egg. Doesn't do anything now, but you'll notice you can select the "Use" icon in your inventory. I believe it was supposed to put a chicken in your party. It doesn't. I don't know if the Chicken would've been good for anything.

Algernon does do upgrages for free, but the Bartertrick nets you *infinite* weapons, each with a full magazine. That way you can give everyone a Magneto-Laser pistol (If you wanted to, I suppose), or give both Marcus and yourself Turbo Plasma Rifles, etc. I usually keep a .44 Magnum (speed Load) on everyone who can use it since it's a good backup and does enough damage that you won't want to cry if they pull it out unexpectedly... (i.e. every have a party member switch from a high-powered assault rifle to a knife?).

There's lots of goods in New Reno Arms basement. Nearly every searchable container has something in it. Several guns, ammunition of all kinds including batteries for the car or your energy weapons, another pair of boots in case you stuffed up in the Toxic Caves, some hand grenades, a wrench, and some other stuff too. Perhaps I'll inventory it...
Lord 342 said:
Yes, I mean the "Easter Egg". [...] I believe it was supposed to put a chicken in your party. It doesn't. I don't know if the Chicken would've been good for anything.

WTF? Is this true? Per certainly doesn't mention it, I just checked. Where did you find/hear/read this information, Lord 342? Or is it being mentioned in the Fallout Bible?

@ Silencer: hmm... now I'm really starting to wonder what you meant with "the H-thingy". What H-thingy?
Lord 342 said:
Yes, I mean the "Easter Egg". [...] I believe it was supposed to put a chicken in your party. It doesn't. I don't know if the Chicken would've been good for anything.

Haven't ever heard of the Chicken. Maybe it's better they ditched this idea.

Blade Runner said:
@ Silencer: hmm... now I'm really starting to wonder what you meant with "the H-thingy". What H-thingy?

Awww... I mean the biggest gun in the game... of the type that you get to fire just once in the game... but don't force me to spoil :lol:
I don't remember where I heard about the Chicken. I had thought it was in Per's guide, but I don't remember. It might have been in the Fallout Bible, or maybe somewhere else. I know the official Fallout 2 guide has a description of the Easter Egg that states it "gives you a special friend".
Lord 342 said:
A dog blocks access to a container which I think has some items, but they're not worth the super-stimpacks it'd take to wipe out the dog. .

Actually, you can easily kill the dogs without Eldridge noticing. And there's nothing important in the container, I just checked ;)
I thought there was nothing valuable, but in an area with so many unique or rare items, I did bother to check.
Howitzer? Most certainly IS NOT a mythical thingy. There are loads of 'em in the yard at SAD.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
Aw comon alec go easy on the poor can you expect somone with a conan o'brian av to be consistant?[/quote ]

You quote like that, just move that bracket above 1 space to the left.(i was quoted omg im famous!!)