New Shelter Gameplay video

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This ghoul has seen it all
Another video from Shelter. A long intro, two quests played through. Neat stuff...
<center>[youtube] [/youtube]</center>
Also, the game is now provided with a website & Q&A.
More than 3 dialogue options, Fuck yeah!
Nice music to go along with the game. The sand storm effect is pretty cool looking, too bad it doesn't seem to carry over the building tiles. I can't wait until 2137 - Err.. This game to come out.
Makagulfazel said:
The sand storm effect is pretty cool looking, too bad it doesn't seem to carry over the building tiles..

Its the "clouds over the ground" effect. Both rain and the cloud effects are pending enhancement - clouds are going to affect objects they pass over, for instance.Those enhancements will be in the next video.
shihonage said:
Its the amplified "clouds over the ground" effect. Both rain and the cloud effects are pending enhancement - clouds are going to affect objects they pass over, for instance.Those enhancements will be in the next video.

Sounds good. Good luck with the project, you've made some solid progress so far.

By the way, now I have to see the movie "Screamers." I've never heard of it until I saw your forum entry.
Thank you so much for posting this. This looks to be even better than a certain FO3 game. I especially like the music. Did you write the music yourself ? because it really conveys the ood in the scenes in the game really well. I also like the fact that you can choose varius responses which all have their own outcome, I'd guess.

Very nice :)
Thank you - no, the music is not ours. We will however pick something mood-setting for the final game. Regular level music has to be different, anyway - this was trailer music. It's good for the duration of the trailer, but for gameplay, music needs to be more ambient and... different, in order not to get grating really fast.
This looks really cool. Is it planed to use own graphics? Because, I think, if this will become something, that hasn't really something to do with fallout, it shouldn't use the graphics... and I also don't really like the FOT critters and so on.. :>
I vote "Awesome" on this. Shihonage, you know exactly what Fallout fans want in a game (it helps that you're one of them...). :wink:
Lexx said:
This looks really cool.

Nology5890 said:
I vote "Awesome" on this.

Thank you :)

Is it planed to use own graphics? Because, I think, if this will become something, that hasn't really something to do with fallout, it shouldn't use the graphics... and I also don't really like the FOT critters and so on.. :>

As the video description says, we're not going to distribute the graphics with the package. In that sense, it is a lot like a mod for FO:T. Just a really, really complex one, that changes, well, everything.

And it does have to do with Fallout - in spirit ;)
Last Samurai music... ah, I love that movie. And the music from it.

Oh, and it's shaping up really nicely. Look forward to seeing more. :wink:
***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC said:
Screamers is a really cool B-Movie with a nice post-apo setting... great atmo!

It's loosely(?) based on Philip K. Dick's short-story "Second Variety". (If you've seen the movie, you would understand the title.)
BTW, you can find a lot of post-apoc from PKD.

This game looks really great! Good job!
Wow, looks very sweet, nice job all the way around I'd say.

Love the text system, easy on the eyes.