Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
Yasmin picked up the carcase of a small radscorpion that was in her way and chucked it over her shoulder so she could start climbing up.
''Brad, there is no where safe to leave bags. That's why we don't put living animals in them. Also, these aren't raiders. Their fiends. Raiders are called that because they raid and do lots of crazy shit.'' Yasmin smiled to herself, her back to all of them as she lead the way. ''The word fiend means somebody bad and wicked. Fiends are raiders who have become addicts and gone that step further. Want to know the difference? Raiders are more dangerous, but at least sober enough to be reasoned with. These guys probably won't even be able to understand what we're saying if we even bother to talk.''
''Brad, there is no where safe to leave bags. That's why we don't put living animals in them. Also, these aren't raiders. Their fiends. Raiders are called that because they raid and do lots of crazy shit.'' Yasmin smiled to herself, her back to all of them as she lead the way. ''The word fiend means somebody bad and wicked. Fiends are raiders who have become addicts and gone that step further. Want to know the difference? Raiders are more dangerous, but at least sober enough to be reasoned with. These guys probably won't even be able to understand what we're saying if we even bother to talk.''