"Good timing, this place is full of weirdos, I keep expecting everyone who walks by will try to jump on me. And who the hell was that guy?" Mark motions his head his right. "I didn't see him last night. Someone new? Anyways, I am ready when we're ready, I won't be handing the supplies here though, it would be an invitation for muggers, no way I'm carrying all this stuff by myself either, so I'll hand the supplies for everyone to carry once we clear Freeside. Got me non irradiated food and water, grenades and even land mines, we'll need them more than you think. Even got us some C4, not much though, we have to use it wisely... oh, and I got your ammo, some AP, what was available anyway. I also got my hands on a support weapon, if someone want's to carry it, if not I'll do it myself... we can use the firepower but it eats ammo like a starving deathclaw, someone else has to carry the ammo if I take the machine gun. Anything that can give us an edge... oh and do make sure to tell some of the guys that the meds aren't for personal use. By the way, where the hell are the others, I thought you were all coming together trough here."