New Vegas: Blood Ties

Mark proceeded to check his own supplies, in addition the duffle bag still had extra food water and chems, but it was considerably lighter. He didn't bothered to make a full inventory of that, but rather concentrated in the most immediate things he would need at hand.

-Marksman carbine, one 20 rnd. magazine loaded, and other 15 magazines, one for each pocket of his bandolier, a total of 300 rounds plus the 20 loaded. Also the weapon's scope works as a substitute for binoculars, so he wouldn't need to take those with him.
-9mm pistol with loaded magazine (13 rounds) and other couple of magazines on a pouch on his webbing.
-Combat knife
-Frag Grenade x4
-Frag Mine x2

-Cammo kit (a piece of coal and a small mirror also useful for looking around corners)
-Purified Water x4 bottles and a full canteen attached to his webbing.
-Trail Mix x2
-Caravan Lunch x2
-Rad-x x2
-Med-x x2
-Radaway x2
-Stimpack x8
-Medic Kit (doctor's bag)
-Matchbox with matches (couldn't get a working lighter)
-Tool (Leatherman Kick)
-Old Lensatic Compass (even if he had the pip boy it may be useful)
-Right Angle Elbow Flashlight (olive green) with filters

He thought he wasn't forgetting anything, though he always had the feeling that he did.
Carib had double checked his gear and was satisfied. Everything was where it was supposed to be and that was enough for him. Now to get a sense of where they were going and what sort of outlying settlements or Legion encampments they may come across. Some places were thicker with rad scorpions or death claws. Some places had a lot of fire geckos.

Walking to Yasmin, he asked, "Where exactly are we going and what is our route?"
Tom looked over at Alex and smirked at his response to him having a hunting rifle, "Yeah, I consider myself a handy marksman, and by the look of you, your a bit handy with guns too". Tom was thinking he would get along with this guy, he seemed to have some of Tom's interests, mainly marksmanship.

Tom fancied himself a challenge, maybe in the process he might make a friend of this man, "How about one day me and you have a little...competition, see who's the most accurate?". After Tom had said this he looked downa at Alex's holsters, he could barely see the dark shiny glint of his revolvers, but he knew they were there.
A big grin drew across The Stranger's face. Hearing Tom propose the challenge was a reminder of simpler times.
"Ya never know, judging how this job goes, we may just be placing wagers a little sooner than later. Either way, it'd be my pleasure."
He heard Carib, and looked at Yasmin,
"I'd also like to know what route we're taking to our destination. And what the actual destination is."
David nodded at Tom's suggestion and moved back to the others. He checked through his supplies.

2x Stimpak
5x Purified Water
5x Brahmin meat
2x Yucca Fruit
Combat Knife
9mm Pistol
5x 9mm clips
Assault Carbine
5x 5.56mm magazines (120 rounds)
2x Radaway
1x RadX

David then wait with the others for when it was time to go.

(Pretend I'm walknig with you if you all post when I'm not on)
Tom walked back over to David, and attempted to resume conversation again, once again in a low voice, "So, after all of this, not just this, Florida as well, and after I have made the ranch, you want to come live on the ranch with me, my family will stay in the gas station, and maybe i'll build a second house for you, or i'll attempt to buy a house on the perimeter of the ranch for you, what do you say".

Tom faced David, expecting an answer, but it wasn't the sort of deicision that would take a couple of seconds, David would probably have to think it over.
Yasmin looked at the reserves left after handing out some to the group.
Medx- 4
Buffout – 2
Radaway – 2
Radx – 13 (I put so many cause they are pills that come in a small container if you look at the picture. You’d have a fair few of them)
Jet – 1
Stimpak – 5
Purified water – 2
1 Canteen
Cram – 4
Blamco Mac & Cheese - 1
Noodles - 1
1 Combat Knife
1 Sniper rifle
1 Assult rifle
6 Grenades
2 Mines (thanks to the Lt)
28 bobbypins (3 in her hair)
And a copy of Todays Physician

She didn’t bother counting the ammo. It was stored throughout her pocket and those of her bag and she knew she had more than enough to take down a lot of people. She felt pretty damn well prepared as she added her new magnum to her mental inventory and tucked it down the side of her pants where it could be covered by her long jacket. It was easier to grab than the assault or sniper rifle on her back.

She looked at Tom. “Forgot to pay you.” She held out his caps, curious to see if he’d take them given she knew he saw what she did to get them.

“As for a route, this thing shows a straight line from the entrance to New Vegas to where we gotta go. Our route is following that as close as we can while avoiding everything that’ll kill us. Our destination is the spot on my screen, north east of here. Near the Nellis Air Force Base. Now let’s get going.”
Brad saw that Yasmin had a box of blamco mac & cheese while she was going through her stuff.
"Uh, I'll be right back."
He dashed over to a dining area and came back stuffing 2 boxes of blamco and an extra bottle of water into his bag.
"Okay, lets go."
David smiled and said to Tom,"I'm sorry, but as good friends as we are, I don't feel your family would be happy with me being there. Besides, I'm continuing the merc buisness. Thanks for the offer though."
He then walked over to Yasmine, and walked with her as they left the casino."Nellis? I hope you know what your doing. If we are going in there, give me some time to find the spotters for the artillery, it will help us so much if they can't pinpoint our positions."
David then put his 9mm pistol that he had been given back into his holster, and replaced the blunt combat knife that came with the marshlands kit with his sharper one.
Yasmin chuckled. "Don't worry, we're only going to be near there. We won't have to cross any or their borders. Let's just hope they don't feel like a little fun and fire at us anyway."
David nodded and then said,"So where is our final destination? And why are you hiring us? Not to intrude upon your personal matters, but you can't expect us to follow you around when your not telling us anything. I'm not asking for the whole story behind this, just who or what we are looking for."
David held his assult carbine, the weight of the other 4 magazines as well as his supplies weighing on his back. He hadn't done something like this in a while.
Yasmin raised her eyebrows. "Pretty sure I've made this clear a few times. But since you must have missed it, I'll give you the quick reason. Prospecting. There's been a new Recon bunker or something discovered. Still sealed up. I can't get in there myself, so I need help. And transporting the stuff for sale could be dangerous, so with a group of us we should be safe. The destination is the dot on my radar since I don't know what it's called yet. Haven't been there. Clear enough now?"
David said,"Yes thats clear enough now", deciding to keep her inconsistencies to her self. Why did she want a group of 5 men for a prospecting job? The route wasn't dangerous, despite her saying it might be, a contradiction, and there weren't any raiders in the area, at least not any larg groups. So why a group like this? Brad would be useful for hacking if itwas a bunker, maybe 1 or 2 mercs would be good protection alongside herself. But 5? From his time in the enclave, the Reapers had never been requested by an officer for a simple field mission, only when there was heavy resistance. That was it, she knew there was going to be more dangers than a bunker would usually have. She had gathered 5 men, 4 of them trained killers, to do a prospecting job? Bullshit, she knew what was in there, and it wasn't pretty. He decided to keep this to himself. Maybe he was overreacting to the circumstances. He kept on walking.
"Prospecting is a polite way of saying, 'we're scavin',' which isn't bad. Many great adventurers got their start picking apart pre-war installations. As for Nellis... "

He looked at the route and shook his head. It was close to the Air Force base Nellis, but it should be far off enough the beaten path for the tribe of artillery slingers not to take an interest in them.

"There are a lot of caves along there. Which doesn't mean we won't fine Nightstalkers of Cazadors. There are rumors of feral ghouls, but I never saw any." The Ex-Ranger added.
Yasmin shrugged and kept walking. "There probably won't be much worse than a few bugs, but I guess we won't know until we get there. As for cazadors, I fucking hope not..." she lifted up her shirt a bit showing her left hip where three wide, white round scars shone just above what looked like a tattoo of petals peeking out under her pants. "First time I ever came across them I was 18. Took out the first 2 before they could get me, but the third latched onto my jacket and just kept stabbing me with that stinger." she dropped it back down and stuck her hand in her pocket. "Every time I see one of those bastards I swear I feel the scars sting again. Bullets hurt less."
Carib was impressed, "Then you are a remarkable woman. Most adults, much less those in their prime don't usually survive a couple stings without the use of adrenaline or anti-venom. You are something special after all, Yasmin of the Blue Eyes."

Gave the scars an appraising look, "And two others and myself can always scout ahead. To make sure we aren't walking into any nests. I haven't heard of death claws, here, but I am sure they do migrate at times. You never know. All better to serve the mission and ensure the survival of the team."
Yasmin smiled. "Thankfully I had some anti-venom in my pack. It was pretty bad though, I could hardly see to get it in. And I was still pretty screwed after that, I had to stagger to the nearest settlement for help. But I'm much more careful these days. As for scouting-" She patted the sniper rifle over her shoulder. "-That's one of my specialties. Just give me a vantage point and I'll spot everything in eye view. Should make it safer for when you guys scout."

Though she preferred travelling alone and was only doing this out of necessity, she found herself enjoying the chatting and the planning for what they were going to do.
Carib's face brightened beneath the blank gaze of his desert mask, "A sniper, eh? What sort of loads do you use?" She may have had a sniper rifle with a good scope, but did she have it properly zeroed and what sort of ammunition she used. He didn't notice any mods, which in itself didn't give a detail on an expert marksman. It had the same mil-spec flash hider and compensator the pre-war military used; he noticed the stock and lower assembly were all mil-spec. Aside from good condition, Carib would put money on that she knew how to use it and zero it. And as time went by, he could give her some pointers, maybe even get her some upgrades.

"If you have time, and we can get a hold of a reloading bench, I can probably whip up something worthy of your talents."
Tom was slightly taken back by David's decision, but it was up to david to do what he wanted to do, Tom took one look at Yasmin for a second, who was currently talking to Carib about markmanship, Tom considered himself a good marksman, but never was one for scopes and fancy shooting, he preffered hardy weapons that done the job, although Tom's hunting rifle, Gregory was extremely roughed up, and in some cases held together with tape, it did the job well.

Tom walked over to Yasmin, because he just realised he still had not recieved his starting pay, he attempted to join in on the conversation, "I consider myself a good marksman, I know my rifle hasn't got a fancy scope on like your rifles, but mine does the job well, served me for 10 years this rifle has" Tom gestured towards the hunting rifle slung across his back, Tom looked at Yasmin again, "I think i'll make my upfront pay somewhere between seventy and a hundred caps, i'm not bothered as long as it's in those margins".

Tom knew eventually he was going to have to confront Yasmin about what he had saw last night, but now wasn't the time,e didn't want everyone to hear, he just wanted to hear her side of the story and why she was parttaking in the particular act.
Carib looked at the rifle albeit had tape in some areas keeping together looked at true as the very sword Excalibur had to King Arthur. "That is a true weapon." He was sure if the weapon could tell a tale, it would fill volumes.

"As I was telling our fearless leader, if I do come across a reloading bench that works, I can probably make ammunition for your rifle that would bring the fear of God into your foes." Carib had dabbled in making ammunition, it was more of a hobby, one he gained by talking to NCR armorers and the few people he knew in the Gunrunners. Sometimes coin isn't the only reward, sometimes its skills gained, and Carib always tried to learn whatever he can when he could.