Lingwei said:
Well Fallout 3's ending was crap no matter how you cut it but Bethesda managed to divert attention from that by clinging to the less prevalent (from what I read) complaint that Fallout 3 ending was bad and saying that they fixed it with Broken Steel. Hell, if I remember right, in a Q&A a journalist asked them about the crappy ending and they went sideways to talk about how they learned that their audience didn't want an end and addressed it with Broken Steel. It's all about how you control your PR.
I didn't mean so much the ending itself, rather that it had an ending. Even if it had been a good ending from a design and storytelling viewpoint the 'fans' would still have demanded open ended gameplay.
I'm not convinced of this. The biggest problem with Fallout 3's ending in the eyes of its fans, from what I gather, isn't that it exists, but rather that it is infuriatingly stupid and contrived. Even the most faithful Bethesda fans refused to accept the "it is your destiny" bullshit, which shows just how contrived and stupid it was. If Bethesda had simply had the foresight to a) make an autosave before the ending that made sure all players could continue and b) presented an ending that doesn't cheat the player in the most absurd way imaginable, then I don't think anyone (of any importance) would have complained.
Rather, I think the worry over a fixed ending is more a case of devoted fans reacting in a knee-jerk fashion to the fact that the "original" developer is losing its "baby".
Black Isle have an extremely
devoted contingent of fans who are happy to take everything they do as gold. If another developer improves upon it, or hell, even does the
same thing Black Isle would have, however, then they get cursed into the ground as "amateurs" who "ruined" the game. For instance,
Bethesda frequently receives criticism for
"sub-par writing" or "repetitive and inconsequential gameplay"; if
Black Isle were making this game themselves, I imagine the same people would praise them for "listening to the fans" and "putting a refreshing coat of paint onto the game [they] love".
This anti-
Bethesda attitude is pretty prevalent in the RPG community, especially among
Black Isle fans, who tend to ignore improvements made over the original game in favour of nebulous arguments about quality of characters, story and gameplay, which often fall apart under scrutiny (since it really just comes down to personal preference or some irrational belief that
Black Isle is "better"). I'm not saying
Bethesda is free of all error, mind you, but I've seen this stuck-up attitude time and time again and it's often never properly justified.