New Vegas details

That looks bad... It really looks tacked on. The mutant is dirty, and the scarf and wig are completely clean.
I don't really care much how the game looks, though that Super Mutant with the wig *does* look really bad. However, the scan Jargner linked to is pretty interesting. Making use of the Explosives skill there is a good touch and I really hope (and believe to an extent) that OEI will really open up a lot of options depending on your skills.

The main plot also has a lot of promise. Main motivation for your character is to find whoever tried to kill you. And then the overarching stuff with the NCR vs Caesars Legion vs Vegas locals could be extremely interesting. Hope they do that right.
I don't get the BAAAW over the supermutie. Yes, it looks bad. It's not the end of the world, though.

Anyway, I like that the Geckos are back. Looks like the little bastards swarm you. At least I can golf club them in the nuts.
One of those show the Hardcore/Normal differences.

  • Healing: Healing is instant (Stimpak)
  • Combat: Combat is simple
  • Ammunition: Ammunition is unlimited (meaning the amount you can carry)
  • Dehydration: No dehydration
  • Healing: Healing occurs over time
  • Combat: Combat is very challenging
  • Ammunition: Ammunition has weight, limiting your supply
  • Dehydration: In the desert, you'll suffer dehydration without clean water
I find it still funny, that features which should be normal for every game is spelled "hardcore". :D
Surf Solar said:
I find it still funny, that features which should be normal for every game is spelled "hardcore". :D
It's hardcore to the console kids who are used to Fallout 3. And that's who this game is marketed for.
It's all looking horrendous, the mutants (?!), the soldier who looks like he's coming straight out of a modern warfare game,...:(

(/needs more xanax and RP 1.2)
I forgot just how ugly this engine is. I can't put a finger on it but it just looks like SHIT, technically. Just look at those lifeless faces, bleh. How can one even get away with releasing a game like that today, unless it's like 40 bucks or something?

On top of that, F3 left such a bad taste that I don't know if I could play this game. These pictures just groin-kicked me back to reality. All my hype is gone completely. I didn't expect it to look much different but I WAS hoping it would be more different than THAT.
who care's what it looks like the ingredients are there

imho Tabitha looks proper - funny :clap: like a crossdressing mutant , or maybe she got dipped and now she's in denial .. still .. proper ...

i don't mind the look and i expected it ...

i am pleased with the details however
Crni Vuk said:
Incognito said:

is ... is this really the picture of the female super mutant. Please someone tell me its just a bad photoshop ... please anyone :cry:

i don't see whats wrong with it - the modelling is as crap as Fallout 3 - it's the same what did you expect ? new models ?
Yeah, I know.

best looking is x-ray engine on Stalker. Not as fancy in ways, more fancy in others, but the art maybe is the thing that makes ugly not so ugly.

It really only boils down to artwork. Dx 11 or at least dx 10.1 can make things really nice, so after that it's good or bad art.
Lexx said:
It was pretty obvious that the optic will not change much. But I guess while the last news, it was very easy to forget.. Meh.

Its not the optics, I mean COM ON Supermutant with BLONDE HAIR ... argh! Thats really bad design in my eyes and has nothing to do with how good or bad the graphic is. Well for the case this picture proves to be actualy really a image from the game

radnan said:
i don't see whats wrong with it - the modelling is as crap as Fallout 3 - it's the same what did you expect ? new models ?

Guys its really NOT the model I complain about I could care less about that. Again BLOND HAIR on a super mutant with a some pink googles just let my eyes bleed. No one can serously tell me to feel comfortable with that.