New Vegas patch 1.3 rolling out for Xbox 360 tonight

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This ghoul has seen it all
Jason Bergman tweets the latest patch for New Vegas has passed certification and should hit Xbox Live tonight, meaning the patch will then be available on all three platforms.
Of course here in europe (Italy at least) the PS3 patch isn't available. :roll: I waited for the patch to buy Dead Money and start a new playthrough but now PSN doesn't work. Just my luck.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Of course here in europe (Italy at least) the PS3 patch isn't available. :roll: I waited for the patch to buy Dead Money and start a new playthrough but now PSN doesn't work. Just my luck.

The dowloads of patches and fixes still work on PSN, it's everything else that doesn't work. After being released in the Americas it's now being released in Europe, so it´s a question of hours until it gets available in Italy.