Those who write on Heaven’s walls...
I just consulted my sister who knows nothing about fallout to see if she could guess what the White Glove's big twist was. All I told her was that they had a restaurant and they were very fancy. Immediately, her first guess was "They eat people." Its just not well done. Its long hanging fruit and its presentation betrays itself. Beyond the Beef is the type of quest that needs its twist to be entertaining, otherwise its just a series of over drawn out steps. It doesn't have anything clever or smart, and I don't like fallout that isn't smart. There are times Fallout New Vegas tells a good story, but this isn't one of them. Their presentation is heavy handed and its chekhovs gun is too obvious. A quest is more than being about having options. You can have all the options in the world but it doesn't matter if it isn't interesting.You don't like the quest, just say so. Nothing wrong with that. I'd respect your opinion more if you just admitted it.
Really? I find that while towns might mention New Vegas, they often have little to show in ways of being influenced by it. There are no plot lines that lead you to New Vegas gangs. You don't know anything about chairmen or omertas or white gloves, kings or anybody from New Vegas until you get there. The radio will tell you things about it, but there just isn't a story being told about the locations through their interconnections. The stories of Jet (Mordinos), the vault city raiders (bishops), and the encroaching Enclave (Salvatores) is something that guides you to and through New Reno. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a hook outside of New Vegas that draws you to the omertas, or the kings, or the white glove society.It's like I said; New Vegas deals with the entire region and even DLC locations are affected by it simply existing. New Reno only deals with a handful of other settlements, again, like I said. In no way does Reno affect the entire northern region of California.
What places does Reno touch? NCR, Redding, The Den, Vault City, the Raider/Merc caves and Broken Hills. Did I miss any? Heck, Broken Hills only has a fetch quest that sends you there and that you can get glasses for you-know-who from the you-know-what.
So, the locations I mentioned are not even half the locations in the game. Contrast this to New Vegas which every town in Nevada mention at some point.
Also, considering that there are like 12-ish locations in all of fallout 2, that is still like half the map.
Also, the heckling in New Reno could kick the crap out of the heckling in New Vegas. The New Vegas prostitutes have nothing on New Reno prostitutes!
I would also like to point out that you don't need to do a single quest in new reno to decide which family wins. This essentially makes all of New Reno an unmarked quest to decide who wins. They have a metric for each families power, and each man you kill and each quest you do affects their ranks. In terms of nonlinear gameplay, it makes it so you have even more options for deciding the fate of the town.