News Summary for September


This month's been a little slow in the news department, so we've decided to round up all the news into one, large summary.

First of all, the MMORPG Fallen Earth has been released, set in post apocalyptic United States:<blockquote>Fallen Earth is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game set on a post-apocalyptic Earth in the year 2156. Within the Grand Canyon Province, an isolated pocket of settlements around one of the world’s most amazing landmarks, you’ll face threats to mankind’s continued survival, including everything from irradiated zones to mutated beasts to raiders. Six factions struggle for dominance in the Province. Over time, you’ll have the chance to pick a side in the effort to hold sway over what remains of the post-Fall world.</blockquote>Other releases include S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (although only in Russia) and Broken Steel, a Fallout 3 addon, for Playstation 3 (hooray).

In other news, Harrison Krix of Volpin Props has created a brilliant real life prop of the AER-9 Laser Rifle from Fallout 3.

Last, inXile Entertainment's website features a header with three small concept arts with a strong Wasteland vibe... a hint perhaps?

Link: Fallen Earth
Link: Real Life AER-9 Laser Rifle from Fallout 3
Link: inXile Entertainment Wasteland art
Fallen earth is an awesome game. Even if you played this MMO all alone, as it has TONS of missions.
You should bring a very powerful PC though. The engine isn't really top notch.
Ate some Borscht and now I'm Russian so I got to try Call of Pripyat. Although it looks graphically inferior to Clear Sky, and on par with Shadow of Chernobyl, even with everything maxed out on DX10, it is fantastic and far more like what GSC originally promised with SoC years and years ago. I cry every night that I have to wait five months to buy a copy that hasn't been translated with Goolge/Babelfish. Goddamn GSC and going with a first time publisher of a big name title. I was very skeptical and negative, but it feels like the game has far more of a right to be marketed as a sequel than Clear Sky ever did. I also like that you get dropped straight into the Zone with some good gear, no dicking about. Pity some of the things are rather light (yes there really is only one "new" gun, as has been stated, and only two "new" mutants).

Regarding the graphics, Holden, the individual responsible for the newly released and very beautiful SoC mod L.U.R.K. has stated he will be actively working on Call of Pripyat. The main problem, I believe, is the lighting. There's only two weather cycles, clear and cloudy, and the skyboxes for both clash with the lighting. Easily fixed.

Here is L.U.R.K. if anyone is interested. Unlike AMK or Oblivion Lost, it doesn't really add any features like vehicles or blowouts, preferring to preserve the Vanilla game and enhancing and polishing the graphics, gunplay, A-Life, stealth mechanics and economy.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I think someone already released an English patch for CoP.

Like I said, the only one that translates quests, dialogue, everything outside of the interface was done with a machine, so it's not exactly the most enjoyable experience.
CoP runs on Starforce. Fuck that. I'm not installing that crap on my computer (assuming someone lends me a copy), much less pay money for it. Will wait for an English version and then install a russian patch, hopefully then the game runs without that crap.
It works on Windows 7 flawlessly for Cycling Manager 2009.

Well, it actually doesn't work, since it doesn't detect backup DVDs xD
Ausdoerrt said:
CoP runs on Starforce. Fuck that. I'm not installing that crap on my computer (assuming someone lends me a copy), much less pay money for it. Will wait for an English version and then install a russian patch, hopefully then the game runs without that crap.

Western release hopefully won't use Starforce. It's a slim chance but I'm hoping for it. Also, as was mentioned, the Starforce drivers aren't compatible with Windows 7.
I won't be trying the Shadow of Copycat russian game. I bought and played the first one a year or so back and was unimpressed. I personally don't believe action games with RPG elements have any need to exist. But I'm not a fan of action games so maybe that's understandable? Anyway, adding inventory dialog and stats to an FPS doesn't make it an RPG. It only makes it a fancy FPS. That may please FPS fans, but it doesn't please me! I can barely tolerate RPGs that add action game elements like Fallout 3.

As for Fallen Earth, I bought it and am downloading the client right now. I have high hopes for it. But then I was reading the forums and some people were boasting it's as close to early Star Wars Galaxies as any other game can get. Well, I felt Star Wars Galaxies was slightly less entertaining than walking my dog (there's an off chance of something happening while walking my dog, right?), so I'm less hopeful than I was a couple hours ago :(
STALKER isn't an RPG, never been dubbed one, it just has some RPG elements.

Maybe not officially, but the fans talk about it like it's an RPG and nothing but. And when it comes to "officially", as far as I know I've never heard anything about this series from official sources anyway.

And also, I'm pretty sure I can find some game reviews that pitch it as an action-RPG/hybrid too! Totally inappropriate and misleading characterization imo, and one that led to me wasting $29...
frosty_theaussie said:
Ausdoerrt said:
CoP runs on Starforce. Fuck that. I'm not installing that crap on my computer (assuming someone lends me a copy), much less pay money for it. Will wait for an English version and then install a russian patch, hopefully then the game runs without that crap.

Western release hopefully won't use Starforce. It's a slim chance but I'm hoping for it. Also, as was mentioned, the Starforce drivers aren't compatible with Windows 7.

Yeah I did a quick search, and that's what it seems to be. Although, some skillful people not only made it work on W7, but also got the DRM cracked as well (since apparently is doesn't work properly on W7). Well, it's not like I have W7 anyway. I have Vista, which, most of the time when a SF driver tries to be installed, shows a blue screen that can only be solved by deleting SF in safe mode.

In short SF sucks. I doubt it'll happen for the Western release though, it's pretty rare - they tend to use Securom, which is a bit more "friendly".
I am glad that with Patch 1.5 for The Witcher the removed the copy protection and now you can play the game without the DVD inside. Hate it when games require a DVD/CD. Means that it wears down faster.
I never had a CD fail because of wear. The only instance of a CD exploding in my drive was Renegade's Play Disk and only because it was an old LG drive, which, allegedly, can do that.
In my old cd drive, 3 cd's got broken. First got a scratch, second a bigger scratch and the third asploded in thousand parts. :>

But no "quality cds". Was all backup stuff on poor blank discs. Lucky me that my backup files have been still on my computer.
programmer.craig said:
By the way, anyone know how I can sell my steam-downloaded copy of Shadow of Chumpchange?
You can't. Every game you buy through steam is money down the pooper. Down the john. Down the toilet. Down the can. The throne. Latrine? Lavatory then? No?

Ok, down the Valve. :mrgreen:
Mikael Grizzly said:
I never had a CD fail because of wear. The only instance of a CD exploding in my drive was Renegade's Play Disk and only because it was an old LG drive, which, allegedly, can do that.

I've had a few fail. Both Starcraft AND Brood War, and a few discs from multi-disc sets... Mafia was one.