News Summary for September

first I was reading "new Samurai for Septemeber" and thinking by my self ... not another strange DLC ...

but luckily this is better content.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Ironically, our original Polish release CD (10+ years) is still in more or less mint condition.

No, he's right on this one, my Starcraft and Diablo disks got hosed from too much usage. I have to use CD Recovery apps in order to install either because it fails from CRC Checksum errors.
frosty_theaussie said:
I've had a few fail. Both Starcraft AND Brood War, and a few discs from multi-disc sets... Mafia was one.
My brother's original NWN cd started cracking from the inside out so he burned a copy of it before it was too late. It happens, I've never had any of them die from the data dying from age though, only had burned CDs have data corruption errors due to age.
Wasteland 2.

1 thing though, will they use the SPECIAL system in it? Or is that copyrighted to Fallout, thus Bethesda? Because Wasteland had the SPECIAL system before it was integrated to Fallout.

Also, Alcohol120% is what I use to play my games without discs. Provided you have the .bin and .cue files.
Reconite said:
Wasteland 2.

1 thing though, will they use the SPECIAL system in it? Or is that copyrighted to Fallout, thus Bethesda? Because Wasteland had the SPECIAL system before it was integrated to Fallout.

Also, Alcohol120% is what I use to play my games without discs. Provided you have the .bin and .cue files.

You're crazy, SPECIAL was designed specifically for Fallout, Wasteland used a vastly different system.
Really? Erm... well, I haven't really played Wasteland that much, know enough that it's the predecessor of Fallout. It uses a similar system though, right? :P
You haven't really played Wasteland too much and you want sequel? ;_;
Anyway, back to the news - I'm gonna give Fallen Earth a try. It looks pretty well (And people are still giving only positive opinions about crafting, combat and whole gameplay) so maybe it is worth it.
The problem is loot. People are not fully lootable, aye? It's kinda stupid in "wasteland mmo" to have a guy with tons of ammo which he basicly - cannot lose. Anyway it looks a way better than most of "new generation" MMO's like Aion, WAR etc.
SmartCheetah said:
The problem is loot. People are not fully lootable, aye? It's kinda stupid in "wasteland mmo" to have a guy with tons of ammo which he basicly - cannot lost. Anyway it looks a way better than most of "new generation" MMO's like Aion, WAR etc.

its "cannot lose" not lost...

and MMOs have tried fully lootable PvP in the past, it doesnt work. it almost killed that MMO. thats why nowadays they may make 1 item lootable, but other than that, you dont lose anything to PvP.

all reward, no risk.
Reconite said:
Really? Erm... well, I haven't really played Wasteland that much, know enough that it's the predecessor of Fallout. It uses a similar system though, right? :P

Its system is adapted from Mike Stackpole's Spies, Mercenaries and Private Eyes which is a modern adaptation of Ken St. Andre's Tunnels & Trolls. They're similar in that they use numbers and dice and fairly traditional RPG concepts, but that's it.
Well, after some research i finally bought Fallen Earth ... rly interesting game, quite cool backstory, interesting setup, falloutish feeling + Mark Morgan inspired Music, BIG world etc...and i crafted my own motocycle ;]

Finally mmorpg thats not dumbed down pile of crap