Insult? My dear sir. At least "Poland" isn't a curse word. 

"Was habe ich dir gesagt, Untermensch?"Was habe ich nach dich gesagt, untermensch?
Member of Khans said:You not worthy creatures!
I'm blond, blue eyed, approximately 1.96 tall and GERMAN, hence I'm the master.
Hey, if the post had some content, it doesn't exactly match the common definition of spam. Whatsoever, I DO rule. 8)People who spam "I IS TEH RULE" all over whichever place he's at, is not to be mated with..
welsh said:Poland? I thought the Irish were the niggas of Europe.
Being tall is a recessive trait?quietfanatic said:If I remember correctly, these are all recessive traits found in a small minority of the population. You are not the master, just one of the last members of an unsuccessful endangered species. Maybe we should put you in a wildlife sanctuary, away from the danger of predation by feral Polish invaders.
Silencer said:Jebus said:Wooz said:nigga.
Hey, you're the Eastern European here.
Yeah. You'd be surprised how few Africans there are here.
intr.v. died, dy·ing, (dng) dies
1. To cease living; become dead; expire.
n. pl. dice (ds)
1. A small cube marked on each side with from one to six dots, usually used in pairs in gambling and in various other games.
... The Irish are more like the native Americans of Europe.