" Turn On, Tune In, Fall Out ...'"
" Turn On, Tune In, Fall Out ...'"
@ Ausir
Got a tip from the inter web. Maybe you know the source.
In my altered jurisdiction, bought a novelty lunch box at Amazon and found a free game inside!
The AGP card to get settings to medium, the power supply upgrade for 8x 3.0 AGP, well New Egg still had candidates ... still cheaper then a new MB with all the trimmings.
This Capital Wasteland Series could move out and tour the lower 48 with a title like, *Capital Wasteland : The Altered States of America*.
In another time and space, rival demigods just walked the runway in full frontal swim suit glory.
Beauty contest for the power pyramid peak, from that egocentric loci a title going over the rainbow and back to Kansas (et al)-->
*Capital Wasteland: Beyond The Beltway*.
@ BN
Excellent deconstruction technique.
A quiet exorcism.
Ghost -- psychotic energies discharged,
and what was never there at all,
locked in the mind's eye of the infinite array in a distant looking glass,
awaiting another horror-survival revival.
'Capital Wasteland: Revelation' can now be played, enjoyed, regurgitated, or judged for what it is, and not what other entities repute it SHOULD be.
The cults of game shilling mediocrity, be gone.
Save those absolutes for some one who cares.
The call is for Real Life player reviews, even from another time and space.
Old clique making the turnaround orbit in these Central Altered States, for special after this recent beauty pageant,
"Don't should on me -'n'- won't should on you."