NMA Diablo 2 Bnet Team Thread

Yeah, I was sort of "Waaaaaah!" :aiee: when it happened, but it was nice to see how powerful one needs to become in order to beat that clone (not to mention über Tristram, or whatever it's called)...
I have no idea of the chances of him appearing right next to me, but I guess I may have been close to some kind of spawning point when it happened.
I should be home at around 6PM EST today, I don't know if that'll be too late but perhaps we can get started on Hell and see if we can finish it. :D

I know I won't be able to play much on Wednesday, but other than that I should be good.

Also: I found IK's Maul and another Set of IK gloves. I accidentally imbued my spare IK helm so I sold it.

Edit: I'm 75 now and another baal run or two should put me at 76. After that I can wear my IK set and should be able to do hell much easier. If anyone else wants to play let me know and I'll gladly help you out.
Now you are ahead of me! :D

I wasn't really able to start playing at what is midnight here, but I hope you had fun.
I can play later today, if you want. If we're going to play at evening EST, I'll just have to sleep from 18-24 local time and play an hour or two before going back to bed :)
You are a trooper :)

Yeah I should be home at 6PM EST again today, tomorrow is definitely a scratch, but we can perhaps finish Act 1 if we go straight for Cain and Andariel.
I've been online for about half an hour now, but since you didn't show up, I think I'll go and get some sleep now instead. Tomorrow I am going to have to downgrade my graphics drivers to an older version, since I've sometimes gotten a BSOD with the new version when exiting D2 :(
I'm fine with that, I think. :)

Edit: It's now about 17:54 EST and I will soon be ready to go online. I just have to finish the CCNP3 chapter I'm reading. It should only take 10 more minutes or so :)

Edit: Sorry I never came online during Saturday, I became quite ill and I'm still just recovering. :(
That's quite alright. I'll be online for most of today if you want to hop on at some time.

I traded some gems for items and I need some bad help muling.
I got you an ali baba blade (+1 MF/level) so that'll add up to your mad tally of MF :D
I am sorry I have not been able to play lately; I hope to correct that in the future.

Good to see some of you are keeping at it though! :D
No problem Daimyo, whenever you can fit in some time we'll be glad to play with you :) (in the game that is)

ANyone going to make it online for a bit today?
That's fine, I'll just play my new Amazon when I can.

Some douche hat stole a few items from me, when I was going to pay him a rune for helping me transfer. The rune was worth so much more than what he took, but whatever.
You don't really need help for transfers.
If you just keep the game open for around 10 minutes it won't shut down for some time.
I do it all the time, only had trouble with it once or twice (apparently Keys of Blabla count as shitty items and disappear off the ground really quickly :/ )
Sorry, Sic, school is keeping me from staying up lately. I can try tonight, though. Too bad we have to deal with this time difference :?
Yeah, don't worry though, I'm sure whatever you're doing is more important :)

We'll get to it when we can, I should be on tonight for a couple of hours, around 4PM I think.
Yeah, that doesn't mean it's not annyoing not to be able to game, too :P

4PM? That's early for being you. I should be able to play 4PM-6PM tonight or so, a whole 2 hours :D
Yeah it is, unfortunately it's going to be a bit later than I thought. I should be on, if not, then I think you have to catch up to me anyways :D

I'll try to make it online when you are online.