NMA Fallout 3 modding forum opened

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
So Fallout 3 is leaked now and the amount of information and impressions available has changed from Bethesda's controlled trickle to a veritable torrent. No doubt, there's a lot of ideas and suggestions going around now, people looking at Fallout 3 videos and thinking "here's something I would change".

The Fallout 3 mod kit has not been announced yet, and Bethesda is not telling either way on when or if we'll see it, but the NMA staff is assuming it'll be there in a while and we have good reason to.

For that reason, we decided now is a good time to open up a Fallout 3 modding forum. Post your ideas and suggestions there and - more importantly - if you're reading this an have experience with the Oblivion modkit and/or knowledge of Oblivion's modified Gamebryo engine used for Fallout 3, we invited you to register, join us and share your insights on how the game will likely work and what might be possible or not.
Brother None said:
people looking at Fallout 3 videos and thinking "here's something I would change".

The (demotivating) problem by this is (for me), that I see to much that is needed to be changed first before it makes sense to think about adding something own, cool or other stuff.
Lexx said:
The (demotivating) problem by this is (for me), that I see to much that is needed to be changed first before it makes sense to think about adding something own, cool or other stuff.

There's more problems than that, including lack of knowledge about the modkit, discouraging to modders right now.

Still, you have to start with gathering and discussing ideas at some point. And yes, an extensive "try to fix this game" patch (something like Oscuro's Overhaul mod for Oblivion but probably more drastic) is a must.

mlk said:
Hmm? Anything you could let us in on?

Not overselling the point: we don't know much more than any of you, but quite frankly everyone should logically expect a modkit: it's what Bethesda does, and they have no good reason not to do it this time (especially since the game is broken again). They might delay it for additional DLC sales but whatever, it'll be there. I only have one or two peripheral tidbits/hearsay that make me think so even more, so no big secrets or anything.
A turn-based combat and isometric view patch?
Perhaps a remake of Fallout and Fallout 2 using the FO3 engine? (A drastic one, this one is)
zioburosky13 said:
A turn-based combat and isometric view patch?
Perhaps a remake of Fallout and Fallout 2 using the FO3 engine?


Less enemys all three meters, better animations of the characters, less bloom, more/better colors, better enemy placement (supermutants at start to fight with pistol anyone?) and so on and so on.
Lexx said:

Less enemys all three meters, better animations of the characters, less bloom, more/better colors, better enemy placement (supermutants at start to fight with pistol anyone?) and so on and so on.

The early encounter with super mutant and able to defeat them with pistol is definitely a lame game play design.

But why not a possible iso and tb add-on (:=o
I don't think, that it will possible. At least it will not be that easy. - Someone should ask the real oblivion modders. When they say, yep, could be done, maybe this and this way, then ok. But else... The construction set is a powerfull tool, but not that powerfull, afaik.
More viable isometric gameplay would depend on changing the way combat and item selection works from middle-of-the-screen-dot to mouse select: that doesn't sound possible.

Turn-based combat I dunno. It might be possible to make some rough mod of VATS
It might be done if you cue combat to automatically go into VATS everytime you have a hostile encounter, and have a camera editor. Idk, just speculating.
I don't see turn based combat or isometric view point happening. Those things haven't happened for Oblivion or Morrowind for that matter and I'm pretty sure that it isn't just because nobody wanted to. You just won't be able to do it without rewriting the entire program.

If they do release a construction set for it then it won't be any use either. The CS is for adding new content or editing existing content, that's all. And judging from what they did with Oblivion expect the CS to be severely gimped: new magical effects anyone...
How do you guys plan to implement isometric view in Rivet City for instance. It's not feasible unless you redesign the whole map because it consists in very low corridors and unless you want to play with the camera stuck to your character's scalp, it's not feasible.
You could have a moveable camera "Non isometric" during turn-based vats, and FPP outside of combat. Instead of using hexes to determine movement spaces, use meters, or feet. For example {10 action points allows you to move 10 meters per turn}
MrBumble said:
How do you guys plan to implement isometric view in Rivet City for instance.

That's easy, just cut out all the ceilings. Adding transparency to walls will be tougher. But that's not the hard part, changing the functionality to add mouse-clicking for selection and walking is what's nearly impossible.
Well, it's to early to be sure what is possible. So far, the only build of F3 we've seen is for the 360. We still have no idea on what the UI for the PC version is going to be like.
Am I missing something here? I thought only the Xbox 360 version was leaked... or am I mistaken?

Not asking for any links, I already pre-ordered my copy. Just a yes or no answer.


Dopemine Cleric said:
Well, it's to early to be sure what is possible. So far, the only build of F3 we've seen is for the 360. We still have no idea on what the UI for the PC version is going to be like.

Oh ok just read your comment nevermind my question.