NMA Fantasy Football 2011: Can You Feel That Hybrid Rainbow

is doubleposting illegal in here?

I'm cool with about any time sunday if you need to accomodate somebody.

how does the league feel about idp -- hate it?
idp stands for Individual Defensive Players, btw -- so you get lb's, db's, and linemen who get points for tackles, sacks, picks, etc.

and which one of you are football n00bs or foreign devils so I don't accidentally rip you off in trade offers?
We ran IDP the first year and it just didn't work, too many guys weren't lining up good guys, it was all a little uneven. Then DB won. So we voted em down for next year and, well, didn't bring it back up here.

There's me and Sander as foreigners, but we know our football well enough. NoName went crazily all-Colts in last year's draft but hopefully he's learned. All Americans...I think? Anyway, I'll remove unfair trades :P
I'd be in favor of an extra roster spot, I suppose. I'd probably add a third WR starter, but a second flex spot is intriguing. You could start three TEs...
waitwtf........db demanding more bench??

is this like bizarro nma universe db over here?
I have to agree with the unwashed masses -- one extra bench would be sweet.
There are no masses calling for a bench, just you and Deebs. And don't double post.

Anyway, any opinion masses? add a bench spot?
Anybody else having trouble getting into the "test your system, etc, etc" page? I tried Firefox and Chrome and both just keep loading the page perpetually.


The fuck.

EDIT: Eh, fuck it. I got it to work on my laptop. That'll do.

p.s. extra bench is <s>Fiona Apple</s> fine. I don' give a fuck.
Yoshi525 said:
Every year I see these 'football' threads and get all excited :cry:

Why? Do you know how boring fantasy soccer would be? Shit. More boring than the actual sport and that is what you call cripplingly depressing, sir. Move on, now. Shoo!
I'm going I'm going (comma fail need new keyboard). Though there is fantasy 'soccer' that I play every year :P
Autodraft is on crack drafting dudes on IR.

No regrets, my lobster and vodka tonics on the deck made up for it though.