Calling all NMAers, calling all NMAers!
If you're reading this then get to work and start playing FOnline Reloaded, if you're already playing then say so.
We are starting a NMA FOnline Reloaded group, our group already includes:
@TorontRayne : The raider, ranger, lockpicker, and sniper. -Toront edit: Took speech like a retard too.
@Risewild : The wimpy, violence allergic, sneaky medic and drug brewer.
@Mr Fish : The weapon and armorsmith crafter. (and something else, since Mr Fish is a FOnline Reloaded veteran)
@Zerginfestor : The Big Guns character that burns everything to a crisp, can also craft equipment.
@Dami : The Small Guns gunslinger.
Like Mr Fish said, we now have a real faction with a Base Camp, we also have two buggies for some reason (one seems to have been a present from a thief and the other one seems like I accidentally stole it from someone who had stolen from someone else... ooops...)
If anyone else is missing then just post and I will add you to the list.
Join now unless you're a mutant, because No Mutants Allowed!
EDIT: We usually communicate using the NMA Steam group chat:
One way of having chat while playing in full screen is to add the Fonline Reloaded .exe to the Steam games (Open Steam, go to the "Games" option on the top, then go to "Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library", find the .exe you want and select it. You can even make a Steam shortcut so you can use it to launch the game directly using Steam) and using the overlay to communicate (ctrl+shift).
-If you just start playing, be careful, the other players are usually assholes, they will kill you on sight in one blow, if you have to check your inventory, character sheet, etc. make it so while you are in the world map or when you are in a settlement/city.
-If you are carrying a significant amount of caps or some valuable items in bulk, then equip the caps or those items in your offhand slot and do not select it while on maps, this way other players will not be able to see you are carrying this even if they pickpocket you. (Thanks Mr Fish for this tip).
Also make sure you head straight to your tent, base camp or settlement so you won't risk getting killed and lose all those riches.
-In this game there is no permadeath but when you die you will lose all of your equipment and whatever you are carrying in your inventory. So avoid carrying expensive or good stuff with you at the start of the game.
Your items will not be lost if you died in marked areas on the map (any area you can see marked on your world map), so if you died in one of those and want to recover your items, then you need to be quick and go straight there after you respawned. Be careful because what killed you will still be there (enemy NPCs and critters) or might still be there (players), if players are there chances are your items were looted by them and lost.
-You will die a lot in this game, so be prepared for it.
It will take a while to respawn. you can track how long till you do by checking the "Replication" countdown on the bottom right of the screen. Once it reaches 0 you will be transported to the closest "recovery" area with 10 HP or so.
-When you're at least level 2, the game allows one to get a free tent from a quest to kill rats in a farm, if you're confident in your skill to fight you should try to do that quest, if you're not confident then you should try to ask for help from someone else from our faction and we will help you (also even if you're confident but want some extra help or just some company, then just feel free to ask).
More info and tips about the quest
After you get your tent you should get out of that map and immediately go out of the world map into the random "playing" map and set up your tent. You need to do this to avoid being killed and lose your tent. Don't worry if you think that your tent is not in a good location, later you will be able to craft more tents if you want to and place them anywhere you want. The tent limit number is 10 so you have plenty of chances to place tents (you can also dismantle old tents if you want to, it will not give you a tent kit back though)
Why is the tent so important? It allows you to have a safe place to stash your items and caps, so you can store all the good stuff you don't want to lose in case you die. It is also safe and other players will never be able to reach it unless they read a map that shows that location (created by you) or you take them there (while they are tagged to follow you).
-If you have 100 Outdoorsman skill, you can get a free perk called Ranger that will allow you set Safe Houses instead of tents when you use Tent kits. The safe houses advantage is that they come with a crafting workbench already and I guess they look better, if you care about looks.
How to get the Ranger Perk
-You will also be able to store things in our Faction Base Camp (once you're added to the faction). We have plenty of containers already available.
-Very Important
Do not give maps to your tents or safe houses to anyone you don't know, also be careful not to lead people to your tents, safe houses and specially to our Faction Base camp.
Some people out there might be nice just to trick you into leading them to those places so they can loot them.
If you can do what I did, make a second tent when you can and place it somewhere and leave it empty, if someone asks you to lead them to your tent, lead them to the empty one, that way they will not be able to loot anything and you will be able to see if they are really friendly or trying to trick you.
-Item Highlighter.
Sometimes items on the ground are hard to spot. FOnline Reloaded does not have a item highlighter function like we can get with modded classic Fallout games. To mitigate this you will have to use some mods. My advice is to download these files (Just press this button:
and select Download ZIP.).
After you download the zip, extract the: HiFootlockers, HiItems and HiItems2 from the file, then zip them all individually again, make sure you only let the "art" folder be inside your zip files, if you allow it to also keep the first folder (the folders called HiFootlockers, HiItems and HiItems2) it will not work (sorry about the complicated method, but this wasn't made by me, so I can't make it easier) and give the same names to your zip files (HiFootlockers, HiItems and HiItems2). Basically make sure that your zip files only contain a folder called "art" and not a folder named something else and then a "art" one inside the first.
After that place your zip files in your FOnline Reloaded data folder.
The last step is to open the FOnline file called "DataFiles.cfg" (can be opened in any text processing software) and add this:
-Handy key combination commands:
Dropping and grabbing stuff in bulk.
You can use the key combinations ctrl+D and ctrl+G to drop stuff or grab stuff respectively. I never use ctrl+D, but I use ctrl+G a lot. All you have to do is stand on top of any items on the ground and press those two buttons and if you have enough AP you will grab everything at once, this is really handy.
I think the only things I noticed that are not grabbed using this method is Flint for some reason (it might have been my internet failling, but it seemed to happen with all the Flint piles I tried in the wilderness).
-Lets do some more modding. You can add these two entries to your "FOnline2238.cfg":
-Don't be shy. If you're around and there are others from the faction around, feel free to ask for help, for company or just to tag along with the other players.
-Have fun. Sometimes it's frustrating to get killed, specially after you just got some nice loot or when you're heading to a settlement full of loot to sell rf with your wallet full of caps. But it is a harsh wasteland, try not to let that put you down.
-Be aware that the game has what they call "Support Perks", these perks are usually free and you can learn them from NPCs around the world. You are encouraged to check them out and take note of their requirements (so you know if you can get them or not). Support Perks really help characters develop depending on their build.
Support Perks
-If a task requires a tool (ex: Gathering Fiber from plants, chopping wood, mining, etc), you need yo equip that tool in your main hand for it to work.
-Read the wiki.
If you are confused or curious about something, try searching the FOnline Reloaded Wiki:
Some useful links:
FOnline Reloaded Client Download
FOnline Reloaded Build Advice Guide
FOnline Reloaded World Map
FOnline Reloaded Professions
FOnline Reloaded Perks
If you're reading this then get to work and start playing FOnline Reloaded, if you're already playing then say so.
We are starting a NMA FOnline Reloaded group, our group already includes:
@TorontRayne : The raider, ranger, lockpicker, and sniper. -Toront edit: Took speech like a retard too.
@Risewild : The wimpy, violence allergic, sneaky medic and drug brewer.
@Mr Fish : The weapon and armorsmith crafter. (and something else, since Mr Fish is a FOnline Reloaded veteran)
@Zerginfestor : The Big Guns character that burns everything to a crisp, can also craft equipment.
@Dami : The Small Guns gunslinger.
Like Mr Fish said, we now have a real faction with a Base Camp, we also have two buggies for some reason (one seems to have been a present from a thief and the other one seems like I accidentally stole it from someone who had stolen from someone else... ooops...)
If anyone else is missing then just post and I will add you to the list.
Join now unless you're a mutant, because No Mutants Allowed!
EDIT: We usually communicate using the NMA Steam group chat:
One way of having chat while playing in full screen is to add the Fonline Reloaded .exe to the Steam games (Open Steam, go to the "Games" option on the top, then go to "Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library", find the .exe you want and select it. You can even make a Steam shortcut so you can use it to launch the game directly using Steam) and using the overlay to communicate (ctrl+shift).
-If you just start playing, be careful, the other players are usually assholes, they will kill you on sight in one blow, if you have to check your inventory, character sheet, etc. make it so while you are in the world map or when you are in a settlement/city.
-If you are carrying a significant amount of caps or some valuable items in bulk, then equip the caps or those items in your offhand slot and do not select it while on maps, this way other players will not be able to see you are carrying this even if they pickpocket you. (Thanks Mr Fish for this tip).
Also make sure you head straight to your tent, base camp or settlement so you won't risk getting killed and lose all those riches.
-In this game there is no permadeath but when you die you will lose all of your equipment and whatever you are carrying in your inventory. So avoid carrying expensive or good stuff with you at the start of the game.
Your items will not be lost if you died in marked areas on the map (any area you can see marked on your world map), so if you died in one of those and want to recover your items, then you need to be quick and go straight there after you respawned. Be careful because what killed you will still be there (enemy NPCs and critters) or might still be there (players), if players are there chances are your items were looted by them and lost.
-You will die a lot in this game, so be prepared for it.
It will take a while to respawn. you can track how long till you do by checking the "Replication" countdown on the bottom right of the screen. Once it reaches 0 you will be transported to the closest "recovery" area with 10 HP or so.
-When you're at least level 2, the game allows one to get a free tent from a quest to kill rats in a farm, if you're confident in your skill to fight you should try to do that quest, if you're not confident then you should try to ask for help from someone else from our faction and we will help you (also even if you're confident but want some extra help or just some company, then just feel free to ask).
More info and tips about the quest
After you get your tent you should get out of that map and immediately go out of the world map into the random "playing" map and set up your tent. You need to do this to avoid being killed and lose your tent. Don't worry if you think that your tent is not in a good location, later you will be able to craft more tents if you want to and place them anywhere you want. The tent limit number is 10 so you have plenty of chances to place tents (you can also dismantle old tents if you want to, it will not give you a tent kit back though)
Why is the tent so important? It allows you to have a safe place to stash your items and caps, so you can store all the good stuff you don't want to lose in case you die. It is also safe and other players will never be able to reach it unless they read a map that shows that location (created by you) or you take them there (while they are tagged to follow you).
-If you have 100 Outdoorsman skill, you can get a free perk called Ranger that will allow you set Safe Houses instead of tents when you use Tent kits. The safe houses advantage is that they come with a crafting workbench already and I guess they look better, if you care about looks.
How to get the Ranger Perk
-You will also be able to store things in our Faction Base Camp (once you're added to the faction). We have plenty of containers already available.
-Very Important
Do not give maps to your tents or safe houses to anyone you don't know, also be careful not to lead people to your tents, safe houses and specially to our Faction Base camp.
Some people out there might be nice just to trick you into leading them to those places so they can loot them.
If you can do what I did, make a second tent when you can and place it somewhere and leave it empty, if someone asks you to lead them to your tent, lead them to the empty one, that way they will not be able to loot anything and you will be able to see if they are really friendly or trying to trick you.
-Item Highlighter.
Sometimes items on the ground are hard to spot. FOnline Reloaded does not have a item highlighter function like we can get with modded classic Fallout games. To mitigate this you will have to use some mods. My advice is to download these files (Just press this button:

After you download the zip, extract the: HiFootlockers, HiItems and HiItems2 from the file, then zip them all individually again, make sure you only let the "art" folder be inside your zip files, if you allow it to also keep the first folder (the folders called HiFootlockers, HiItems and HiItems2) it will not work (sorry about the complicated method, but this wasn't made by me, so I can't make it easier) and give the same names to your zip files (HiFootlockers, HiItems and HiItems2). Basically make sure that your zip files only contain a folder called "art" and not a folder named something else and then a "art" one inside the first.
After that place your zip files in your FOnline Reloaded data folder.
The last step is to open the FOnline file called "DataFiles.cfg" (can be opened in any text processing software) and add this:
Save the "DataFiles.cfg" after you added those three entries and you're done, from now on you will see the items and horizontal lockers with a highlight around them, I am not sure if it affects all of the items, but it helps a\
-Handy key combination commands:
Dropping and grabbing stuff in bulk.
You can use the key combinations ctrl+D and ctrl+G to drop stuff or grab stuff respectively. I never use ctrl+D, but I use ctrl+G a lot. All you have to do is stand on top of any items on the ground and press those two buttons and if you have enough AP you will grab everything at once, this is really handy.
I think the only things I noticed that are not grabbed using this method is Flint for some reason (it might have been my internet failling, but it seemed to happen with all the Flint piles I tried in the wilderness).
-Lets do some more modding. You can add these two entries to your "FOnline2238.cfg":
Now ingame you can press ctrl+W to remove all the wall graphics and ctrl+R to remove all the roof graphics. This helps a lot in some cases.[Bindings]
ToggleRoof=Ctrl R
ToggleWall=Ctrl W
-Don't be shy. If you're around and there are others from the faction around, feel free to ask for help, for company or just to tag along with the other players.
-Have fun. Sometimes it's frustrating to get killed, specially after you just got some nice loot or when you're heading to a settlement full of loot to sell rf with your wallet full of caps. But it is a harsh wasteland, try not to let that put you down.
-Be aware that the game has what they call "Support Perks", these perks are usually free and you can learn them from NPCs around the world. You are encouraged to check them out and take note of their requirements (so you know if you can get them or not). Support Perks really help characters develop depending on their build.
Support Perks
-If a task requires a tool (ex: Gathering Fiber from plants, chopping wood, mining, etc), you need yo equip that tool in your main hand for it to work.
-Read the wiki.
If you are confused or curious about something, try searching the FOnline Reloaded Wiki:
Some useful links:
FOnline Reloaded Client Download
FOnline Reloaded Build Advice Guide
FOnline Reloaded World Map
FOnline Reloaded Professions
FOnline Reloaded Perks
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