NMA Op-ed: Fallout 3 PAX Impressions

Wooz said:
Best last words ever. Banned.

Did he just earn his third strike or something?

(Hopefully this post isn't considered spam, but I'm curious as to whether this is an insta-ban or if people have 3 chances or something.)

Orrrr... was it just a threat? I can't really see any visible evidence that he was banned.

Edit: (on the subject of Vault 101 being close to Megaton) Isn't that a little too close? Seems pretty stupid that the PC would blow up a town with a nuke that's so close to their home vault. Unless they could care less about anyone there.

Also, I'm guessing that everyone in Megaton already knows about the vault. Why isn't it that someone hasn't already gotten a group together and attempted to raid the vault? It seems to me that all the vaults should have been extremely well hidden to avoid the risk of being found and gotten into. I know the doors are pretty thick but the super mutants and enclave never had any problems getting in. =P
PaladinHeart said:
Did he just earn his third strike or something?

Orrrr... was it just a threat? I can't really see any visible evidence that he was banned.

He is banned. If you're curious about someone being banned or not, check the blacklist.

He had one strike. Wooz gave him his 2nd and 3rd and banned him. Normally you have three changes, unless you push it.

And it's okay to ask questions about modding actions, but it's preferable if you do so via PM to the mod in question or an admin.

PaladinHeart said:
Isn't that a little too close?

You can see Megaton the moment you leave the Vault

Yes, that's quite a bit too close, especially when you considering how big the blast that destroys Megaton is. I'm hoping it's just that close for demo purposes, tho' that sounds a bit unlikely

PaladinHeart said:
Also, I'm guessing that everyone in Megaton already knows about the vault.

The sheriff does. Why no break-ins? Who knows.
What is even more funny is that it appears that there is a well-traveled path that leads from the vault to Megaton.

I'm feeling immersed!
Paul_cz said:
Szeder said:

I am a die hard fan of original, and I don't view FO3 as blasphemy - I like it so far, actually.Why they used Fallout brand ? They probably really like it ! As Todd said - you don't buy something for a few millions and dedicate 4 years of your life to it to just fuck it up, and you won't do it if you don't like it.I don't know why its such a big deal all the time.

btw, thanx cow and plissken, great write-ups, am glad you liked it.
The value of the Fallout license is being greatly underestimated 'round here. Keep in mind that it's only ten years old and both games are considered some of the best RPGs ever made. This gives a lot of options as far as marketing goes and gives a lot of power to the brand name, especially when the press picks up on it as they have. Still there have been questions about how it'll stack up to the previous games (dialogue being the most notable) that have been answered in such a way as to be discouraging so it's a two way street.

ookami said:
sarfa said:
Now, to the unitiated (By which I mean people who've no experience of Fallout and Fallout 2), Fallout 3 is a faithful sequel and not a spin off like those other games.
Those people seem to not care what it's called or really anything about the game other than that it should only be 'fun'. They'd never heard of any Fallout game (spin-off of not) before Fallout 3 was announced. That seems to be the crowd on which Bethesda is really banking the success of this game. To make a naming concession for actual fans of the series is not going to hurt it.

To avoid the spin-off stigma, they could just call it a 'new series' and you can bet that the others you mention would follow right along, reassured that it's "not a spin-off, but a new, different, next-gen Fallout series that isn't like the old ones". Fans would be fine with it, anyone else wouldn't care. Those who are going to buy it are going to regardless of what it's called now.

But I guess Bethesda wouldn't get the dick-waving satisfaction if they didn't call it a sequel.
His point is valid and it would be possible that the media could pick up on it and it certainly could have prevented all of the positive mentions of the first two game. Still, what you said is what I was thinking as well, why not do what Metroid: Prime did and make it a new take on the serries (since that's exactly what they said they've done), thus allowing found things to be said of previous games while still avoiding the stigma of being called a spin-off.

thefalloutfan said:
I see no path.
Nor do I.

All in all I still don't think it'll appeal to people who don't like Oblivion as it seems to have more in common, mechanically speaking, with it than with STALKER (which I haven't played but looks promising).

Thanks for the preview guys :ok:

EDIT: What gets me about that picture is the inconsistent rusting in the world. Notice how the gas station is completely rusted while the sign and the water tower are perfectly fine.
Here's what I'm talking about.
Edit: (on the subject of Vault 101 being close to Megaton) Isn't that a little too close? Seems pretty stupid that the PC would blow up a town with a nuke that's so close to their home vault. Unless they could care less about anyone there.

Good examination.

It seems Megaton is QUITE close to Vault 101, as in - Close enough to be walked in say, ten or twenty minutes if you're VERY slow. It was helluva fast in the video. The bomb in Megaton only makes it worse. At that distance, I'm not even sure the Vault Door would manage to hold the shockwave and the radiation of the explosion. If it was, say, 20km from Megaton, I would say "Meh, they would't even care." Also, Fallout 3's map seems so small that I'm afraid that, IF I blow Megaton, I'm going to contaminate 50% of the world map with fallout!

It's one of the oddest things of Fallout 3 - The Map size is apparently the size of Washington DC, the neighbooring area, and that's that. I think that's very small and ruins the feeling of desolation if walking from the Vault to Megaton is a quick, ten-minutes affair. In Fallout and 2, you had to hike or drive though kilometers of nothing but desert, sand, mountains, raiders, monsters or worse. I can't understand why would anyone need to say, be a cannibal if walking from city to city is a affair you take in some days, unless you're dirty poor. Any guy with some money could buy enough supplies for, what, how much times it takes to trek around the desert ruins of a city?
I think it would depend on how much the food actually costs. Although I'd guess that someone bringing in salvaged weapons and equipment would get good deals as far as that's concerned. There also seems to be plenty of monsters to kill, and I'm pretty sure I recall there being a mention of bloatfly meat? No need to cannibalize. Just have a critter snack. :P

I wonder if you can chop up people and then sell the meat to the merchants in town?

I'd say the option to cannibalize is mostly there just to give players the option, if they so wish. I wonder if when the player is eating a corpse it makes a sound like, "Om nom nom!"? x]

What gets me about that picture is the inconsistent rusting in the world. Notice how the gas station is completely rusted while the sign and the water tower are perfectly fine.

Is it possible that the water tower is a more recent construction?
PaladinHeart said:
What gets me about that picture is the inconsistent rusting in the world. Notice how the gas station is completely rusted while the sign and the water tower are perfectly fine.

Is it possible that the water tower is a more recent construction?
It's 200 years old, a couple decades more wouldn't make that big of a difference. It's the problem that plagues Fallout 3's scenery, it looks like it's a couple years after the war instead of 200 with the exceptions (the gas station here) looking right. Moreover, I don't see how the artists can get it right with some things and be so completely off on others.
Moreover, I don't see how the artists can get it right with some things and be so completely off on others.

Several artists and badly coordinated art direction.
It's also possible that he could be one of the original Fallout devs. Not probable, but it is possible to be proud of seeing your pet project turn into something you.. never.. really.. intended.

...err.. okay. Not possible. :P
Brother None said:
Depends on how well they treat the setting.

It looks like a better spin-off than Tactics or Fallout:Brotherhood of Steel were, tho'.

Why does everyone hate Tactics?
Well when you put Brotherhood of Steel and Tactics in the same sentence....
I'm actually reading this thread now and am getting pretty good reasons.
Edit again:
sarfa said:
More importantly, while many of us here would be much more satisfied if we weren't being told this thing was a sequel, there'd be others who'd be adopting the line of "Well Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel sucked Great Big Giant Donkey Balls, so surely another Fallout spin off will do likewise".
Who is this guy?
Tactics wasn't very faithful to the setting, but it is kind of harsh to equate it with FO:BOS. IMHO, with a few retcons, Tactics could be easily incorporated into the canon.
a good preview, looking forward to the relise of the game

I for one dont mind the sequel lebel, beeing a fan of the series i dont think a change in gameplay and engine is a bad thing by default as long the core concept and the spirit of the frenchise endures. Futhermore this will open the Fallout saga to a broader audiance, altrough some might see the so called casual playerbase in contempt its quiet obvious thy net the biggest market share. And console games sell in far bigger numbers that pc ones, no news here.
I dont really dare to speculate about the quality of the game till i dont get the box myself but im quiet sure it will be a market hit, most likely surpasing F1 / F2 combined numbers wise.
On the long turn this guarantees future Fallout producs and as long thy are fun and entertaining beth. can name them whatever thy wish :P

on a side note: i did enjoy pen and paper combat from the first two games but that was a decade ago. Game requirements did quiet change during this time and niche games dont sell quiet well nowdays. I know hardcore fans would love it but those are a minority in the end numbers make the final call