.Pixote. said:
These games take years to build, the amount of work required is insane, and people burnout. Modders need to work to survive, and have families, and there is zero chance Bethesda would allow people to make money from their property. The best we can hope is for the Fallout source code to be released to the public, and I don't see it happening.
I'm with Pixote here. Besides, I suppose when the veteran modders finish their current projects, most of them will probably move on. I know I will. I mean, I will still love Fallout, I'll still play the mods, but I will be making new games, rather than modding the ancient ones.
Finally, all-star teams aren't necessarily efficient. Everyone will have tonnes of ideas about what they want to make. Can you imagine how long it would take to agree on some sort of vision for the project?
What about work habits/routines, tool preferences, communication preferences etc.? They will all vary for each member of the team.
Instead, there should be a single leader with a well-established vision and basic design, and preferably some sort of prototype, who would invite all the great modders to join in under his or her supervision. And then take it from there.