NMA was hacked

While we are at it.

With the new forum software, will we keep all our private messages? My savebox is 1010% big, filled with more or less important stuff, and it would be a pain if I'd save to secure it on my own. :>
Lexx said:
While we are at it.

With the new forum software, will we keep all our private messages? My savebox is 1010% big, filled with more or less important stuff, and it would be a pain if I'd save to secure it on my own. :>

Ummmm... I'd like to look at migrating as much of the data over as possible, so 'maybe'. Not sure on how that is going to work. Stay tuned.
Odin said:
Briosafreak: a true cosmopolitan playbot
Briosafreak: playboy*
Odin: *bip....can you feel that...bip...baby...*
what kind of a person would use their own joke in their signature, seriously
Odin said:
Its in Florida atleast, I really dont care that people hack ancient code. Im amazed it hasnt been hacked untill now

Well, thanks a lot. Are you proud or something? It's our passwords that leaked.

EDIT: removed the insults...
MapMan said:
Well, thanks a lot. Are you proud or something? It's our passwords that leaked.

No, but the code that was on the site was old. I hoped it had been updated but it hadnt. Its unfortunate that it was hacked, but if a hacker really wanted to he could hack most sites. Nothing is really safe on the internet.

I do hope most had an old password on this site, if not then do remember to change your password on mail accounts, paypal, etc..etc.

Gimp Mask said:
what, i don't really know who you are, but sure

Well you were around here when I was running things, even posted on the thread where Kreegle left me DAC, but Killzig and some other took it over instead. http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=61147&highlight=#61147
Odin said:

Hah, what a fun old thread. Lots of old faces there.

Also funny is how Mr. Teatime keeps on dissing DAC, yet afterwards he went to admin there almost up until the day he died.
I remember the windy autumn day of Mr. Teatime's funeral like it was yesterday.
Yeah - I'm a bit worried for you, Briosa. I mean, I'm not saying your crazy or anything, or that whatever you have is something to be ashamed of, but you might want to consider having someone professional have a look at that.

Do you often see dead people?
Us Portuguese people tend to be a bit bonkers up in the head ;)

Also, who's Mr. Teatime?
He was a regular poster over here and on DAC. A writer and a semi-good musician.

He died of skin cancer a couple of months ago. August, I think.
Odin said:
Well you were around here when I was running things, even posted on the thread where Kreegle left me DAC, but Killzig and some other took it over instead. http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=61147&highlight=#61147
good point mang, how could i have forgotten about my three posts here from seven years ago and who was running things back then :freak: thanks for the link though, a true cross-country road trip down the memory interstate in the vein of jack kerouac and tom green.

r.i.p. mr teatime :falloutonline:
"crawling in my skin / this cancer will not heal" -papa roach
The "teatime is dead" joke isn't funny, it happened to me once here at NMA with all sort of bizarre consequences. :puke: