NMA was hacked

odin, again...

if you are going to limit security of accounts to MD5 hashing, that is the same as no security at all.

its quite pointless to really do anything unless you change the hashing algorithm to something far more complex like a 256 or 512 hash, and implement failed attempts lockout even if its just temporary but log it.

if you dont, there really isnt any point in doing anything because MD5 hashing has been cracked for a long time. there are numerous even web sites that can reverse-hash a MD5. we use them at least once a week at work.
PUPPIES !!! :)

I believe the article feature should be working again... let me know if there are any problems with it.
Awesome, well done korindabar.

I assume but will ask anyway so everyone feels safe: the security issues have been solved then, or at least patched until the big update?
That particular issue with the article.php script has been resolved. I am not currently aware of any other security vulnerabilities, so that doesn't mean they don't exist... just that this specific one has been laid to rest.
Odin said:
Well, the site will look very similar to the forum basicly. So its more seemless, Wooz is onboard with gfx but he doesnt know about templates and such as far as I know.

I hope that means the forum is getting overhauled as well, because a green-on-black main page would look way too 1997 (though that could be the point, right?).
The forum should be a FPS with regenerative php and all that!
TailSwallower said:
Odin said:
Well, the site will look very similar to the forum basicly. So its more seemless, Wooz is onboard with gfx but he doesnt know about templates and such as far as I know.

I hope that means the forum is getting overhauled as well, because a green-on-black main page would look way too 1997 (though that could be the point, right?).

Just make sure the colours are dark, bright 'white' coloured threads burn my eyes.

Recent photo -

Lexx said:
The forum should be a FPS with regenerative php and all that!

Replace the "Post Reply" with "Enter V.A.T.S."?

Actually, forums are turn-based, and thus are totally outdated and unmarketable. We need a chat room! A gritty, gorey chat room!
why do i get the impression nobody read any of my like 5 posts saying the same thing...
Well, at least I'm thankful it was a hacker with some restraint and not a cracker or scriptkiddie out for destruction.
TheWesDude said:
why do i get the impression nobody read any of my like 5 posts saying the same thing...

I'm also a bit worried how ignored you seemed to be. Blocking someone for too many password attempts seems like an absolutely critical thing that would require minimal effort to implement. *I don't know enough about computer security to comment on anything more complicated*
Goweigus said:
TheWesDude said:
why do i get the impression nobody read any of my like 5 posts saying the same thing...
I'm also a bit worried how ignored you seemed to be.

We specialize in ignoring.

Anyway, what TWD is saying would be relevant if we were patching up our current forum system. We're not, we're switching to another forum entirely, which I think does block of brute forcing, and while I don't know anything about MD5 hashing, isn't that only a problem assuming someone gets into the database in the first place?

EDIT: looks like we're switching over to a system that salts and uses MD5.
What forum will that be? I personally am a big fan of SMF2.0.
I'll answer some of what was said:

It doesn't really matter what password you use. Brute forcing MD5 passwords is easy. There are only 128^2 possible "values" for a MD5 password. Especially if there is no "automatic account lockout" after X failed attempts.

We're talking about two different things here. First is brute forcing the login of the site and that isn't related to the md5 password hashes (you can't use the hash as the password). You either know what the original string was or you don't.

There is nothing currently in place on -this- forum that limits login attempts but that capability is built into the new forum software (the default setting being 5 attempts). This should be coming very soon.

If the only "protection" you use is MD5 hashing of passwords, you don't have any security. If you are going to limit security of accounts to MD5 hashing, that is the same as no security at all.

It's quite pointless to really do anything unless you change the hashing algorithm to something far more complex like a 256 or 512 hash, and implement failed attempts lockout even if its just temporary but log it.

If you don't, there really isn't any point in doing anything because MD5 hashing has been cracked for a long time. there are numerous even web sites that can reverse-hash a MD5. we use them at least once a week at work.

To clarify for everyone concerned, md5 has not been "cracked". There is no inherent way to reverse your password to it's original value programmatically speaking. There are however two reasons why md5 is not as 'secure' as it should be.

1. The first reason is that over time databases/sites have been built that contain the "pre-hash" value of passwords as well as the "post-hash" value. So if your password is "password" the md5 for that is "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99", it is easy to look up the md5 hash and see what the original value was. Simple one word/short passwords, common phrases and etc are likely available on the internet.

2. The second reason why md5 is generally considered insecure is that certain "collisions" exist. This means that it's possible for more than one "original value" to potentially create the same md5 as your password does.

While collisions do exist, it is still quite unlikely that someone is going to find a collision value for your password any time soon. Certainly anyone with the capability or resources to do so has better things to do than hack NMA.

For those who want to know more about the attacker, his attack seems to have been completely random and likely the result of a script that reaches out and looks for old exploits in the phpbb2 software using Google or some other engine. This was in no way a co-ordinated or focused effort for the individual responsible. As I said before, we aren't a particular 'juicy' target, but we were the low hanging fruit.

The next iteration of the forum has a much more robust security set. In the meantime, I am trying to patch whatever holes I can find on this sinking ship.

We could go through the dev effort to overhaul how passwords are stored/hashed but the energy would be better spent moving us over to vBulletin as soon as possible.

It is still advisable that you change your password to something secure.
Reconite said:
Nice. But doesn't that cost quite a bit of money to use? Who's paying for it?

Generous NMA donations have piled up over the years, in bits and pieces. We used it earlier to fund a contest, now we're using it to fund vBulletin and hopefully a frontpage overhaul as well. If we have enough left we might even do another contest!

So thanks to whoever donated over the years!

yes, MD5 has been cracked. if i know the hashed value of a password in MD5, i can go to numerous sites and reverse-hash that in a matter of seconds.

and here is the kicker.

to "crack" a hashing algorithm all you have to do is have a table with an input value for every possible hashed value output.

then do a search in your table that matches that hashed value and use the unhashed input as your password.

that table has existed for MD5 for a while. there are projects to map out those values for other hashing algorithm out there, and SHA-1 which is a 256 bit hashing formula is like 40% mapped or something like that. SHA-2, sometimes called SHA-512, is a 512 bit formula and there is nowhere near a usable table.

remember back when sony and such were hacked by lulzsec and anonymous? all they did was use a script to do a buffer overflow on their forum software, get the hash value for one of their forum admins, and then reverse their MD5 hash, and then go to town.

technically you cannot reverse a hashing formula, but if you have access to one of those "rainbow tables" for that hashing formula, then you are golden.
Well, I'll tell ya what. If you can find the reverse value of my password hash I'll paypal you $10 and change my signature to "Property of TheWesDude". You have one month starting now:


I will also make it my personal crusade to recode the new platform with whatever hashing algorithm you choose.