NMAid: Gas in Germany

Tagaziel said:
We have an electrical water heater. All of our home appliances are electrical too. Gas is for heating only (E-ON: OH GOD SO MUCH HEATING TO BE DONE IN 30 DEGREES WEATHER).

Oh, and one more thing. Upon reception of E-on's love letter, we checked if we are actually receiveing gas. We're not, they apparently removed our gas counter (no loss). So currently, they're demanding cash without providing a service.
What do you mean by "receiving gas"? You said earlier that the gas is for heating only.
I'm not sure if I completely understand your situation. If you have gas heating, you must pay your gas company. It's not "pay for what you use, when you use it" here, it's called "Abschlagszahlung". The company estimates the amount you need and sets a monthly rate you have to pay (Abschlag). You will get a Heizkostenabrechnung or Nebenkostenabrechnung every year. If you used less than they estimated, you will get money back and the monthly Abschlag will be lowered.
Buxbaum666 said:
You will get a Heizkostenabrechnung or Nebenkostenabrechnung every year.

I'm pretty sure that's in conflict with the Geneva convention.
They must've had a huge gas Heizkostenabrechnung in 1946, amirite amirite amirite?
He said gas is for heating only in the same post. If it doesn't work in summer then it's probably turned off. The landlord is not obligated to provide heating in summer unless it's less than 18-20 degree Celsius inside. So I dunno, maybe just ask your landlord, man.
Jebus said:
... sigh.

You could at least write something like, "Just be glad you didn't move to Germany in the 40's, a shitload op Polaks got gas they didn't ask for then!". And that's just the obvious one. Shit could've been so cash.
ah! I see the typical nazi-in-your-face joke! Sheeesh! Grow up jeebs :P
Jebus said:
I can't believe no-one, NOT A SINGLE PERSON IN THIS THREAD, made EVEN A SINGLE JOKE about Tagaziel being a Polak living in Germany, getting a dose of 'unwanted gas'.

Seconded :) This could have been milked, like, I dunno... uh... a dairy cow?

@Tagaziel - Obviously, German gas companies are EVIL (quite unlike the gallant and handsome British gas companies ;))

But their "obligation" notwithstanding, in any civilised country you need to have an actual contractual agreement for the "provision of gas to a terminal point", or however it may be called in Deutsch. Without such an agreement you simply can't be supplied nor charged.

Having lived in my in-law's studio, where gas had been cut off and the agreement to supply it terminated, and having personally signed an agreement to connect my apartment to an energy grid as a homeowner, I am pretty certain this is the way it works in Europa.

In your shoes, I'd go through all and any paperwork you signed when buying the apartment, seeing if there are any from the gas company, the homeowner association or the borough council that may be relevant to this. If not, I would not worry too much about the letters from E.ON, since you obviously do not have an agreement with them and furthermore you can demonstrate that you're not being provided with a service. Oh, and I'd send them a letter in writing saying I do not receive gas from them and as such I do not regard any invoices sent to me as valid.

Also, I thought you are the one to go to for legal advice - I only do gas companies' IS ;)

Good luck against the German Gas Giant Bürokratie! :)