What do you mean by "receiving gas"? You said earlier that the gas is for heating only.Tagaziel said:We have an electrical water heater. All of our home appliances are electrical too. Gas is for heating only (E-ON: OH GOD SO MUCH HEATING TO BE DONE IN 30 DEGREES WEATHER).
Oh, and one more thing. Upon reception of E-on's love letter, we checked if we are actually receiveing gas. We're not, they apparently removed our gas counter (no loss). So currently, they're demanding cash without providing a service.
I'm not sure if I completely understand your situation. If you have gas heating, you must pay your gas company. It's not "pay for what you use, when you use it" here, it's called "Abschlagszahlung". The company estimates the amount you need and sets a monthly rate you have to pay (Abschlag). You will get a Heizkostenabrechnung or Nebenkostenabrechnung every year. If you used less than they estimated, you will get money back and the monthly Abschlag will be lowered.