NMAs favorite cult films and obscure films double thread

Obscure, eh?

'Streets of Fire', because who doesn't love a good sledge-hammer fight.
'Dead Heat' because 80's buddy cop zombie horror comedy.
'Hell comes to Frogtown' because it is one of the finest examples of Roddy Piper's acting genius, plus the 'dance of the three snakes'.
'The Wraith' because Charlie Sheen plus kit-car Christine.

More mainstream?
"The Last Dragon" because this is how we play craps in Harlem.

These were the movies of my youth, that used to come on the UHF channels like TV 54 on Saturday nights, when you had the antenna positioned just right and the attached coat hanger at the perfect angle.
Dog soldiers, Repo Man, Hell Comes To Frogtown. The majority of John Carpenter's output up to In the Mouth of Madness.
Not particularly obscure films, but I like Outpost and Deathwatch, both somewhat underrated horror movies (ok, Outpost is quite well known I guess).

Aaand I just noticed that Outpost by now has two sequels. Guess what I'm doing this weekend...
The Big Lebowski (1998). They have Lebowski Fests all over the US where you dress up as Walter, The Dude, or whoever from the movie; watch the movie and then go bowling.
Rocky Horror Picture Show (the Tim Curry one, duh).
Idk if this is a cult movie, but Interstella 5555.
Phantasm (1979) is one of the most underrated horror movies I can think of. You see it get name dropped a lot, but there is very little fanfare around the web, it never made much money, and the Tall Man is dead. John Dies At The End (2012) takes a lot of cues from it even featuring Angus Scrimm and one of the worms from Phantasm 3 (I think).

Fantastic Planet is worth a watch not sure how obscure it is.

I liked Santa Sangre, pretty weird movie by Jodorowsky. There are like Dwarves, Clowns, a trasvestite wrestler and shit.

Black Dynamite is one of those movies I quote constantly. I also loved the cartoon they made of it. Wish it had a third season.

I am an unironic fan of Madbull 34, it's just dumb 90s anime fun. It's so silly I don't know why so many people take it so seriously as to be outraged by it. I man Sleepy conceals grenades at one point by hangign them from his pubes and there is a guy that pisses sugar because of his diabetes.
Hardware (1990) by Richard Stanley. Not really that obscure, it's pretty well known. Could be a copy of Terminator which came out earlier I think, but still good. Post-apo -folks ought to enjoy it.

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As far as I know it's the only good vampire movie.


- Let the Right One In
- What We Do in the Shadows
- Nosferatu
- From Dusk Till Dawn
- Interview With the Vampire
- Fright Night
- Cronos

^ All good movies IMO, and they're all cult-ish films too so they fit this thread's topic.
What is that movie where a guy like kills a Vampire close to a seedy Gas Station and then lobs it's corpse on his car trunk and he is like some kind of Chosen one Vampire slayer?
Anyone ever watch passchendaele film ? Probably one of the best ww1 films other than war horse
