Ben Soto
Professional Salt Shaker
Glad I could be there. Not so happy I missed a good chunk of it due to my crappy internet, but I'm happy you had me.
I would be down but I don't have a good mic.
I'd love to get this going once again, hopefully after the first DLC hits.
You can use a headset mic, if you've got a gaming headset. It just takes a few tweaks of the Audio options in your OS and Google Hangouts to make it recognize the mic. Otherwise, any Logitech mic, which tend to be 5-15$ if you buy one used on Amazon and the like would be best. (Use a stand if you've got one as well; any movement of the mic triggers the audio hardware to record.)
Thanks for the reply. I just got to part in the first podcast where you guys mention using a X12 Turtle Beach headset.
Well I just watched the podcast and I have to say, thanks for introducing me to Starfish Hitler.
So how about we get back to this after the first set of DLCs for Fallout 4 so we can all rant about how much time and money we wasted on this shite?
I think everyone will be cheating, do you really think some of us are gonna just buy the DLC after that trainwreck of a game Fallout 4? I think I'm gonna do the same as you.Count me in, though I'll be cheating and watching Let's Plays, and searching the Nexus site for duplicate mod listings, versus pay for what are mod-caliber DLCs.