No BOS in FO 3 Please!

Huh. Now that we know the Tactics storyline isn't used, we can only wonder what drove the Brotherhood of Steel to Washington. Are they searching for technology? Were they driven across the continent by some other enemy? Have they used vertibirds to establish bases throughout the wasted USA?

We. Don't. Yet. Know.
Silencer said:
Huh. Now that we know the Tactics storyline isn't used, we can only wonder what drove the Brotherhood of Steel to Washington. Are they searching for technology? Were they driven across the continent by some other enemy? Have they used vertibirds to establish bases throughout the wasted USA?

We. Don't. Yet. Know.

I can be wrong but didn't the Brotherhood wanted to have vertibird plans to make a defence against them?

No necessarily said they wanted their own vertibirds, the Shi were more interested in that.