No Compass Marker


It Wandered In From the Wastes
First up get an old Oblivion BSA extractor like the Oblivion Mod Manager.

Extract 'Fallout - Misc.BSA'
Move or rename Fallout - Misc.BSA

Place those extracted folders from the BSA inside Fallout3/Data

Now look in Fallout3/Data/Menus/Prefabs
and find the file 'compassicon.xml'

now copy and paste this over whats inside that file :

	<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
	<clips> &false; </clips>
	<alpha>	0 </alpha>

Now Oblivion I mean Fallout3 wont be telling you where to go all the time.


Get this and you won't have to mess about extracting the BSAs

Should also be available on NMA shortly
Your welcome.

Did that work by the way? Because applying the code tags seems to have removed a small part, so here it is without code tags:

<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
<clips> &false; </clips>
<alpha> 0 </alpha>

It was the HTML that was removing some of the code, anyway I updated the first post with the correction.
hehe thanks, I just couldn't play it with the Compass Marker on.

Here's another useful edit that will allow essential characters to be killed, and also not to force a reload upon their death:

Inside the folder : \My Documents\My Games\Fallout3

Open file FALLOUT.ini

search for 'bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath=1' and change to 0

and 'bEssentialTakeNoDamage=1' and change to 0

Basically its exactly the same as it was for Oblivion.
Hey, if it is possible to extract the data, is it already possible to view the ingame images, edit the textures, etc.?
Heh, wanted to ask the same. :) Tried to extract some menu graphics but it seems not to work - at least for me. It says, Memory error, etc. etc.

Lexx said:
Hey, if it is possible to extract the data, is it already possible to view the ingame images, edit the textures, etc.?

As far as I can tell the game will just load up whatever files are in place of the BSAs as long as they have the correct name.
Don't see why we couldn't replace the music or textures or whatever.

I extracted the Meshes and Sounds BSAs, but don't have a prog at the moment to view the .Nifs from the meshes.bsa
I hear that Blender can do it though with a plugin, and thats a free prog. But I'm gonna play it a bit more before I try that :)

The sounds are all just .wavs and .mp3s so they can easily be replaced.

The voices though are .lip files or something, never really knew much about them with oblivion.

Tried to extract some menu graphics but it seems not to work - at least for me. It says, Memory error, etc. etc.

Your right, the Textures.bsa won't extract for me either, I hadn't tried that one yet.
Thanks for the fix :mrgreen:. The compass, along with fast traveling, were some of the worst things about Oblivion for me. They completely removed the exploration aspect of the game, and made it feel even smaller than Morrowind's map.
Great work, you inspired me to mess with the UI a bit.

For those of you who would like no waypoints on your map as well (You will still have markers for the locations, however waypoints will be gone.) There is a long group of edits I did to get there.

I uploaded these edits here:

Hope you enjoy!


I also had to make a slight adjustment to your awesome mod nad02s. I wanted to remove all the quest markers, however I wanted to see the NPC's around me, as I think the distance at which you can notice them is affected by your stats in the game. Here's the edited code:
Nice one ckinniburgh. I stumbled across an easier way to do this:

I found a setting in the 'FalloutPrefs.ini' in the MyDocuments/MyGames/Fallout3 folder.


Just set to 0.

Thats the only edit anyone needs to do to get the same effect as ckinniburgh's and my mods.

Although this is all or nothing. It won't allow you to see the npcs around you like in ck's mod.
So what's the odds of toolin' together a no compass file and a waypoints-b-gone file and puttin' it on NMA?
nad02s said:
Thats the only edit anyone needs to do to get the same effect as ckinniburgh's and my mods.

Although this is all or nothing. It won't allow you to see the npcs around you like in ck's mod.

So does changing the init setting remove npc's from the minimap or what? And are there any known issues with the mod? I'd rather be able to see npc's, but I'd be willing to remove that feature if I had to to get rid of the compass.
Im just putting together a little mod to remove it all, will be posting it shortly.

Basically, the .INI edit will remove all waypoints and quest markers, but the enemies will remain on the compass.
I will add a file to the mod to also remove enemies.
Ok here is the little mod Exclusive for NMA :)

Let me know if you have any trouble setting this up.

P.S. Sorry for double post, but I wanted you guys to see that the thread had a new post so you could check it out. :)

EDIT, Have also just uploaded this to NMA, it's my first time uploading here though, so I'm not entirely sure I did it right :)

Can I use this mod easily, or does the game punish me if I remove the waypoints? Are all the questlocations described by some person, or do I have to search the entire wasteland to find x/y because no npc can give/tell me the location?

Anyways, keep up the great work. In order to make this game enjoyable we need people like you!
In my opinion, deleting the waypoint markers and so on is not a good idea. Most npcs are talking not very deep about the position where you have to go and so on.
Oblivion was worse, but you will come to points in the game where using no markers will hinder you progress.

[spoiler:35df537cae]Vault 112 is a Prime Example[/spoiler:35df537cae]

But when this happens, I just go into my Falloutprefs.ini and change 'bShowQuestMarkers' to a 1. Then you can use your local map to see where you are going.

But in spite of that, I still think it improves the game a hell of a lot. But that's just my preference.