Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I haven't played it but I thought that it looked fun. My brother is taking a break from it since he just got worn out from beating the huge clump (I think all) of sidequests in the middle of the game (he's on the start of disc 2). To me, that's the problem with a lot of sidequests in JRPGs, they are fun for awhile but they usually aren't as good as the main quest (writing, or lack thereof, is a factor) but they simply add a lot of unnecessary filler that damage the experience in the end.Ausdoerrt said:I felt like gameplay-wise, sidequests were fun, some offered cool battles akin to what you'd find in the main quests; others are obvious fillers. The writing though...
Just like any Square Enix game, you could beat it in under 40 hours or spend 100+ hours on it; the difference from other Square games I've played is that they've actually bothered to make quests rather than having you simply explore the terrain, battling RE monsters all the time.
I was using it as an example of a game that literally half of it's content was sidequests. I'd say that while you can spend huge amounts of time with a lot of the more recent FF games in order to beat the post game content, most of the time is spent on grinding rather than the content.
I still haven't gotten around to beating it. I got pissed off at my brother years ago for saving over 6 hours of progress that was the least enjoyable part of the game for me and haven't bothered to pick it back up (I'm like halfway through disc 3). I really like it's system and making characters truly different is a good thing in my mind, all of these systems where every character can be anything with two or three times as many characters as you need bother me (I love FFVI for using 3 [?] parties at the end).rcorporon said:I never got around to playing IX... I own a copy of it, and plan on beating it this summer.
I liked X's sphere grid but the game would have been greatly improved by giving all characters full experience without having to switch them in (something all JRPGs need to do but it was particularly annoying in X).rcorporon said:Final Fantasy X was my absolute favourite FF game, so it was really neat for me to see the world / story continued in X2. The writing was so-so, but the overall story was pretty cool, and I liked the ending.
I love FF:Tactics and it's job system and I think that probably added some taint to my experience with V since it was much more simple.rcorporon said:I loved the job system. FF:Tactics is an awesome game, and the job system was quite cool. I'd like to see it return to FF.
XII could have been fine had they went with their original plan of having Basch as the main character and not added Vaan and Penelo to try to appeal to japanese preferences. That said, the rare monsters are far too much of a pain to lure out, the story is too spread out, the gameplay isn't very interesting (the further you get the more you program gambits and basically just move, so "gameplay" is very passive), and not having access to all of the gambits and a sufficient number of gambit slots from the start still hurt the game pretty bad. It also has a lot of throw away sidequests and some retarded lost forevers (Zodiac Spear). I honestly liked the rest of the cast and thought that the plot was fine, the gameplay just bored me and the "protagonist" is lame, stupid, and completely superfluous to the plot, which got to me. Also, the post game bosses have stupid amounts of hit points and are simply about sitting through hours of minor adjustments. I haven't bothered to beat it yet.rcorporon said:I never got through XII, as I ended up in an area that I was too low level, and didn't want to grind it out. I plan on finishing it sometime. I liked the characters in it... the bunny eared girl was cool.
Yeah, the TRPG genre has been where most of the excitement has been for the past while and tends to be under appreciated but I honestly haven't played anything very recent.rcorporon said:Some JSRPG's have been awesome (Cross Edge, Disgaea 3, and Valkyria Chronicles) but in terms of a real JRPG, you're right...
Agreed, it looks like it could be very good and the battle system interests me.rcorporon said:XIII seems cool, and the production value looks to be through the roof. Also, it doesn't look like it will be a "teenage melodrama" at all.