Ausdoerrt said:
Well, all gameplay in all FF games is based on grinding, so whichever type of grinding it is doesn't matter as much. At least it's not as fucking boring as, say, FF2's system.
Drawing was particularly egregious though, certainly worse than Blue Magic and up there with Gau's leaping.
Ausdoerrt said:
I guess I have made the mistake of playing FFVIII before trying VII. You really just can't go back.
Yeah well it's understandable, the 3D graphics outside of battle are pretty atrocious.
Ausdoerrt said:
Sure is, but it's a perfect example of how a less-that-thoughtful translation can ruin the experience for some. TBH I don't give a damn, but find it funny. For me "stereotypical" is a much worse offense than "racist".
Yeah, I thought that it was hiliarious as well, which was the intent I think, but the complaint is fair.
Ausdoerrt said:
Sure, could use some work. But now because everyone complains so goddamn much instead of giving constructive criticism, Square will NEVER try to improve upon that system, just like it probably never will with FFXII's (although I found it to be an interesting concept). Instead they bring back an archaic system in FFXIII that makes me chuckle at how simple and aged it is.
But I agree, it's not perfect, and I've seen other games do similar things with a more successful outcome. That is exactly why I want to see MORE junction system in games not LESS, because it could be fucking kickass if done right. It's like having an RPG without having to pre-cast buffs before every single battle.
Yeah, we'll see. Drawing was really the biggest problem with FFVIII and not a hard one to fix. I think that a junction system that incorperated something like materia or multiple espers could be interesting but I really think that they need to have real character diversity like in 1, 2, 4, 9 (ideal amount), and, to a lesser extent, 6 (magic was universal, skills were specific, which could also work fine). FFXII had many problems, the license grid was too small and made every character end up identical. It really just felt like it took the sphere grid, made it smaller, then put it on a much less restrictive board which ended up with every character being identical (with minor stat differences). The gameplay also bothered me as the gameplay was basically moving the characters around with the rare command input, especially after the beginning of the game.
Unfortunately FFXIII took the page of minimalizing player input from FFXII and shoved it into a system which could be cool, but seems like it could be even better. I really hate that JRPGs have ignored team attacks from Chrono Trigger and if anything would make help to make a game look more like advent children, it would be that. I think that ATB also gets in the way of that goal as it puts in waiting between command options where as a system with a time setup like FFX's (which is really just ATB set to wait with no time taken to fill the bars between commands). Part of what I like about FFX's system was that the turn list helped the player use more strategy, as time became another factor for command decisions. I also believe that I read that FFXIII cut down the number of commands that could be done at a time from what was shown in the original video, probably either to simplify the system or for balance.
Anyway, what I was getting at was that I agree that there are a lot of interesting avenues that Square (and other JRPG developers) could take but haven't, especially when it comes to building on old systems. I do give Square points for mixing up the magic/skill system by removing MP and making everything cost AP (time). Granted, the time cost is simplified compared to many TRPGs but mixing up the skill/magic system is always a good thing in my mind, even if it doesn't work out.