No more DLCs?

I was thinking that they might get into a cannon discontinuity like they did in TES when Tamreil (sp?) in Oblivion is a forest while it had previously been a jungle or swamp. They don't exactly excel at keeping their games internally consistent.

Yeah, they're not really good at continuity, but they still consider all TES games canon.
UncannyGarlic said:
I was thinking that they might get into a cannon discontinuity like they did in TES when Tamreil (sp?) in Oblivion is a forest while it had previously been a jungle or swamp. They don't exactly excel at keeping their games internally consistent.
Actually, TES 3 and TES 4 took place in different parts of Tamriel. TES 3 took place on the island of Vvardenfell in Morrowind, (hence the title, "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind") and TES 4: Oblivion took place in Cyrodiil.
What UncannyGarlic means is that when Daggerfall was made they described Cyrodiil as a jungle in their documentation. Then once Oblivion came round it was suddenly changed into meadows and forests with no explanation given.


It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle. Its center, the grassland of the Nibenay Valley, is enclosed by an equatorial rain forest and broken up by rivers.


Still largely forested and almost landlocked, the beauty of the land has been sung of since time immemorial.

Also interesting to note is how Sutch has been transferred from a Cyrodiilian city in the first book to being non-existant in the second one, although ingame it is referenced as being in Hammerfell. It is quite clear that they intended to place Sutch in the game, including text references, a large area of flat land intended for the city that is visible on heightmaps, and most telling the inclusion of the word Sutch on one of the fast travel maps in one of their E3 preview clips. It's suspected that they may have pulled it since they already had Anvil, Kvatch, and Skingrad in that area. Of course in typical Bethesda fashion rather than just admit they removed Sutch for that reason or time constraints or whatever, they just pretend like they were never planning on putting it in there at all. You can't even get a straight word out of them on the Lore forums.