No more trolls!


Testament to the ghoul lifespan

Kentucky Representative Tim Couch filed a bill this week to make anonymous posting online illegal.

The bill would require anyone who contributes to a website to register their real name, address and e-mail address with that site.

Their full name would be used anytime a comment is posted.

If the bill becomes law, the website operator would have to pay if someone was allowed to post anonymously on their site. The fine would be five-hundred dollars for a first offense and one-thousand dollars for each offense after that.

Who in the world would go "Yeah, that sounds reasonable"? Might as well try to ban porn.
Better yet: Our fucked up ex-prime-minister said that "Internauts are the easiest social group to manipulate, you know who has the advantage there" and that everyone using the internet watches porn / drinks beer while at the computer.

The best thing is that he said that for a party blog-release.

Blaming internet users for the internet... on the internet.

Jarosław has reached a whole new level of stupid.
So ehm, one of the United States is going to attempt to legislate free speech, seemingly going against the US constitution, in an area where they actually have no jurisdiction at all.

Yeah, good luck with that.
Wooz said:
... The best thing is that he said that for a party blog-release.

Bwahaha! That's gholde, mang.

I shall celebrate this by having a beer and watching some porn.
Sounds like the guy went to some site, got his head kicked in verbally, and decided to pull this lollercaust out of his bruised ass.

What a crybaby. Someone give the man a hug. LOL.
Don't underestimate Estonia. One day, a race of Russian speaking Finns will rule this earth. Who will laugh then, huh?!
lol patriotism

Madbringer said:
Don't underestimate Estonia. One day, a race of Russian speaking Finns will rule this earth. Who will laugh then, huh?!

The Russian speaking Finns, I guess
Kinda fun how they want to do that, while posting under different names in newspapers is alright.
that everyone using the internet watches porn / drinks beer while at the computer.

I drink my beer at the pub, so probably not all the people. However, if someone kept track of the information that passed through my computer from the internet, probably most of it would be porn, although i don't spend the majority of my time watching it...
The bill would require anyone who contributes to a website to register their real name, address and e-mail address with that site.
I thought the internets were made so that bald people in their fifties could pick up 16 yr old girls... it would be a grim day for social networks... :roll:
Blakut said:
I thought the internets were made so that bald people in their fifties could pick up 16 yr old girls... it would be a grim day for social networks... :roll:

Well, they're actually meant for said men to think they're picking up 16yr old chicks, while actually seducing other bald men in their fifties. Hurrah for anonymity!

And yeah, the Internet is for Porn.
Well, they're actually meant for said men to think they're picking up 16yr old chicks, while actually seducing other bald men in their fifties. Hurrah for anonymity!

When i was a kid (like 14-15 yrs old) i used IRC and frequently entered the lesbian chatroom in hopes of getting pictures of hot lesbian girls. And in hopes of actually meeting one.
So, invariably, as i was chatting to sexxxygrl19 or lezgirlXXX, when i used to tell them: you know, i'm actually a dude, the answer was: me too...
Assuming the impossible, the passing of this legislation would make 4chan a rather empty place. Plus, people with no bank account, no cellphone and presumably no profile anywhere on the net cut off from global communication (a wink at Polish Internet users here). Double win, let's do this.
Azrael said:
an I put that in my sig?

You're Argentinian.

I'm half Mexican. We're supposed to hate you guys. You can't.

Kidding. Do as you wish.

Maszynka said:
Plus, people with no bank account, no cellphone and presumably no profile anywhere on the net cut of from global communication

Too bad for everyone that said individual has the power to fuck up the Lisboa tractate.

I say we send them both to a one-way mission to Pluto.
Wooz said:
You're Argentinian.

He's Argentinian? Holy shit, man the harpoons!
I'm half asshole. We're supposed to hate everyone. :mrgreen:

Woozinsky said:
I say we send them both to a one-way mission to Pluto.

When it comes to the chemical brothers it's pretty sad that they actually have power to do anything (and pretty fucking depressing when a German pope can speak better Polish than Polish president) and I shall not rest comfortably till the day they draw their terminal breath. Preferably in a violent and grotesque way.

But anyway we still have a chance to nuke 4chan - it will take me some time to find another place with that many pieces of Star Wars fan fiction erotics but hell, I'm willing to sacrifice a couple of wankings.