Well... lol... It is with consummate pleasure that I make my third and last post here before leaving.
Youre all just a shower of prepubescent geeks who have spent far too long immersing yourself in an imaginary universe that was only ever intended for "fun". You know..fun? For the limp penised male members here..thats "fun" ...the type of human emotion you get from enjoying a mix of healthy activities like sport, tv, reading, music, and yea..even sex!!.... lmao (and no, moderators, I dont mean that lone activity you guys do....enjoying glopping away at screenshots of the mythical FO3 whilst keeping one hand busy under the table, I`m talking..gasp...interpersonal relationships with actual human beings..not a VDU and a mouse...lol).
Believing yourselves to be some kind of UberMeisters in a world of your own making, is a bit like imagining youre the best runner that ever lived when you finally get your white flabby spotty asses off your computer chair and run to the front door to catch that $500 issue of Fangoria from 1973 that you bought on Ebay.
Delusions of grandeur and Nietscheian godlike belief in yourselves isnt healthy.
WHo gives a flying fuck that someone pays for this forum...its not worth the pixels its printed on if people turn their backs. Sure, go ahead, gather together in a group-wank and get all pissy at "n00bs" who post in the wrong thread... get all sweaty in the armpits over people asking questions youve seen before... you sad bunch of ne`er-do-wells...rofl
Succeeding at creating your own..ahem.."enclave" (rofl) and surrounding yourselves with moronic yes-men who deify you and treat you like some kind of gurus, is testimony to your own pathetic failings in REAL life, rather than any kind of accredition to your skills in online journalism.
In language you can all understand (sorry about using words of more than two syllables... I`m used to communicating with people who werent rejects from the gene pool of life)...
In THIS little shithole of the world wide web, you all like to think of yourselves as Marcus... in fact, when you look in the mirror of your grubby little bathroom, my guess is... all you see staring back, is Myron... hehehe!
Now... happy jacking mes ami.
Good luck, good night, and good riddance.
No Mutants Allowed? rofl..for fucks sake..change the name PLEASE.."Only Mutants Allowed"
**exits stage left laughing his ass off and re-entering th ereal world**
Youre all just a shower of prepubescent geeks who have spent far too long immersing yourself in an imaginary universe that was only ever intended for "fun". You know..fun? For the limp penised male members here..thats "fun" ...the type of human emotion you get from enjoying a mix of healthy activities like sport, tv, reading, music, and yea..even sex!!.... lmao (and no, moderators, I dont mean that lone activity you guys do....enjoying glopping away at screenshots of the mythical FO3 whilst keeping one hand busy under the table, I`m talking..gasp...interpersonal relationships with actual human beings..not a VDU and a mouse...lol).
Believing yourselves to be some kind of UberMeisters in a world of your own making, is a bit like imagining youre the best runner that ever lived when you finally get your white flabby spotty asses off your computer chair and run to the front door to catch that $500 issue of Fangoria from 1973 that you bought on Ebay.
Delusions of grandeur and Nietscheian godlike belief in yourselves isnt healthy.
WHo gives a flying fuck that someone pays for this forum...its not worth the pixels its printed on if people turn their backs. Sure, go ahead, gather together in a group-wank and get all pissy at "n00bs" who post in the wrong thread... get all sweaty in the armpits over people asking questions youve seen before... you sad bunch of ne`er-do-wells...rofl
Succeeding at creating your own..ahem.."enclave" (rofl) and surrounding yourselves with moronic yes-men who deify you and treat you like some kind of gurus, is testimony to your own pathetic failings in REAL life, rather than any kind of accredition to your skills in online journalism.
In language you can all understand (sorry about using words of more than two syllables... I`m used to communicating with people who werent rejects from the gene pool of life)...
In THIS little shithole of the world wide web, you all like to think of yourselves as Marcus... in fact, when you look in the mirror of your grubby little bathroom, my guess is... all you see staring back, is Myron... hehehe!
Now... happy jacking mes ami.
Good luck, good night, and good riddance.
No Mutants Allowed? rofl..for fucks sake..change the name PLEASE.."Only Mutants Allowed"
**exits stage left laughing his ass off and re-entering th ereal world**