No Mucous Allowed.


First time out of the vault
Well... lol... It is with consummate pleasure that I make my third and last post here before leaving.

Youre all just a shower of prepubescent geeks who have spent far too long immersing yourself in an imaginary universe that was only ever intended for "fun". You For the limp penised male members here..thats "fun" ...the type of human emotion you get from enjoying a mix of healthy activities like sport, tv, reading, music, and yea..even sex!!.... lmao (and no, moderators, I dont mean that lone activity you guys do....enjoying glopping away at screenshots of the mythical FO3 whilst keeping one hand busy under the table, I`m talking..gasp...interpersonal relationships with actual human beings..not a VDU and a

Believing yourselves to be some kind of UberMeisters in a world of your own making, is a bit like imagining youre the best runner that ever lived when you finally get your white flabby spotty asses off your computer chair and run to the front door to catch that $500 issue of Fangoria from 1973 that you bought on Ebay.
Delusions of grandeur and Nietscheian godlike belief in yourselves isnt healthy.
WHo gives a flying fuck that someone pays for this forum...its not worth the pixels its printed on if people turn their backs. Sure, go ahead, gather together in a group-wank and get all pissy at "n00bs" who post in the wrong thread... get all sweaty in the armpits over people asking questions youve seen before... you sad bunch of ne`er-do-wells...rofl
Succeeding at creating your own..ahem.."enclave" (rofl) and surrounding yourselves with moronic yes-men who deify you and treat you like some kind of gurus, is testimony to your own pathetic failings in REAL life, rather than any kind of accredition to your skills in online journalism.

In language you can all understand (sorry about using words of more than two syllables... I`m used to communicating with people who werent rejects from the gene pool of life)...
In THIS little shithole of the world wide web, you all like to think of yourselves as Marcus... in fact, when you look in the mirror of your grubby little bathroom, my guess is... all you see staring back, is Myron... hehehe!

Now... happy jacking mes ami.
Good luck, good night, and good riddance.

No Mutants Allowed? rofl..for fucks sake..change the name PLEASE.."Only Mutants Allowed"

**exits stage left laughing his ass off and re-entering th ereal world** :D :D :D :D
oh lol u r funny.

This thead is remaining open for general ridicule, so feel free.

PS - for someone who thinks they are in a position to call other peoples geeks, you sure went out of your way to write a long thought out post attacking a video game fan site. Oh wait, I forgot, that's what all the cool, attractive well-liked people with full and active lives do these days, right? Of course, they spend their time trolling and writing feeble and cliched rants on a video game forum. I hear it's tres chic.
What is it with these guys? They seem to be popping up every other week.
Funny how the newbies are arrogant to the point of trying to tell us general netiquette on a forum. Well, as administrator, I can take care of the problem.

This bullshit is Vatted alongside the other moronic threads found deserving, including the one that whines about us not having a multitude of stickied posts and FAQs for rules and such. Apparently we need to teach yet another presumptuous mentally 7 year-old what rules are for.
After re-reading his post I've changed my mind - internet trolls of the world, come on in! Your rants are a source of humor that can't be found anywhere else but the internet, and I for one would hate to lose that valuable source of comedy.
denille said:
Youre all just a shower of prepubescent geeks who have spent far too long immersing yourself in an imaginary universe that was only ever intended for "fun".

I've been found out! NOOOO! :sad:

You need an 's' on the end of that, brains.

I'm relatively new to this forum (as far as actually posting is concerned) but already these kind of people make me want to damage something. People think they can come along and tell the admins what to do, and then are shocked and 'hard done by' when they are banned/ get a different title. Crets.
denille said:
Youre all just a shower of prepubescent geeks...

The frustrated prepubescent geek crying inside of denille:

ow man!

i was crying through the whole post because i was laughing so hard. the dude (or dudette) should become a comedian.

btw, i dont know who came up with the custom av & rank, but it's marvelous! (my guess would be Roshy)

that said, Denille (or is the Denial?):

Thats still a great picture Rosh.

Did you know there is a Civil War era fort just out of the cameras sight? It was made to defend San Fransisco from the "threat" the Confederate navy posed to the West Coast.

I visited it when I went out to California.

Damn it SuAcide, if anyone should get to post that picture its the resident NKVD agent don't you think?.
denille said:
Youre all just a shower of prepubescent geeks who have spent far too long immersing yourself in an imaginary universe that was only ever intended for "fun".

And what universe do you live in? A void of self deprecation and mental dribbel. Surrounded by voices that continually rant and rave at every point you try to make in life, constantly telling you to deny yourself the ability to speak, and write or express any opinion or emotion at all because they don't mean a thing to anyone.

denille said:
For the limp penised male members here...
Are you listening to yourself? Im sure you are because only you would get a hard on while pissing and moaning on a forum as if your single pathetic self meant anything in this world.

denille said:
Believing yourselves to be some kind of UberMeisters in a world of your own making, is a bit like imagining youre the best runner that ever lived when you finally get your white flabby spotty asses off your computer chair and run to the front door to catch that $500 issue of Fangoria from 1973 that you bought on Ebay.

There is just no need to comment on that, due to the fact you have introduced a concept that could only apply to yourself.

On a list of intelligent life, you barely rank next to sperm, having showed signs of a complete lack of a gestational stage, and still acting like a baby obtaining life support from it's mother. (which I am sure you still do)

denille said:
Delusions of grandeur and Nietscheian godlike belief in yourselves isnt healthy.

Which you have proven to a T

denille said:
WHo gives a flying fuck that someone pays for this forum

People with respect for individuals who sweat and bleed for their jobs (yes, a job, an undertaking requiring unusual exertion...most people have these jobs and get paid for the work they do) and put some of their own sweat and blood into maintaining a forum. A place for individuals to discuss anything that holds some sort of a social or political reason for existing...both of which you prove to lack in.

denille said:
... I`m used to communicating with people who werent rejects from the gene pool of life)...

Bullshit. Otherwise you would have posessed an intelligence level greater than that of an ape that throws its own shit into the wind.

denille said:
In THIS little shithole of the world wide web, you all like to think of yourselves as Marcus... in fact, when you look in the mirror of your grubby little bathroom, my guess is... all you see staring back, is Myron... hehehe!

I find it amusing for someone of your stature to attempt a witty bit of speech...all I heard was senseless dribble. Am I supposed to follow suit and fall on the ground crying, kicking and screaming like you just did? Thanks, but no thanks...I respect this community, I respect the mods and admins, I don't respect little Miss Whiny Shit Heel voicing her opinion as if the world is suddenly going to start licking her ass. Do humanity a favor and keep it up, sooner or later, your attitude will get you into a world of pain you cant even begin to comprehend. Maybe then you'll understand what a pathetic existance you have lived and realize you were really just speaking to yourself through all your temper tantrums aimed at more intelligent people. Schmuck.
This post did give me quite a good laugh.

That person is so insecure with their own personality that they cant even fit in here with the rest of the mutants :lol:
A quick author search on "denille" found three posts by our strawberry shortcake, two of which are bitching about the way new posters are treated. How likely is it that this "person" has only posted three messages?

(Clarification: I meant to say that this sounds suspiciously like someone creating a name to get revenge for their old name being banned.)

Oh, and I wasn't going to do this, but this Firefly quote, well, fits:
Badger: You think you're better than other people.
Mal: Only the ones I'm better than.
Denial said:
enjoying glopping away at screenshots of the mythical FO3 whilst keeping one hand busy under the table
How did you know that I still do this five times daily? :cry:

DevilsAdvocate said:
How likely is it that this person has only posted three messages?
Very likely. Unlike other forums, the moderators and administration staff of NMA do NOT delete posts at all. We only edit posts when they contain illegal material.

Any posts that do get deleted are at the independant hosted forums.
Ozrat said:
DevilsAdvocate said:
How likely is it that this person has only posted three messages?
Very likely. Unlike other forums, the moderators and administration staff of NMA do NOT delete posts at all.

True, none of this guys posts were deleted. He was either someone who got banned posting from another computer or just an idiot stirring up trouble for whatever reason.
you all like to think of yourselves as Marcus... in fact, when you look in the mirror of your grubby little bathroom, my guess is... all you see staring back, is Myron... hehehe!

He's telling the truth, guys. Look into the bathroom mirror and see for yourselves.
I did look in the mirror, and I still didn't get his "joke". I don't look anything like Myron....maybe the cracked out village Elder...but not Myron :roll:
I tried testing his mirror theory, but it shattered before I could get a good look at it.