No Mucous Allowed.

Maybe we need to have a mirror in a grubby bathroom for it to work....that HAS to be what we're not doing right....
My dear Lauren, you are referring to Fort Point. A nice red brick fort, which was made obsolete 25 years after it's completion by rifled cannons. It was manned during World War II though.

It's rather neat, though you have to check out the artillery emplacements on the high points around the bay. One with a fantastic view of the Golden Gate bridge on the other side of Fort Point.
Ah Fort Point, thats its name. Yes, I visited it during a living history event. Federal (Union) troops were drilling and various other things were going on, it was quite fun.

I also visited a couple of the Battery sites including the one that looks out right onto the Golden Gate bridge.

I also visited one of the retired Nike missile defense sites, not really near the Golden Gate Bridge, but it was pretty interesting as well.
Gotta love the nOOb's...they sure keep the comedy coming! To think her only posts were complaints too...the bitch is just looking for trouble no doubt.

As for the mirror theory it failed miserably. I looked at it and what looked back was a tireless young man who's worked long for an education as he stumbles about the real world not ashamed to make mistakes in learning life's lessons as his skin bronz'es in the sun and his hair bristles in the wind.

By the way when you look in the mirror do you remember to take all the pimple cream and childish make up off Denille?

(wind blows),
The Vault Dweller
I don't get it, what spurred this on? I've only been here sporadically since I joined. NMA, have you been a naughty forum? Do I have to give you a spanking?

Or was this guy just from the Bethesda forums? :D
They pop up every now and then. Sorta like "survival of the fittest" except, well, the opposite.
Dude, I feel sorry for him. Having to get his anus removed after if gets infected from all the splinters he's going to get when they remove that stick from his ass.

He'll have to wear a bag for the rest of his natural life. :(

EDIT: Actually, I doubt he'll bother to get it removed.

denille said:
enjoying glopping away at screenshots of the mythical FO3 whilst keeping one hand busy under the table,

Well, I've been caught.
Ozrat said:
They pop up every now and then. Sorta like "survival of the fittest" except, well, the opposite.

*wipes away tears of laugher*

There's a contest idea.... but can we have more than one winner...?


Sometimes i think that it would be better for me to just tear my eyes out, that way i wouldnt have to read posts like that..

But then i come back to my senses and realise, it would actually make me feel better to tear THEIR eyes out... And would make the world a better place.

Either way, I'm goin to sleep, it's 0130 and i gotta be up at 0600.
Edge386 said:
denille said:
Youre all just a shower of prepubescent geeks who have spent far too long immersing yourself in an imaginary universe that was only ever intended for "fun".

And what universe do you live in? A void of self deprecation and mental dribbel. Surrounded by voices that continually rant and rave at every point you try to make in life, constantly telling you to deny yourself the ability to speak, and write or express any opinion or emotion at all because they don't mean a thing to anyone.

denille said:
For the limp penised male members here...
Are you listening to yourself? Im sure you are because only you would get a hard on while pissing and moaning on a forum as if your single pathetic self meant anything in this world.

denille said:
Believing yourselves to be some kind of UberMeisters in a world of your own making, is a bit like imagining youre the best runner that ever lived when you finally get your white flabby spotty asses off your computer chair and run to the front door to catch that $500 issue of Fangoria from 1973 that you bought on Ebay.

There is just no need to comment on that, due to the fact you have introduced a concept that could only apply to yourself.

On a list of intelligent life, you barely rank next to sperm, having showed signs of a complete lack of a gestational stage, and still acting like a baby obtaining life support from it's mother. (which I am sure you still do)

denille said:
Delusions of grandeur and Nietscheian godlike belief in yourselves isnt healthy.

Which you have proven to a T

denille said:
WHo gives a flying fuck that someone pays for this forum

People with respect for individuals who sweat and bleed for their jobs (yes, a job, an undertaking requiring unusual exertion...most people have these jobs and get paid for the work they do) and put some of their own sweat and blood into maintaining a forum. A place for individuals to discuss anything that holds some sort of a social or political reason for existing...both of which you prove to lack in.

denille said:
... I`m used to communicating with people who werent rejects from the gene pool of life)...

Bullshit. Otherwise you would have posessed an intelligence level greater than that of an ape that throws its own shit into the wind.

denille said:
In THIS little shithole of the world wide web, you all like to think of yourselves as Marcus... in fact, when you look in the mirror of your grubby little bathroom, my guess is... all you see staring back, is Myron... hehehe!

I find it amusing for someone of your stature to attempt a witty bit of speech...all I heard was senseless dribble. Am I supposed to follow suit and fall on the ground crying, kicking and screaming like you just did? Thanks, but no thanks...I respect this community, I respect the mods and admins, I don't respect little Miss Whiny Shit Heel voicing her opinion as if the world is suddenly going to start licking her ass. Do humanity a favor and keep it up, sooner or later, your attitude will get you into a world of pain you cant even begin to comprehend. Maybe then you'll understand what a pathetic existance you have lived and realize you were really just speaking to yourself through all your temper tantrums aimed at more intelligent people. Schmuck.

::Hugs Edge386::