No Mutant's Sky- WHY WON'T IT END????

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Well, I'll start working on Season 2 after I'm done with my Fallout 4 review (which will be very time consuming).
A murder mystery sounds interesting through...
Season 2 should feature me as a demon.

Bitches love demons.

But I have an idea on here over who would actually kill someone. In fact, I can imagine that person having fun killing someone in the most brutal way and feeding the body parts to their parents
My thumbnail chopped someone up as said demon.

(goddammit, there's no video clips or decent photos on the interwebs)
All this talk of NMS has made me want to do a quickie on my phone. Have fun.

No Mutant's Sky
Season Two
Episode Zero

Dr Fallout undid his belt. He was going to have sex with his wife 0wing.
He walked in the room but then had a heart attack and died.

Season Two begins next week

@Dr Fallout
I have a cold right now, so the second episode today or tomorrow will be done in extra-gravel-pit mode without any "voice acting" whatsoever.
All this talk of NMS has made me want to do a quickie on my phone. Have fun.

No Mutant's Sky
Season Two
Episode Zero

Dr Fallout undid his belt. He was going to have sex with his wife 0wing.
He walked in the room but then had a heart attack and died.

Season Two begins next week

@Dr Fallout
Well its next week.
I was going to do it yesterday, but I was too busy reading Harry Potter.

I'll be pretty busy this week as I'm moving, and you guys want a F4 review next week don't you?
No Mutant’s Sky

Season Two

Episode One
Murder at a Funeral

0wing was saddened, his husband had just passed away and the funeral was on that very day.
“I’ll be you Vicar” Hass sofly whispered to the grieving widow.
“It’s okay, we should have known he was going to die anyway, I mean, I died back in Season One” 0wing sniffed.
The day turned to night, and the coffin was taken down to the grave by R.Graves (pun intended), Vergil, Millim and Earth (who was absent from the first season because the Writer forgot he existed).
On the way down the stairs however, R.Graves tripped (because he is clumsy, also, he isn’t the main character in this season) and the coffin fell down the stairs, once it reached the bottom, the lid fell open to show DoomsdayPrepper’s dead mutilated body.
“Oh My Goooooooooooooooood” Mr Fish cried in his best Troll 2 impression.

0wing was confused, where was the body of his dead husband?
Who killed Doomsdayprepper?
To learn the answers to these mysteries, we must go back 24 hours.

Dr Fallout’s body was in the morgue, Hass was questioning a shadowy stranger (who may or may not be connected to the story. Hint! Hint!) about the sudden death of this once beloved poster.
“Do you know how this happened?” Hass asked.
“It appeared to be from an external source” the Shadow replied.
“So someone is killing off our poster?” Hass asked.
“It appears so, we already found another dead, and it looks like the killer will strike again” the Shadow replied.
Hass looked shocked.
“Do we have any leads? Who was it that died?”
“We have no leads so far, and it was Rebel Lynn.”

Now, we must go to the present, this time Serge 13 has raged quit again and is being replaced by a stand in AI named Serge 13A.
Anyway, Serge 13A is making a nice breakfast which contains ingredients that we don’t have the licence to write about, so instead we will just say it’s what you put on your good old oven chips (or French fries if you’re weird).
There, he took out the dish from the oven, but instead found a severed hand.
Serge 13A did a robotic scream as he is just AI and run out the house, marching quickly as he was programmed to panic.

In a far off Island right next to Skyrim, a tomb was open, and in it, a big green blob was forming.
Inside, there was chanting, but the darkness revealed nothing…

Next Episode: R.Graves gets fucked.
I don't understand, I thought I got blown up with Trump?