No Pacifists Allowed


Night Watchman
Staff member
BACKWATER CITY, Poland, March 17 --

The Minister of Education and Obedience, Zielek Jacinsky, announced a directive today that no pacifist and pro-ecological activists are to be allowed into the state schools. "We don't need those pesky ramblers starting anti-war protests and spreading propaganda" he said. "Kids can be best taught by more civil and law-abiding organisations, like the Youth Nationalist Movement. We need them to develop an appropriate system of values."

"The green organisations are financed by communists" a school headmaster who wishes to remain anonymous told us. "Besides, they want to expose children to drugs! Don't you get it? 'Green' is slang for marijuana!"

An eco-freak, Worsethan Hitler, from a local organisation "Anti-govt Red Swines" admits: "I confess, we're low down bastards. All we really want is to destabilise the nation, and by spreading eco-awareness also draw people from more important tasks, like business or boosting the population growth rate."

Guard towers and electrified fences are being constructed around schools across the nation, and guard dogs are being trained to devour any pacifists that approach them. Our local guru, Snide Punster, remarks, "Yeah, like, peace is bad."

Source: my imagination. Although not entirely, because our wonderful govt back here just practically forbade pacifists from appearing in schools. An internationally acclaimed organisation, GAIA, has already been attacked as "harmful to the state security". At the same time, right-wing youth organisations are expanding their activities.

Friggin' Nazis
Silencer said:
Friggin' Nazis

Petition to ban Silencer for expressing his hatred and intolerance towards Nazis and nationalists.

We at NMA should not have to put up with these angsty youngsters and their anti-Nazi attitude. This tomfoolery has gone on for far too long and should stop right now! What is the world coming too, I ask you?

And what, may I ask, have the Nazis ever done to you, heh, Silencer? Can you tell me? And what gives you to impression that maybe you didn't deserve the treatment you got? Jeez, didn't they teach you that pacifism is one big hoax at school? Violence has solved more crises than anything else. To think anything else is naive and - probably - a criminal act (I should look that up in Mein Kampf, though, but I'm pretty sure it's mentioned somewhere in that sublime book of truth and wisdom).

One day the world will get rid of all you angsty, anti-Nazi, anti-everything and THC inhaling youngsters! And all the Nazis of the world will unite and this planet will finally be a better place.

-- alec, proud to be a Nazi :roll:
I am only waiting for the first labour camps to emerge for all those pesky anti-govermental types within the borders of the Great Duckish Empire of Polish Moher.


Jesus F. Christ, what the hell is happening to human intelligence? Has the climate change impacted it's overall levels? Or maybe it's some kinda HAT3 virus spreading?

Damn morons.

According to Rzeczpospolita, PiS's support is 29%.

With some luck, it'll fall down to below 15% in a few months.
Don't listen to alec! He's the anti-Nazi, trolling his anti-Nazi propaganda across the Internet under the guise of "irony"!

NMA won't stand for it!
And were supposed to believe this from a lizard that has obvious ties to terrorism?
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I'd believe that lizard before a guy in a ski mask who looks forlorn.

The Vault Dweller

Isn't that lizard holding a gun and wearing a ski mask too?
Ozrat said:
Isn't that lizard holding a gun and wearing a ski mask too?

They're just Wooz's discarded old gear. You can't accuse me of anything without accusing him!
The ski mask and the SMG were for...uh, peaceful goals. Really.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I'd believe that lizard before a guy in a ski mask who looks forlorn.

The Vault Dweller

hockey mask... goalie type. it's standard serial killer attire.
Silencer, that's scary...
Support under 30% and such blunt methods are GOOD signs though. Our Gvt uses much more subtle and greasy methods, like saying that pacifists are lazy bums who don't feel like working (or they are on vacation when they get kidnapped in Iraq, while on humanitarian missions...) Needless to say it has HIGER support...
Simply felt like saying I'm really, really scared...
Silencer said:
alec said:
Petition to ban Silencer for expressing his hatred and intolerance towards Nazis and nationalists.

Nazis Must Atone!


Oh, and I did get the little wordplay there, if you were wondering... :roll:
Haha, I must get that machine! :D Could be very useful in familymeetings: so how have you been doing? WHO CARES!?