No particular time of the day of the dead.


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Ok, this may have already been done and if that is the case the admins have my sincere apologies for wasting their time in vatting this.

That said, a previous post made me think: If a Dawn of the Dead scenario actually happened (95ish% of the population being zombified) what would we do? So let's share our ideas and argue needlessly! (BTW, these zombies are killable through damage to their rotting brain, no voodoo or anything like that) So, let's get to work! (and remember to check any newcomers for bite marks)
haha, okay.

I would go to an island.
Seems pretty easy.
I live close to San Francisco, and Alcatraz would be a nice place to escape to.

Getting back and forth for supplies would be tough though I think.

Do zombies fall in the water or do they wait on the other side?

Or I would just go downtown and go live in one of the apartments, and somehow completely destroy the stairs from the first to the second floor...

Then, ideally, I would start building bridge structures between rooftops one at time. :P
DoughboyJones said:
zombies walk around on the bottom until they either rot away or walk back out.

Dude, yeah, the Alcatraz idea is fantastic.
The sharks and crabs and other sea life there would just devour them, and I could fish for most food, and they wouldn't be able to make it back to the land because of the sheer drops in the bay floor.
I'm going entirely off of the information in my 'zombie survival guide' by max brooks and according to him animals absolutely avoid zombies because the virus causing it is very toxic. but yeah, they'd never be able to actually get inside alcatraz.
DoughboyJones said:
I'm going entirely off of the information in my 'zombie survival guide' by max brooks and according to him animals absolutely avoid zombies because the virus causing it is very toxic. but yeah, they'd never be able to actually get inside alcatraz.

The beauty of it is that in most cases they wouldn't be able to make it back to where they came from either, and the current would push them out to sea, or the water pressure would bear down on them and cause them to break apart since their bodies are weakening.
I'd fight my way to my uncle's emergency cabin...

Not only does it have a massive fallout shelter, but he's got enough firepower to field a small army (I'm pretty sure that was his plan too).

I'd just wait it out, see if I can't rally some survivors over the radio and just kick back and relax...
I would go to the basement, and grab a hockey stick. I would then climb on top of my house, with some cheezy poofs, and a laptop.

I would wait to die.
I would go to work and read in the news that the entire world got Zombiefied.

living in Australia we'd probably be the 5% who aren't zombies, because we're so far away from anywhere else in the damn world.

but if the zombie 'infection' reached my beloved land of Oz, I'd find a tall building with limited access to the upper floors and barricade to my hearts content, organise patrols with fellow survivors to loot stores and such, and steal a few cars

because Zombies really don't bother trashing cars we can just leave them parked out front for easy use when we patrol.

I'd raid the police station and local miltary base, and periodically use ordinance on large collections of zombies to help thin the numbers where possible (say a large crowd gathers around the building)

zombies don't enjoy fire, so i'll make sure my base defence for my access points utilises this fact.

if the zombies do get to me i'll shoot myself in the head when i know all is lost. only after i shoot my girlfriend so she doesn't have to suffer either.
Dude if a zombie gets me I'm just gonna smile and think "Well, time to get my zombie on!"...

Then I will proceed to eat the people of NMA.
xdarkyrex said:
Dude if a zombie gets me I'm just gonna smile and think "Well, time to get my zombie on!"...

do zombies need to "answer nature's call"? and if they did, would they use a toilet/gutter/shoe? or just let it run down their pants?

not knowing the answer to that question is the only reason I'm cautious to "get my zombie on"
Grab guns, go to Bliki (the nearest gunstore), make a last stand, die. the end.

i live in Urbanistan, i'd be fucked either way.
Well considering that this is the US.
Odds are, if I'm not turned into a walking heap of mindless flesh, some pyschopath that thinks that a T.V. in an apocalyptic situation would more than likely shoot me.
Death is more than likely the end to that situation.
Find a shopping mall, barricade the entrance.....

Gona get me a shotty, a rifle, and a pistol. all the ammo I can carry in my truck, and take a hike into the mountains. Uintas have lots of caves and rough terrain. Lots of time to pick off zombie hoards and live off the land. Also I'd take a gas mask and plenty of filters. Those corpses wont smell very nice once they start to rot.
I've thought about this a nerdy amount myself. I live semi near Seattle and there are tons of islands in the Puget Sound so I'd try and steal a Ferry and make it to one of those. First thing I would do is try and get food production up and running some how, either through farming or animal breeding. Maybe even start a dog farm... that would be terrible.

For a Zombie invasion I'd try and bring along as much shotgun and long rifle ammo as I could, if your down to a pistol against the zombies you're pretty much fucked so that would be way down the list.

I drive a Wrangler so space is a bit limited but I'd pack as much clean water as I could and then get food in there. It will probably be easier to come across food than water.

I'd also find some cigaretts. I don't smoke, but all the smokers out there are going to be willing to trade their left nut for a toke so it will be great for bargining.

Once I have my base established I'll setup a safe house on shore where people can barricade them selves in and have enough food to survive for a few weeks. That way I can pick up any survivers when we do our city raids.

After that my major goal will be to build some sort of communication infastructure and try and reach other survivors.

Alot of military bases will survive the zombie hords. Places like Fort Knox are to heavily fortified to be over run and I am sure they have enough equipment to find food supplies in abandon cities.
I'd retreat to a house we have in an isolated village up in the mountains, and wait there until you guys arm your small armies or whatever and end the zombie threat.
Thrawn said:
Alot of military bases will survive the zombie hords. Places like Fort Knox are to heavily fortified to be over run and I am sure they have enough equipment to find food supplies in abandon cities.
oh, don't worry, human stupidity will bring those places down eventually. ;)
SuAside said:
Thrawn said:
Alot of military bases will survive the zombie hords. Places like Fort Knox are to heavily fortified to be over run and I am sure they have enough equipment to find food supplies in abandon cities.
oh, don't worry, human stupidity will bring those places down eventually. ;)

especially since they'll have zombies inside of them too.
if movies tell us anything, one panicky white person can cause the death of more people than an entire horde of zombies can